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本人甚少在香港仔地區,所以便有了在香港仔與朋友共膳的念頭。日前與朋友到訪百芳池上便當用餐,整體感受欠佳。值勤服務生(帶眼鏡,長頭髮,中年女人)對客人提問顯得不耐煩,給人敷衍和不友善的感覺。因人生路不熟,友人向店員求助,詢問停車場位置時,她"十問九唔應","扮聽唔到",未有提供任何有用訊息,而幸好,有位較年輕的店員出聲幫忙。最嚴重是,本人於用餐過程中發現隔離桌的曱甴,顯示食肆衛生管理存有問題,繼而影響就餐舒適度。雖然食材和味道尚可,但服務質素和衛生管理均需改善。衛生問題尤其令人擔憂,管理層必須正視並立即採取行動,確保食品安全。希望百芳池上便當能盡快整頓,以免更多顧客的用餐體驗受影響。 作為消費者,本人期盼食肆能提升管理,回復客人對其的信心。I rarely visit the Aberdeen area in Hong Kong, so I had the idea of dining with a friend in Aberdeen.During a recent visit to Bai Fung Bento with a friend, I had an overall unpl
希望百芳池上便當能盡快整頓,以免更多顧客的用餐體驗受影響。 作為消費者,本人期盼食肆能提升管理,回復客人對其的信心。
I rarely visit the Aberdeen area in Hong Kong, so I had the idea of dining with a friend in Aberdeen.
During a recent visit to Bai Fung Bento with a friend, I had an overall unpleasant experience.
The middle-aged female server on duty with glasses and long hair was impatient when customers asked questions, giving an impression of perfunctoriness and unfriendliness.
As we were unfamiliar with the area, my friend asked the server for assistance with the parking location, but she ignored the question(Arrogant attitude/Pretend not to hear) and did not provide any useful information. Fortunately, a younger server stepped in to help.
Most concerning was that I spotted cockroaches on an empty table during the meal, indicating problematic hygiene management at the restaurant. This affected the dining comfort.
While the ingredients and taste were acceptable, the service quality and hygiene management need improvement. The hygiene issue is especially worrying, and management must address this promptly to ensure food safety.
I hope Bai Fung Bento can rectify the situation soon, to prevent more customers from having unpleasant experiences. As a consumer, I expect the restaurant to enhance its management and regain customers' confidence.