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Hongkie Noddy:風和日麗嘅星期日當然要出街威下! 去到銅鑼灣,突然諗氣最近大人氣嘅 via tokyo,雖然地點唔太就腳,但由於喺銅鑼灣想搵間有質素嘅甜品舖一d都唔易,最後都係決定行幾條街過去食。晏晝3,4點...一到步.....係要排隊架!大約有10個人到,我地當然決定係買走食啦!Gwailo Gui:Noddy and I tend to avoid Causeway Bay area during weekends because it's just too crowded and annoying to have everyone bashing while walking. But if you want to take a walk into the lovely and quiet part of Causeway Bay, take the time to stop by this Japanese dessert shop. You will discover the nice neighbourhood which may make your perc
風和日麗嘅星期日當然要出街威下! 去到銅鑼灣,突然諗氣最近大人氣嘅 via tokyo,雖然地點唔太就腳,但由於喺銅鑼灣想搵間有質素嘅甜品舖一d都唔易,最後都係決定行幾條街過去食。
Gwailo Gui:
Noddy and I tend to avoid Causeway Bay area during weekends because it's just too crowded and annoying to have everyone bashing while walking. But if you want to take a walk into the lovely and quiet part of Causeway Bay, take the time to stop by this Japanese dessert shop. You will discover the nice neighbourhood which may make your perception of Causeway Bay change (it did for me!). There are lovely apartments to watch and tons of hippie shops nearby so it makes it an interesting afternoon to window shop. You will notice Via Tokyo dessert shop when you see a crazy queue. I suggest taking away as there are not many seats.
Rating: Noddy 7.5, Gui 7.0
Noddy: 非常似日本食到的味道!白玉同mochi都好新鮮煙韌,但抹茶雪糕嘅味道可以再濃d (都係citisuper的抹茶雪糕最正)。
Gui: The dessert is quite delicious (especially the mochi). They mix the ice cream flavours (green tea motcha) and it reminded me of the ice cream desserts in Okinawa However, there's nothing to "wow" your palate at all. For HKD 50, I don't understand what's the big buzz around the shop. It's good, but there's plentiful of other yummy Japanese and HK desserts places where you pay less, queue less, and get the same quality. I recommend you drop by if you want to take a peaceful walk in Causeway Bay and shop around, but I would definitely not recommend to make the trip specifically for this HKD 50 ice cream . Enjoy
由於via tokyo的舖面太細,又咁受歡迎,唔想等就註定要企街....食。
如果大家想感受下不妨一齊 via causewaybay 街頭!