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上次去左Quayside食西餐,覺得環境幾好而且人人流唔多,所以今日再黎睇下呢個商場有啲咩好食😎 @break_co_ 喺四年之前開業,本身只係做外賣嘅佢地依家已經開左間靚靚cafe,而佢地就希望可以「break」到香港劣質/頹飯嘅文化,為食客提供一個舒服嘅小空間抖一抖💗 佢地除左有各種主食同甜品之外,最吸引到我嘅就係佢哋啲咖啡☕️ 咖啡師好有耐性咁同我地解釋佢地咖啡嘅特色,呢到提供SOE同House Blend,仲會時不時轉下唔同國家嘅咖啡豆,咁熟客每次黎都可以飲到唔同嘅風味😉Break has expanded from its original form of takeaway into a pretty cafe in the Quayside. They hope to offer the busy citizens a “break” from the city, by providing nice food and beverages as well as a chill environment. 香熟芝麻吞拿魚牛油果丼 $148Sesame Crusted Tuna Gu
Break has expanded from its original form of takeaway into a pretty cafe in the Quayside. They hope to offer the busy citizens a “break” from the city, by providing nice food and beverages as well as a chill environment.
香熟芝麻吞拿魚牛油果丼 $148
Sesame Crusted Tuna Guacamole Rice
呢個係店員極力推薦,吞拿魚嘅生熟比例為4:1,所以除左食到中間軟嫩嘅刺身級魚生,亦品嚐到烤過嘅香味🐟 加上脆口嘅芝麻外皮口感好豐富😍 裡面仲有牛油果蓉、明太子同埋紫菜,撈入飯後變得更濕潤,再吱啲檸檬汁食落更開胃🍚 每個主食都會跟個湯同小食,似足日式家庭料理🍱
The tuna was seared lightly, just enough so you could taste the fried fish oil on the outside and the mellow texture from the raw parts. The sesame layer added a nice crunch. There were also guac, seaweed, mentaiko which elevated the flavours of the rice.
木魚花半熟蛋芝士火腿多士 $88
Japanese Croque Madame
呢個擺盤真係夠曬誇張🤣 兩塊香脆嘅多士中間夾左芝士同火腿,上面再淋上一大羹芝士醬🧀 本身以為會好漏,但因為上面嘅木魚花同埋半熟蛋添加左另一番風味,令味道無咁單一🙌🏼
Ham and cheese were encased within two slices of toast, with heaps of melted cheese sauce poured on top. The egg yolk and bonito flakes added a different layer of flavours, which made this dish less heavy.
卡布奇諾 $19
今日嘅house blend有來自唔同國家嘅咖啡豆,味道偏nutty🌰 第一口喝可以感覺到大量綿密奶泡嘅香甜味,接著先係咖啡豆原有嘅微苦同濃郁嘅香氣🥰 依家凡叫套餐都可以用優惠價換購飲品,$19杯咖啡真係好抵✌🏼
Today’s house blend has a nutty flavour. At first you’re hit with the creamy milk foam, then the bitterness from the espresso comes along, which was very balanced.
日本抹茶拿鐵 $21
Iced Japanese Matcha Latte
佢地用左Tenryu嘅抹茶粉,見到呢隻深綠色都估到有幾濃郁啦掛🍵 抹茶同牛奶嘅比例好平衡,所以濃得黎都唔會有苦澀味,入口夠順滑😚
They chose Tenryu matcha powder because of its strong and aromatic flavour. We also got to choose lactose free milk, which you don’t see often in other places!