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昨日放lunch個陣穿地鐵去K11 Art Mall見到有間新埔開就同D同事入左去試下。係台灣菜,見到D 飲品好似好吸引,同埋這間餐廳好D光好猛,環境幾舒服。 我地揀左D野share,個餐都幾大。 我就睇Menu相,見D奶蓋個樣幾leng就即刻揀左杯蜜桃沙冰芝士奶蓋。芝士奶蓋夠creamy,質地都剛剛好。但係會Prefer揀奶蓋茶,見人地個杯個portion好D,我個杯奶蓋好多,D沙冰太小。我地揀左麻吉三小碗,有麻吉滷肉飯,墨汁鹽酥雞,蚵仔麵線。味道Ok, 墨汁鹽酥雞幾好,雖然個味無平時的鹽酥雞咸,但係都襯返墨汁味鹽酥雞。滷肉飯幾好,係食到尾D汁滲到D飯好油,建議落小D油。我地仲揀左台式滷肉溏心蛋拌麵,D麵係刀削麵,口感煙韌,好好味。 Came here during lunch hour, and saw a new restaurant in K11 Art Mall, so I was trying it out with co-workers. From the outside looking in, it looks bright and comfortable, and
我地揀左麻吉三小碗,有麻吉滷肉飯,墨汁鹽酥雞,蚵仔麵線。味道Ok, 墨汁鹽酥雞幾好,雖然個味無平時的鹽酥雞咸,但係都襯返墨汁味鹽酥雞。滷肉飯幾好,係食到尾D汁滲到D飯好油,建議落小D油。我地仲揀左台式滷肉溏心蛋拌麵,D麵係刀削麵,口感煙韌,好好味。
Came here during lunch hour, and saw a new restaurant in K11 Art Mall, so I was trying it out with co-workers. From the outside looking in, it looks bright and comfortable, and the drinks look nice from the menu. I ordered Cheese Milk Cap, and it was really good, it has a texture just right, but there weren’t enough smoothies in the drink, I saw the other table with a Cheese milk cap but with better portions, mine has too much cheese milk cap and does not have enough smoothies.
I tried the Match’s Trinity Bowl, and it tastes good. I like Deep Fried Squid-Inked, Salt, and Pepper Chicken, it is not as salty but it suits the flavor of squid-ink. Braised Pork Rice, was good but by the end of finishing, there was too much oil and sauce, drenched with rice.
Would be nice if there is less oil. Braise pork mix noodles with soft-boiled egg was really good, it was made with Taiwanese sliced noodles, it has a chewy and satisfying taste.
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