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Sushi Sadayama 🍣.🍣 Lunch omakase HKD 588.1. 深海池魚 2. 千葉縣平目魚 (燒魚邊)3. 醬油漬帆立貝4. 獅魚💜5. 牡丹蝦 (with 燒蝦頭膏 inside)6. 醬油漬吞拿魚赤身 💜💜 7. 秋刀魚 💜8. 中拖羅9. 鯖魚(微燒)💜 10. 喜之次 (微燒)11. Sushi roll.🥢日式蜆肉蒸蛋 (had a piece of mochi at the centre😂)🥢燒玉子 (had a sponge cake like texture🥰)🥢海鮮麵豉湯🍧 香芋/培茶雪糕.Genuinely enjoyed watching how each and every piece of sushi was prepared with great skill and care🥰 Food was great though I must mention a rather funny encounter I had at the restaurant. They presented me with this beautiful plat
🍣 Lunch omakase HKD 588
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1. 深海池魚
2. 千葉縣平目魚 (燒魚邊)
3. 醬油漬帆立貝
4. 獅魚💜
5. 牡丹蝦 (with 燒蝦頭膏 inside)
6. 醬油漬吞拿魚赤身 💜💜
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7. 秋刀魚 💜
8. 中拖羅
9. 鯖魚(微燒)💜
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10. 喜之次 (微燒)
11. Sushi roll
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🥢日式蜆肉蒸蛋 (had a piece of mochi at the centre😂)
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🥢燒玉子 (had a sponge cake like texture🥰)
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🍧 香芋/培茶雪糕
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Genuinely enjoyed watching how each and every piece of sushi was prepared with great skill and care🥰 Food was great though I must mention a rather funny encounter I had at the restaurant. They presented me with this beautiful plate that says happy birthday, and after a short while, the staff asked me to switch off the fairy lights because the battery would use up very quickly😂 Then she came with the bill while I was opening my birthday gift 😂😂 She was actually quite nice, so I don’t think she had any bad intentions, it was just kind of awkward😂
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