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從未去過一間餐廳係咁,離哂譜!!! 你條死老爛仔收皮啦!唔怪得lunch time一點鐘一個客都冇,快d執粒啦你有病就去睇醫生啦! 如果間野你開,更加解釋唔到你既行為。仲有睇到你個死樣都唔開胃,仲要兇你d客,痴線。如果你想比人兇同開片你咪去囉。痴線,香港d服務態度本身已經差。如果你想有更加"非凡"既體驗你咪去,記住番黎打review.真係好爆嬲,竟然入去幫襯似我係坐緊監比你兇,快d執啦,唔好再遺禍人間 !!!Please dont go to this restaurant unless you want to be treated like a prisoner in cell! hands down the worst possible restaurant that you could ever go to in your life ! The owner(or whoever that scumbag was)was super duper rude and threatened us once we stepped in. unbelievable !! just dont
你有病就去睇醫生啦! 如果間野你開,更加解釋唔到你既行為。仲有睇到你個死樣都唔開胃,仲要兇你d客,痴線。如果你想比人兇同開片你咪去囉。痴線,香港d服務態度本身已經差。如果你想有更加"非凡"既體驗你咪去,記住番黎打review.真係好爆嬲,竟然入去幫襯似我係坐緊監比你兇,快d執啦,唔好再遺禍人間 !!!
Please dont go to this restaurant unless you want to be treated like a prisoner in cell! hands down the worst possible restaurant that you could ever go to in your life ! The owner(or whoever that scumbag was)was super duper rude and threatened us once we stepped in. unbelievable !! just dont go it's crazy