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5/10 plates emptied!吉碟幫為了尋找塵世中的漢堡包真味,都真的付出不少「肥胖」的代價,甚至連Carly打電話訂位都被人誤叫成"Calories"!(Carly到現今還是未能釋懷,哈哈哈)目前為止我們試過幾多呢?有點貴族feel的Beef & Liberty「尚牛社會」;賣貴徂好多的Butcher's Club;貴在部煙燻機的Big Joe's;勝在唔貴的Burgerman;貴族漢堡始祖的Burgeroom;矜貴只限脆薯粒的The Chop House和「幾貴都食唔返」可一不可再的Ham&Sherry...現在我們來到去年6月新開的Texas Burger來探究它是如何吸引家庭觀眾,年青一代,甚至旅居本地的外國人的!Just thinking about how many burger places the Gang has hit, Carly dare not to think about the calories she had intake for the past few months. The stormy fiery hype of burgers has
[Written by Carly in English, Gobay in Chinese]
吉碟幫為了尋找塵世中的漢堡包真味,都真的付出不少「肥胖」的代價,甚至連Carly打電話訂位都被人誤叫成"Calories"!(Carly到現今還是未能釋懷,哈哈哈)目前為止我們試過幾多呢?有點貴族feel的Beef & Liberty「尚牛社會」;賣貴徂好多的Butcher's Club;貴在部煙燻機的Big Joe's;勝在唔貴的Burgerman;貴族漢堡始祖的Burgeroom;矜貴只限脆薯粒的The Chop House和「幾貴都食唔返」可一不可再的Ham&Sherry...現在我們來到去年6月新開的Texas Burger來探究它是如何吸引家庭觀眾,年青一代,甚至旅居本地的外國人的! Just thinking about how many burger places the Gang has hit, Carly dare not to think about the calories she had intake for the past few months. The stormy fiery hype of burgers has not shown any signs of halting, notably the best gourmet diner – Beef & Liberty, acclaimed yet not so worthy – Butchers Club, equipped with an unique smoking machine – Big Joe’s, not-going-to-hurt-your wallet Burgerman, somewhat high-end-ish Burgeroom, lipsmacking tater tots – the Chop House, once-in-a-lifetime burger experience – Ham & Sherry. Finally, it was the Gang’s turn to visit Texas Burger. Opened since June 2014, attracting flock of families, expats, younger generations to indulge themselves with comfort food. Texas Burger strongly focuses on offering a wide range of menu selections from wings, salad, pasta, ribs, burgers (red meat, white meat, vegetarian), milkshake, desserts, beer and beverages. Indeed quite a lot of choices for a little store that cannot fit more than 30 people. Honestly, too many for one burger diners to specialize in gourmet dining. Looking at the crowd, there are families with kids, teenagers with parents, grandparents, and young couples of course. Tin Hau has never been so energized with more western restaurants blossoming; Texas burgers undoubtedly catered to a large crowd of diners who needed the extra option of western food as they only get to have desserts, Vietnamese, cha chaan teng or Thailand cuisine around. Even though the store was not so spacious, the wide-ranging selection will let anyone easily settled in and stuffed for sure. 不得不感嘆這裡的菜單「包羅萬有」的程度:近10款Burger,紅肉白肉素食無一或缺;義粉沙律小食奶昔亦一應俱全。對於只能容納不足30人的店面,這份菜牌的野心大得有些不是很實際。當然,門口的人龍還是讓人不能小覷。天后,一個充斥著東南亞食肆的地區,多了一個西式餐廳的選擇本身就已經很討喜,難怪人流不絕。 【Forest Mushrooms Salad野菌沙律 |HKD62】
|Mesclun mix, assorted mushrooms, roasted pumpkin & radish, fried French onion, roasted sesame dressing|雜沙律菜,烤雜錦精選香菌,燒南瓜,小紅蘿蔔,脆炸洋蔥絲,烘焙芝麻醋沙律汁|
Let’s kick off the fatty meal with some fresh greens! Well-tossed salad with right amount of salad dressing, roasted pumpkin and radish were zippy fresh, deep fried shredded onions were flavorsome with acidic appetizing salad. Not bad. If only mushrooms were not chopped and more mushrooms can be added, both Carly and Lorling would have been happier. 在食物質素方面,野菌沙律裡的小紅蘿蔔和脆炸洋蔥絲加了不少的春天爽鮮感,沙律醬份量恰到好處,如果蘑菇的量可以多些而且沒有被切得過碎,Carly和Lorling都會點讚! 【Veggie Burger素食漢堡 |HKD83】
|Grilled housemade savory veggie patty, avocado, lettuce, tomatoes, melted monterey Jack cheese, aioli|烤自製素食漢堡扒,牛油果,生菜,蕃茄,熔化蒙特利傑克芝士,法式香蒜醬| The homemade savory veggie patty was not juicy or soft, Carly guessed the main ingredient was chick peas as the patty appeared rather orange in color with hints of green. Not too impressed with the thin slice of patty, considerably dry. Dvd stated that this made him miss Beef & Liberty’s unbeatable veggie Falafel burger, Lorling seconded that. Luckily, the avocado sauce saved the bun a bit.
