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食評 (4)
等級2 2018-12-04
395 瀏覽
大家去澳門除左入賭場之外,揾嘢食真係五花百門,好多人會吃葡國菜或者補身嘅花膠魚翅,我就喜歡吃地道小食和小店,好似係條荷蘭園巷内有間叫裕家麵就深得街坊支持,湯底麵底都好講究,以原材料經長時間烹調,不合味精,朋友介紹,一於試吓,叫左兩個套飯牛筋腩飯和蓮藕 炆豬肉飯,果然有驚喜,味較濃,質量剛剛好,價錢合理,埋單85蚊算平宜啦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
裕家麵這裏的自家一向是高水平。再加上我最愛的葱油蝦加上少少玫瑰露,再配以自家製辣醬。三者合一是很美妙的。沒有味精絕對加分!無論香港或澳門這種有心的餐廳就是要支持!綜合評價: 食物> 環境>員工*抵!(不代表平)超乎想像的驚喜(嘩! 無論怎樣一定要再來! 抵啊)*性價比1. 抵!(不代表平)超乎想像的驚喜(嘩! 無論怎樣一定要再來! 抵啊)2. Wow! 物超所值(幾好啊!唔錯,有機會一定再來)3. 正常, (可以, 但這個價錢坊間有很多選擇)4. 物次價高(都不是太差, 但這個價錢坊間有質量更好的)5. 有比較大的改善空間(填胞肚算, 失望)  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Some people do tend to think outside of the box. Look at Ramen culture in Japan for instance. Ever since Chinese Chuka-Soba noodles infiltrated into Japan Yokohama’s China Town in the early 1900’s, it has already experienced 100 years of developing its own ramen styles all over Japan continent and beyond. Even to this day the Chuka-soba tag (translated as Chinese Soba) name remains with many ramen bowls or similarly in Yaki-soba dishes (Fried noodles), even when there is no buckwheat involved. In Yu Noodles, which I have heard is great before my visit but it looked just like any other noodles, I never suspected beforehand how much attention to details they put into every dish here. It’s almost like they are obsessed with food here and at any cost.. ?.. Spanish Iberico 5J Ham in a Noodles House ?The Central kitchen upstairs which supplies to all the 3 restaurants has a Ham storage room ! At 1st sight the word ‘Fusion’ instantly popped up in my mind, but it really is more than this. If we think about it, China also makes ham in Yunnan anyway. They just wanted to serve the best of the best here.. Like mentioned above, at all costs. In fact this place reminds me totally of Oolala on Hong Kong side, only even better.. Sichuan Style Spanish Iberico Pork with Garlic and Chili, shaved Cucumbers – MOP $38The pork taste was so pronounced and cooked well, the sauce condiments also done well. I couldn’t help but to tell the boss this is charging way too cheap for the quality. Memorable dish and they are too conservative with pricing policy.. ~ 9/10 . Braised Eggs – $10 EachDone pretty well too. Truth be told I can make better but at this price point, no one is complaining as making them at larger batches is more difficult of course. ~ 7/10. Spanish Jamon Soup Noodles – $138The soup base is boiled with Jamon Bones and other ingredients, and this was super concentrated sweet! So unsuspecting. The Jamon used for this noodles is not as high quality as the separately ordered, ‘off-menu’ 60 months Jamon, but when warmed up in the broth, still worked a treat. Their house made noodles were also exceptional and retained the texture and taste ~ 9/10. Crevette de Rose Prawn Roes from France with Fresh & Fried Spring Onion, Oil,Dried Shrimps from Japan and Minced Prawns – $80The minor details which goes into this noodles is mind boggling for only $80. In theory the French Rose Prawns will have some sweet umami from its home toasted roes, I like the bosses for saving these up slowly and home toasting them… However to me this dish won my heart more with the Japanese dried shrimps and the scallions than the roes. ~ 9/10.House Made Kimchi Cabbage – $28House fermented. I am tempted to call this noodles house a ‘fusion’ restaurant, but China also has kimchi and knowing it’s geographical closeness to Korea, I just want to say these were quite spicily crunchy. Definitely good quality. ~ 9/10.Fresh Chicken Feet Slow-cooked in Jamon Ham & Chicken Stock – $30This noodles house is literally 5 metres away from the food market opposite. They source their Fresh Chicken feet daily and allow me to exaggerate a bit for once… I have never had Chicken feet of this high quality before, full stop. Not even remotely close! The gelatinous skin were thin and had skin taste, also easily peeling off the bones. Comparing the difference between these fresh chicken feet carefully slow-cooked in stock vs any other restaurant serving them in Dim Sum baskets is beginning to sound like I have never tasted proper chicken feet. I think I have and will never have Chicken Feet even remotely close to this quality again… Simply Amazing. ~ 12/10. 