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Love their flatbread so much that I have lost count of all the times I have visited -- it's simply my comfort food. Ever since I became a member about two years ago I have been topping up my card regularly. If you love vegetarian cuisine and want a change from icy cold salads, you'd enjoy the warm flatbread (wraps) in MANA! -- you could order from the menu, or customise your own with 4 toppings.It has taken me this long to write an openrice review for it becausea) I usually get a takeaway flatbr
It has taken me this long to write an openrice review for it because:
(a) I usually get a takeaway flatbread; and
(b) I cannot resist the temptation of unwrapping the warm flatbread and enjoying it right away, and usually end up getting zataar all over my fingers such that I don't want to hold my phone for taking pictures : P
Taking my time for a late lunch today so as to avoid the peak lunch hour, I decided to write a review.
喜歡MANA!的 flatbread,喜歡到兩年前已經為佢而成為會員 : P
如果你想食輕食 / 簡單素食,但又唔想太多生冷嘅沙律,你可以試下呢度嘅 flatbread : ) 可以喺menu上揀,或者自選4種配料。
今日 一個人靜靜的 2:20pm左右 躲到 MANA 避世半刻 -- 心裡想著想著,就想到食評了。
I came alone at around 2:20pm today, and found a seat at the very back of the shop.
There are about 6 stools at this part of the shop
- it's pretty packed and not that comfortable, but it's the quietest part of the shop.
You could look up to the greenery
the blue sky
(oh well at least it wasn't raining during my visit)
- what more can one ask for in the heart of Central, one of the most bustling areas in HK?
Just give yourself a moment of mindfulness, and enjoy a light, simple and refreshing vegetarian lunch :]
Nevertheless, if you could grab a seat at the big table up the stairs (or visit during non-peak hours), the seating is decent and the ambiance is chillaxing.
As usual, I ordered a customised flatbread, with Slow dried Tomatoes, Kale, Roasted Veggies, and Purple Yam this time.
Flatbread with Kale, Slow Dried Tomatoes, Purple Yam, Roasted Veggies (half size; customised)
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Avocado 牛油果, Grilled Tofu 烤豆腐, Portobello Mushrooms 烤大磨菇, Purple Yam 紫薯, Kale 羽衣甘藍, Roasted Veggies 烤野菜, Slow dried Tomato 慢乾蕃茄.
Slow dried Tomatoes is my all time favourite, and a healthier option to satisfy my cravings for sun-dried tomatoes (which are often a bit too salty and oily). It's as juicy as fresh tomatoes, and yet delightfully stronger in taste and aroma.
A slight problem with having slow dried tomatoes, portobello mushrooms and/or roasted veggies as fillings is that the juice may leak through the flatbread
-- Remember to keep your napkins handy ; )
That's why I'd recommend including a leafy filling like kale or baby spinach to soak up the juice a bit, or any other fillings to give your flatbread some crunchiness / texture. Personally, I prefer kale to baby spinach as it gives a nice crunchiness to the flatbread! Grilled tofu tastes delicious after soaking up the juice too!
I once ordered all three of slow dried tomatoes, portobello mushrooms and roasted veggies in one flatbread, and had a pretty difficult time eating it with a reasonable degree of table manners : P
Not going to do that again!
慢乾蕃茄,烤大磨菇 同 烤野菜 都比較多汁。
如果你揀佢地做配料,記住放定紙巾出來 : P
亦可以配一款綠葉菜(例如羽衣甘藍 或 波菜),或者烤豆腐,去吸咁d汁。都好好味架
Back to this flatbread -- I find the lightly roasted purple yam a healthier (and guilt-free) substitute of chips.
More importantly, it makes this veggie flatbread more substantive -- if you are the kind who can live on a salad for lunch, a half size could pretty much keep you going for the afternoon : )
紫薯 好味又飽肚,又唔會有食薯條果種 怕熱氣 / 罪惡感 : P
如果 你平時食沙律做午餐就夠飽,咁加咗紫薯做配料嘅話,MANA!嘅半份flatbread都幾夠飽~
Look at the beautiful shade of purple!
Flatbread with Kale, Slow Dried Tomatoes, Purple Yam, Roasted Veggies (half size; customised)
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-- I remember there were bell pepper at times.
As a regular customer, I find the quality and size of flatbreads here pretty consistent - as far as I remember there was just once or twice that I found the flatbread slightly burnt, or that the flatbread felt lighter than usual. Services are fine all in all - the staff are always happy to help and to explain the menu - and are reasonable during peak hours.
Well, it seems that I'll keep topping my card up regularly : P
p.s. the half flatbread only costs me $45 as I get a 5% off with my membership card
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)