【Texas BBQ Burger 德州燒烤漢堡|HKD88】
|6oz beef patty, baked crisp bacons, deep-fried onion ring, lettuce, melted cheddar cheese, signature smoked Jalapeno BBQ sauce|6安士煙燻牛肉漢堡,焗脆煙肉,炸洋蔥圈,生菜,熔化車打芝士,秘制墨西哥青椒燒烤醬|
The best burger in house! Australian beef is rather flavorsome and juicy after grilling. Regarding seasoning, tad sweet yet very enjoyable smoked BBQ sauce; and the crunchy onion ring made this one decent burger to munch off. The logo of TB was engraved and toasted on the bun, making this signature dish notably the highlight of the night. 這當之無愧是店裡的招牌漢堡。澳洲牛肉被事先醃製並煙燻過,煙燻的味道和醬汁的甜味滲透均勻,加上脆炸洋蔥圈增添的口感,味道不俗。而且"TB"作為店名簡寫被烤在麵包上,形態上也比較突出。
【Foie Gras Beef Burger煙燻鵝肝漢堡|HKD153】
|6oz beef patty, Seared Foie Gras, Balsamic Reduction, pickled red onions & arugula salad, Toasted Brioche Bun|6安士煙燻牛肉漢堡,香煎鵝肝片,意式濃縮黑醋汁,甜酸紅洋蔥圈,芝麻菜沙律|
Bun being slightly over-burnt, it came out crumbly dry and hardened. Whenever Carly sees Foie Gras burger, the greasy experience at Burgeroom rang the bell. Gobay always thought that foie gras should not go with beef patties as both of them are considered heavy, rich flavored food; not the best combo to put them together. A thin slice of Pan fried foie gras: fairly dry, lacking the fatty good oil. Pickled red onions were nice crunchy and citrusy. But the brioche bun was left in the oven for too long, hardened to a point that everyone just left the buns on the serving wooden boards. 麵包炕得過乾以致吃著有「啵啵脆」的感覺,對burger而言是非常不好的。吃上口的時候,先是脆(乾)得過份的包刮口,還未有嘗到中間的牛肉,已想放棄。而肥膩的鴨肝馬上激起Carly早前在Burgeroom吃同款Burger的油膩經歷。Gobay一直都覺得鴨肝/鵝肝與漢堡包根本就是「勉強沒幸福」的代表組合,兩者都是味濃,油脂重的食物,而且水生動物的騷味本身和陸生動物的味道就不合。鴨肝本身質地不算上乘,所以偏乾油份不足,加上漢堡扒也不甚出色,整體味道自然就不怎討好。
【Gourmet Fish Burger香脆鱈魚漢堡|HKD83】
|Deep Fried tender fillet of Pollock, red cheddar cheese, lettuce, grilled pineapple tartar sauce, white balsamic flakes, toasted sesame bun|炸嫩滑冰島鱈魚柳,英式紅車打芝士,生菜,烤菠蘿他他醬,白酒醋脆片,芝麻包|
New item! The sauce was alright with chopped pineapple, along with fruity sweet and a right punch of sourness for the tartar sauce. The sesame bun was not as dry as the other ones yet the deep fried fish was dry to its core, Gobay even tasted had the frozen fillet aftertaste after trying the battered fish that was deep fried for way too long. 這款魚之堡是新款,強烈建議換魚扒或者不要提供這款堡。醬汁加了碎菠蘿,同塔塔醬蠻配搭,但魚扒實在太乾柴,甚至清晰試到有雪藏味!油炸的時間亦過長致使魚肉咬開成塊狀剝落......有點兒可怕......
