Hailing from Japan, and managed locally by The Mira Group. My 1st visit to here was right on its first day of opening, and the ramen on that 1st day was actually quite good indeed. My 2nd visit to here was just two days later during their 3rd day of opening, and low & behold, the quality of the ramen dropped dramatically already...Fast forward a year or so, when I have actually been back a few times for lunch to occasionally test their standard - and I have got to say, the quality he
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Hailing from Japan, and managed locally by The Mira Group. My 1st visit to here was right on its first day of opening, and the ramen on that 1st day was actually quite good indeed. My 2nd visit to here was just two days later during their 3rd day of opening, and low & behold, the quality of the ramen dropped dramatically already...

Fast forward a year or so, when I have actually been back a few times for lunch to occasionally test their standard - and I have got to say, the quality here is just going on a downward slope continuously. In fact, what prompted me to write this review, was mostly about their rather stubborn Set Menu and Coke policy (2ndly, a very bad meal at the group's Cuisine Cuisine was also frustrating). One of the afternoon sets here includes a glass bottle of Coke, but HIDE-CHAN is stubborn enough to insist that I cannot swap it for a Coke Zero. So not only has the quality gone downhill with very little Q.C. happening, dare I say across the board of the whole dining group, but they don't even care to think about the customer's point of view. The actual, real people, who pay to eat there and probably pay for their wages too!

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Aburi Char Siu -
This is one of the best items in HIDE-CHAN. Even other foodie friends who never liked their greyish ramens here have raved about it in the past. But occasionally, this can turn out quite white and not flame grilled enough. On some occasions, I have had to send it back to the kitchen to re-do and re-heat it properly. Seriously, how hard is it to judge whether they have done a decent enough job? The surface needs to be browned, and the char siu should really smell nicely of heated up fat. Only a very HEA restaurant with cooks and staff who don't care and have no passion whatsoever, would give you an under-grilled Aburi dish. What aburi?

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Gyoza -
The same thing applies with the gyozas. Some dumplings come out looking paler than Nicole Kidman. At least the latter can lay claim to having porcelain like skin!!
The fillings of the gyozas are actually quite decent. Yet, it seems like pan searing or grilling is not their stronger point here. 3/5

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Tsukemen (White) -This is actually quite good. Not many like it, but I do, so bear with me especially since I do enjoy their grounded fish powder which they put into the tsukemen's dipping broth. The ramen can be hit and miss though, sometimes it can become too soft and stick together like glue. The presentation is also a little too unappealing in colour, as it is very greyish usually. 4/5

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White Ramen -
This looks not very presentable at all. There is also little wonder why no one eats or talk or give it smiles here when reviewing it. HIDE-CHAN HK meanwhile seems to be totally oblivious to why this is happening. The rest of the world and Hong Kong is now enjoying a pick up in Ramen enthuasists and making profit is almost a given, as long as you can cook up a decent ramen, But the Hong Kong branch of HIDE-CHAN of Kyushu fame is hardly getting any customers, it was also empty during my last visit. They are even offering Buy 1 Get 1 Free ramen at night lately! The taste is not bad here actually.

But seriously, whether they fold the business or not is none of my concern, as I have other alternative places to go to nowadays. But if they even care and respect the customers, may be they SHOULD at least hire a food stylist. Coz the Fukuoka version actually looks much better than this HK ramen bowl. ~ 2.5/5

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Eggs -
It can be kind of eerie sometimes. When the ramens or gyozas don't look that good, even the eggs can still somehow suffer the same fate! Look, I know that orangey coloured egg yolks are all about the cartenoid diet for a chicken, it's a little fake, but the market dig these deeply coloured eggs. But HIDE-CHAN Hong Kong obviously doesn't have a clue on what the mass market wants, and the eggs here somehow just look wrong enough. They can be all stubborn about their policies or whatnot, theories. As I have said in the previous paragraph, I couldn't care less if their business fails and they need to fold the franchise... But one wonders if they should really hire someone to do the job properly or to actually taste and judge their own food. And it doesn't only apply to here specifically either.. Wait til I write about Cuisine Cuisine or Coco.

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Coke -
You must think I have whinged enough already, but this Set Menu Coke really culminated into a dining experience which truly reflects how HIDE-Chan or perhaps it's parent group, has no idea what hospitality is about. The menu on black and white, says both Coke and Coke Zero are both at $15 a la carte.

I wanted to swap the Coke for a sugarless Coke Zero, naturally, as do many other customers would inevitably do. It is the trend. And I thought The Mira was about coolness and the trend. Yet this was met with resistance by the staff, who rejected this proposition without even a smile on their face. Ok, I am dumb and didn't know enough. Apparently, company policy is that Coke cannot be swapped with Coke Zero.

這最後的一次 visit,
忽然令我諗起隻高登神獸 -
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)