60 Months Jamon de Iberico - (Off Menu) We were talking to the bosses, and they said they have some special Jamon and which less than 10% will make the grade, so decided to serve us some. Best Jamon ham I have ever tried in Hong Kong/Macau region easily. For a 60 months aged jamon it wasn’t very cured and was full of pork and acorn flavours. One wonders privately if this is really a Noodles house or a Jamon wholesaler – which they actually also do in Macau . ~ 10/10.Braised Spanish Jamon Pork Hock – $80Probably my least favourite dish. The ham flavour was good mind you, but when cooked like this remained too salty. It also wasn’t exactly teeth tender. Whilst I liked the flavour, the saltiness and slight toughness got to me. ~ 6.9/10. 4 Prawns Noodles – $90The broth base is made from powdered French Rose Shrimps, Japanese Dried Shrimps, Japanese Sakura Prawns and Local Macanese White Shrimps. The top layer is cold French Rose shrimp meat, the 2nd layer the heated local shrimps. Enhanced by fried Spring Onions (the whiter part). As a concept I thought this was too fussy, but the taste definitely delivered. Way better than the also Crevette Rose Noodles version at Oolala in Wanchai HK and it’s $90 vs $150 in this shop’s favor. Amazing noodles. ~ 10/10. Ginseng Chicken Noodles – $80A friend’s noodle, I was too full but managed to take a sip of the soup. Very strong of Ginseng flavour and also chicken stock. The medicinal in you will like this but for me I was more concentrating on the other lovely dishes… Everyone is different. ~ 9/10. It’s All in the Heart - Before coming to here and with their relatively high prices, I was like how good can a Noodles shop be? And I saw Chocolatemui Mui ( www.chocolatemuimui.com) posted on a Macau Magazine about here just coincidentally prior to my own visit. I have to say apart from the Pork Hock dish which was too tough and salty for me, and the Braised Eggs which I could cook better… Everything else exceeded my expectations. This is easily the best noodles house I have been to in Hong Kong and Macau region and with their attention to details.Price: $90 to $170 + 10% Food: ♕♕♕♕ 1/2 to ♕♕♕♕♕ 1/2Address: 荷蘭園柯高街12號全幢Shop D, Mei Lai Kok , Edificio Mei Keng Garden, Avenida de Guimaraes, Flores, MacaoPh: +853 2883 5023 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
某次跟朋友吃飯的時候,他發覺到Andy的氣管不太好就推薦這邊的中醫給他看看,同時友人C也說這有家厲害的麵食主打西班牙黑毛豬 是高級麵店,碗碗近百元,但依然其門如市...到底是有什麼魔力呢從門口看進來就被這兩隻西班牙火腿所吸引著店家標榜絕無味精,而且短時間內開了3家分店可以想像得到它有多人氣了!!以前就有看到它的報導,只是地點不在這邊我也懶得到氹仔去吃麵,直到朋友告訴我這裡也開了家就衝過來啦反正每次看完中醫都要等1小時才能拿藥,就利用這時間吃東西嚕蔥油蝦乾麵﹝MOP$80﹞像是拌麵的那種據說採用了法國玫瑰蝦籽 日本蝦乾 蝦茸 及 生熟香蔥佈滿滿的香蔥段啊,飄出誘人的香氣 及 辛香有沒有看到上面那個蝦籽、那個蝦茸,真讓人流口水啊拌著Q勁的麵條,那濃濃的蔥段香氣好惹味喲鮮香 辛香 都在搶風頭呢,最後辛香比較厲害呢吃下去就感受到那細膩的所在,打破腦想中那傳統中式麵食的感覺西班牙火腿冷麵﹝MOP$68﹞中式的麵條也可以做冷麵的嗎這款冷麵配上的是 24個月西班牙火腿,捲得好美唷~ 像顆小玫瑰似的獨家特調的醬汁聽說是用上7種水果磨成的,微酸帶甜到底是什麼來的呢麵條中還混著不少的火腿絲來增香提味呢!!後來也有在中午時分到訪,供應著划算的午市特惠套餐選擇也不少喔,一定會找到喜歡的~有我愛吃的冷麵耶,價格比晚上便宜一點,還附有飲料呢這天突然想吃 蒜泥白肉 ﹝MOP$38﹞肉片很鮮嫩甘香混著蒜末蔥花的香氣 還有清爽的青瓜,略嫌醬汁不夠多及蒜味較淺西班牙火腿冷麵﹝MOP$58 / 午市價格﹞這次真的是撿到寶啦,剛巧24個月的西班牙火腿賣光光只好拿36個月來充當~ 油份不多 卻咸香有致 非常回味呢美國極品肥牛湯麵﹝MOP$48 / 午市價格﹞另外還有款清湯牛肉麵 用上和牛做配料感覺也很讚牛肉還帶點粉嫩的色澤,如果不喜歡吃那麼生的話,可以多泡一陣子肥牛片有著讓人滿足的厚度,油花分佈得剛好,吃起來很鮮嫩滑溜這邊的麵條更是靈魂所在,以純手工搓成的麵糰再用機器切割爽滑軟Q 掛湯力又強 比烏龍麵更扎實點的質感,厲害的是放在熱湯中多久都不會糊掉不管是配那款材料都很搭,光是麵條已叫我迷戀上了天氣變暖的那幾天,雖然你的氣管明顯舒緩了許多但還是覺得要來覆診一下,而我嘛...當然跟著你來嚕哇哈哈~ 說穿了還不是為了吃嗎?!西班牙火腿冷麵﹝MOP$58 / 午市價格﹞變回用 24個月西班牙火腿了賣相不及第一次吃到的美,但它的油花真的很甘香油潤!~百吃不膩的耶而且每次來都猜它裡面到底是用什麼水果磨成的...是個很難的題目裕家泡菜肉片湯麵﹝MOP$58 / 午市價格﹞是用店家自製的泡菜做配料泡菜的辣度是慢慢滲出來的,剛開始並不強烈~肉片很軟柔微酸微辣的湯頭很醒胃,麵條的份量感覺有特別多!吃得好撐啊凍奶茶 隨餐附的,雖然茶味較為淡薄了些,但還是挺香醇好喝鮮榨苦瓜蘋果汁﹝MOP$9 / 午市加購價﹞點這個的當下把他嚇呆了沒想到我會那麼養生吧,平常加入苦瓜的飲料我都會推開,但這天意外的想喝成品是淡淡的苦瓜味 以蘋果的甜為主導~花費近百元吃碗麵,你問我值得嗎?但以它的用心度 以及用料上面 絕對值得我還要嚐嚐其他的麵食,再來滿足的N訪 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)