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今次介紹依間同樣位於東涌Shaeraton酒店嘅人氣西餐廳《Cabana Breeze》 ,東涌地鐵站就有shuttle大約15分鐘直接到達。餐廳內外都有好多打卡位,室外部分就有藤製鳥籠狀坐椅,當日陽光好充足,又唔會太熱,所以我就揀左坐室外。餐廳室內嘅設計亦都都相當華麗嘅,蒲公英同埋蒸籠狀嘅吊燈,設計新穎又特別。Fresh Raw Oyster (half dozen) $230生蠔大小適中,有少少海水嘅鹹味,重金屬果,蠔身飽滿,又帶少少甜味。The size of Oyster is moderate with salty and mild sweetness. 油甘魚他他 Hamachi Ceviche $168Ceviche係南美常用嘅烹調方式,主要用青檸/檸檬醃製生魚肉,以達到消毒殺菌嘅作用。再加入洋蔥、香草、同埋蕃茄。食落魚肉好鮮甜,又帶少少檸檬嘅酸味。Ceviche is a South American seafood dish which makes the raw fishes cured in sour lemon or lime juice along with
Fresh Raw Oyster (half dozen) $230
The size of Oyster is moderate with salty and mild sweetness.
油甘魚他他 Hamachi Ceviche $168
Ceviche is a South American seafood dish which makes the raw fishes cured in sour lemon or lime juice along with onion, herbs and tomatoes. The hamachi is freshly prepared with mild sour flavor.
香辣蕃茄醬尖通心粉 Penne Arrabiata $158
Didn’t ever think that tomato sauce is a perfect complementary to spicy taste before. In fact, the sour and sweetness of tomatoes won’t cover the spicy flavor but takes it to the next level.
Peach Me HH $98
用左Bourbon whiskey做酒底,加入左桃味利口酒,仲有熱情果味syrup同埋熱情果果茸,最後再加入梳打水。酒精味唔會太重,男女都好適合飲用。
It was made of bourbon, peach liqueur, passion fruit syrup and passion fruit pure topped with soda. And it is a perfect cocktail for both man and woman in this summer sweet and fruity