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個煙三文魚班尼迪蛋($115)完美做到流心嘅效果 一切開就見到黃色嘅蛋漿blah blah聲流出黎💛塊包有d似M記豬柳強個包嘅鬆軟版😂沙律🥗嘅蕃茄仔好新鮮同好甜❤️個黑松露蘑菇意大利飯($118)入口菇菌味爆發 配上大量嘅巴馬臣芝士🧀好香 但坦白黎講佢呢個飯嘅口味未稱得上係我最愛🤭至於個「三重」芝士通心粉($102)超有驚喜 一定會encore👍🏻! 入口creamy 芝士味香濃 有足足5隻蛋黃咁多 通心粉又保持靭度到 係我食過最正嘅cheese macaroni! 個法式橙酒煮班戟配雪糕($68)有清香嘅橙味 配角雲呢拿雪糕見到有粒粒雲呢拿籽 真材實料 但主角橙酒就失左蹤🥴🔖-The Eggs Royale ($115) is perfectly cooked. I can see a lava of egg yolk mixed with the Hollandaise sauce after cutting the poached egg. The wilted spinach is fresh and the cherry tomatoes are sweet. Btw, the
The Eggs Royale ($115) is perfectly cooked. I can see a lava of egg yolk mixed with the Hollandaise sauce after cutting the poached egg. The wilted spinach is fresh and the cherry tomatoes are sweet. Btw, the bread used tastes similar to McMuffin😂. The mushroom black truffle risotto ($118) has a rich flavour of fungi. There is plenty of parmesan cheese🧀 on the top. It smells so good!Frankly speaking, this risotto is not my favourite one🤭. Talking about the triple cheese macaroni ($102), it is perfect and I deserves encore👍🏻! The cheese is creamy and rich. The thickness is enhanced with the use of 5 egg yolks. The macaroni reserves its chewiness. This is the best cheese macaroni that I have eaten. Come to the dessert, the Crêpes suzette ($68) has little fragrance of 🍊and the vanilla icecream is extremely good. However, I cannot taste any alcohol flavour.🔖
價錢:$110 - $200 (+10%)(40% off for HKU students)
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