【Chicken & Bacon Burger烤雞煙肉漢堡|HKD73】
|Grilled tender chicken breast, baked crisp bacons, lettuce, tomatoes, Monterey jack cheese, aioli, toasted ciabatta|烤嫩滑雞胸,焗脆煙肉,生菜,蕃茄,蒙特利傑克芝士,法式香蒜醬,意式軟包|
Chicken was ultra moist, tender, and well-seasoned – Carly is often impressed by places that can ace chicken breast cooking so nicely. Baked bacon was a bit overdone so it lost the fatty oily goodness compared to when bacon is cooked till a point that the oil drizzles a little over the rest of the food. Aioli was pretty nice for its mouth drooling taste of garlicky cream sauce, ciabatta bread was dry, and lacked the crispiness on the crust and fluffy airy texture on the interior. Relatively better in terms of flavor and quality out of all the burgers we had. 雞肉的水準得到大家一致好評,認為是屬於當晚驚喜之作。雞胸肉保持了濕潤,幼滑的口感,胡椒鹽加香草的經典調味也沒出差池,法式香蒜醬加上最後的潤色,使得雞肉在口中更加美味,當然,這種美味是相對當晚其他菜色而言的。麵包雖然自稱是義大利拖鞋飽,但它的乾硬程度真的讓人禁不住怒喝一句『別自欺欺人了!你根本是拖鞋,不是飽!』。 【Potato Wedges 薯塊】
Deep fried, rather like baked style potato wedges. Seasoned with a pinch of salt, pepper, and rosemary herbs, some of them were mushy inside, and could have been moister. Side dishes for burgers are often very important to conclude whether the burger combo was legit – Chop House’s tater tots is still our favorite in town. Mini pot of coleslaw was served next to the fries yet flavor wise was just average as it came a bit watery and bland in taste.
炸薯角普普通通,有些內裡粉嫩但有些不然。The Chop House的脆薯粒依然是吉碟幫的城中至愛,因為漢堡包餐中配菜的味道有時等於burger本身。美式椰菜沙律毫無特色矗立在旁,讓人有種「吃也不是,不吃也不是」的莫名情緒,很困擾! 【T.B Nachos招牌烤芝士薯條|HKD78】
|Ultimate fries, jalapeno, black olive, Velveeta cheese sauce, crispy bacon bites, guacamole, pico de gallo, sour cream|特脆薯條,墨西哥青椒片,黑水欖片,美國芝士醬,脆煙肉碎,牛油果醬,莎莎醬,酸忌廉|
New item! Fries were average, jalapeno chopped in rather big chunks, and sour cream, cheese and bacon flavors were nowhere to be found. This results in a lacking of the authentic sour and herbs aroma. Guacamole, being so finely grinded, lacked the uneven raw fresh textural experience. The color of the guacamole turned dimmed as if they were not fresh from the basket, it might’ve been the fact that avocado was grinded in the blender instead of randomly squashing it softly, much like apples turning dark yellow being exposed in open air for too long.
【Carolina BBQ Ribs卡羅萊納燒烤骨|HKD136】
|Tex-Mex Coleslaw, southern BBQ Sauce, fries|配特色卷心菜沙律,燒烤汁,炸薯條| New Item! The barbeque ribs were very flavorsome, drenched in thick smokey barbeque sauce. The seasoning was just right with a slightly sweet, acidic kick to go with some meaty, soft, tender pork ribs which you can easily shred and separate. Very American style kind of homey dish that suits the cozy tiny space at Texas burgers. 烤豬肋骨味道不俗,醬汁微甜帶酸又有點「攻鼻」的煙燻香氣,而肉質尚算柔軟,非常美國風格的食物。
All of the milkshakes are served in rather large size of 14oz servings.
【Tropical Forest Milkshake 14oz|HKD43】
|Guava, mango, passion fruit, lime ice-cream, sliced pineapple|石榴,芒果,熱情果,青檸雪糕,菠蘿片|
Very tropical and exotic flavors bursting from the not-so-thick milkshake, passion fruit and mango fruit scents were the most profound. For anyone that loves a summery drink, this will not let you down.
