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近排返工壓力有啲大,趁有假放即刻出黎食返餐好嘅💆🏻♀️ 今日去左K11 Musea嘅 fivesamurai ,本身以為佢地淨係有得食鐵板燒,但原來都有提供日式嘅下午茶架😙 裡面嘅裝修以武士為靈感,四周都佈滿和風擺設🇯🇵 今次安排左我地坐落地玻璃窗邊,可以欣賞維多利亞港嘅美景,真係好寫意🫶🏼Five Samurai in K11 not only offers teppanyaki, but they also do afternoon tea! You get to sit by the window and watch the view of Victoria Harbour while enjoying your meal. 九の春 $488/2人September’s Spring 呢到提供1人同2人餐,所以就算想自己一個過黎享受啲me time都得架😎 呢個下午茶有別於其他嘅三層架,佢地用左九宮格嘅木盒裝住,望落特別精緻🩵 呢個套餐亦包每人一杯雞尾酒/無酒精雞尾酒,由駐場嘅調酒師獻上🥂They offer 1 or 2 ppl options, and this price
Five Samurai in K11 not only offers teppanyaki, but they also do afternoon tea! You get to sit by the window and watch the view of Victoria Harbour while enjoying your meal.
九の春 $488/2人
September’s Spring
呢到提供1人同2人餐,所以就算想自己一個過黎享受啲me time都得架😎 呢個下午茶有別於其他嘅三層架,佢地用左九宮格嘅木盒裝住,望落特別精緻🩵 呢個套餐亦包每人一杯雞尾酒/無酒精雞尾酒,由駐場嘅調酒師獻上🥂
They offer 1 or 2 ppl options, and this price includes a 9 square tea set and one cocktail/mocktail per person.
· 第一層 ·
First Layer
Japanese Spinach was topped with bonito flakes and shoyu. Simple but flavourful.
白蝦同甜蝦混為一體嘅他他食得出兩種口感🦐 配上三文魚籽同青瓜層次感十足
This tartar was made with two types of shrimp, salmon roe and cucumbers.
Grilled shiitake mushroom and peppers was so juicy, tastes a bit like sukiyaki sauce.
· 第二層 ·
Second Layer
The Cold Soba isn’t that special, but nice to have on a hot day.
和牛腿肉質感非常軟嫩,幾乎入口即溶😍 肉香同油膩感都好充足,中間嘅京蔥有助減低油膩感🥩
Wagyu beef was wrapped around scallion, which was so tender and melted in my mouth.
The oyster was plump, with the taste of the ocean.
· 第三層 ·
Third layer
白玉丸子口感煙煙靱靱🍡 配埋甜蜜嘅十勝紅豆一流🫘
Shiratama Mochi was chewy, which paired well with the sweet red beans.
水玄餅望落晶瑩剔透好可愛😜 本身無乜味,只有爽彈嘅口感,夾埋黃豆粉同蘸上黑糖漿就啱啱好啦👍🏼
Raindrop Cake was bouncy and tasted nice with black sugar syrup and soybean powder.
The chocolate bar and ice cream created a nice sweet and bitter balance.
呢個價錢包埋兩杯野飲,我地就叫做一杯柚子蜜糖綠茶同一杯調酒師特製嘅mocktail🍹 用左橙汁、蘋果汁、玫瑰糖漿同埋薄荷,飲落酸酸甜甜好開胃🥳
We got two mocktails made from the bartender. One was made with honey, yuzu and green tea, and the other made with orange and apple juice, rose syrup and mint.