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🗳MegaBox呢間川菜餐廳裝修幾有格調,🪟佢除左有個巨型玻璃櫃掛起燒鴨俾大家睇,🍾更有林林總總既靚酒做擺設,真係望下都開心🤩🐷漁牧混豬 - 半隻($308)🐷⌚️呢個需要提前預訂,睇個樣已經知烤得相當唔錯,🛢脆皮充滿光澤同油分,食落亦無令人失望。🤭鴨皮香口,鴨肉淋滑,每一啖都令人回味無窮!😜🐠回味酸辣味烤魚($298)🐠🍲烤魚有爐熱住,魚肉吸曬酸辣汁食夠曬過癮,🤤之後更越煮越入味,令人越食越開胃🤪🦆老北京烤鴨(半隻)($180)🦆💡當有燈打上隻烤鴨到,已見非常肥,識得反光既皮亦見亮麗,🦷食落酥脆酥脆,夾埋餅皮、甜麵醬、京蔥絲、青瓜條食一流!😎🌶毛血旺($168)🌶🧄九格前菜雜錦($168)🧄😋總體 (味道, 性價比, 環境, 服務態度) : 8/10——————————————————————————————🗳This restaurant in MegaBox is serving Sichuan food, 🪟the decoration is stylish and they have a glass cupboard hanging up the grilled duck. 🍾
🐷漁牧混豬 - 半隻($308)🐷
🗳This restaurant in MegaBox is serving Sichuan food, 🪟the decoration is stylish and they have a glass cupboard hanging up the grilled duck. 🍾They also display various kinds of expensive alcohol that catches people’s eyeball🤩
🐷Roasted Suckling Pig - Half ($308)🐷
⌚️This has to be reserved in advance, you can tell it’s grilled perfectly by it’s outlook. 🛢The skin is crispy and shinny while the meat is soft and juicy, 🤭you would enjoy every bite of it!😜
🐠Sour and Spicy Style grilled fish ($298)🐠
🍲The fish is served hot with the pot, the fresh absorb all the sour and spicy sauce and taste amazing! 🤤Especially when its boiled for some time, it’s so appetising as the sauce become more dense and rich🤪
🦆Barbecued Peking duck (Half) ($180)🦆
💡When the duck is placed under the light, it’s attractive as the skin look bright and oily, thin and crunchy, 🦷together with the handmade pancake, seafood sauce, scallions and cucumber, it’s tasty!😎
🌶Boiled Duck Blood Curd ($168)🌶
🧄Supreme Starter Combo ($168)🧄
😋Overall (Taste, CP value, Environment, Service): 8/10