從包含的水果就可以看出這是一杯「熱帶風情」,奶昔雖不夠濃稠,但熱情果和芒果味道很突出。作為夏日特飲,它也是不錯之選。 【Funky Monkey Milkshake 14oz|HKD43】
|Vanilla ice-cream, banana, peanut butter, chocolate, syrup, whipping cream, explosive chocolate|雲喱拿雪糕,香蕉,花生醬,朱古力糖漿,忌廉,朱古力爆炸糖|
Banana and chocolate flavor stood out after one quick sip, then the wave of peanut better came gushing through, Lyoe described as the “breakfast” drink. Quite indeed a spot-on description for this. 這是被Lyoe形容為「早餐飲品」的奶昔。的確非常貼切:香蕉,朱古力,花生醬--還有比這個更早餐的組合嗎?如果加上兩塊方飽,絕對可以作早餐出售!
【Trilogy of Chocolate Milkshake 14oz|HKD49】
|Chocolate ice-cream, mint jelly, chocolate syrup, whipping cream, explosive chocolate, oreo cookie|朱古力雪糕,薄荷啫喱,朱古力糖漿,忌廉,朱古力爆炸糖,曲奇|
Rather mild bland chocolate milkshake, very subtle hint of mint flavor. If only extra chocolate ice-cream was added or oreo chunks and crumbs, then it would be the most evil and intriguing components that for a heavy chocolate milkshake. 朱古力三重奏,薄荷味非常微弱,如果多一些朱古力雪糕和奧力奧曲奇碎就更能增加誘惑。整體感覺比較稀,仿佛是兌了水的朱古力奶。
【Berry Lover Milkshake 14oz |HKD49】
|Strawberry ice-cream, raspberry, blue berry, whipping cream, fresh berries|草莓雪糕,木莓,藍莓,忌廉,新鮮雜莓子|
Carly’s favorite and considered the best milkshake out of all four of them for its fruity berry aroma was natural and mildly sweet. Nothing can go wrong with mixed berries as long as fresh berries are well-blended with the ice-cream based milkshake.
【Rustic Apple Tart鄉村蘋果批|HKD56】
|Sea salted toffee, whipped cream, candied walnuts|海監拖肥,甜忌廉,蜜餞核桃|
Toffee lacked the sea salt savory flavor, whipped cream was halfway melting, walnuts? Were there walnuts? The apple tart was lying flat, unappealing at sight, served just warm to the table. Taste-wise was alright but apples chunks were not very impressive, Carly gave up after one scoop. 拖肥並沒有所說的海鹽滋味,而甜忌廉更加有一半處於自我放棄的融化狀態。至於蜜餞核桃,我們覺得它只存在於我們的幻想當中,因為是找不到的!整個蘋果批非常不振奮食慾的置於碟中,我們相看兩無奈,看久生厭…
【Warm Chocolate Fudge Cake朱古力軟蛋糕|HKD52】
|A scoop of Movenpick ice-cream|配一球雪糕|
Oh my..Fudge cake is supposed to be soft chewy on the inside and crusty on the dark chocolate based edges. Yet this was just not right, not right for an American dessert. The cake was hardened, not chewy.. Rather disastrous piece of cake Carly would have to say, she dug into the vanilla Movenpick ice-cream on the side and ignored the fudge cake completely. 軟蛋糕專屬的外軟內煙韌的口感在這裡完全找不到,而那一球Movenpick雪糕則被默默地消滅了,因為是唯一可取的。 On average of HKD160 per person spent for the night, price range is considered above average around Tin Hau area, yet acceptable for dining out these days. It is easily a hit and miss if you haven’t tried out this place before. Make sure you order the recommended items from us ☺ Or if you are looking for a homey American fast food dining experience, Texas Burgers will be the place for you. 人均160元在天后區不算低端消費了,如果你碰巧入天后,碰巧想食burger,又碰巧附近沒有別的選擇,那你就去嚐嚐我們的推薦菜式吧。
* Opens everyday
* Monday to Wednesday walk-in is easier or simply come after 8:30pm
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)