
IN Portuguese Food
+853 28576700
+853 66896426
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
11:30 - 23:30
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澳門3層高葡國菜! 霸氣肉串+龍蝦海鮮飯必食

食評 (5)
等級1 2024-09-28
158 瀏覽
The seafood rice was a superb must try food in this restaurant. The flavour of rich seafood, with a lot of seafoods. Lobster, shrimp, clams,scallops and mussels.2nd will be the short ribs that comes with french fries and red bean rice. The meat was so tender and tasty. They served it with red bean rice, with meaty taste!They have four options of the lemonade, can order by jar or glass. And if beer, they always have buy one take one!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-02
1069 瀏覽
事隔幾年再訪澳門,特意上網搜尋好味葡國菜,俾我搵到呢間評價很高的葡國菜。餐廳可以用Whatspp訂座,非常方便。一入門侍應就知道是我們,馬上招呼我地上2樓。樓梯間充滿葡萄牙風味,國旗,布藝品,仲有C朗😂 佈置好有氣氛又溫馨。我地點了炸馬介休,白酒煮蜆,八爪魚湯飯,白酒Sangria。侍應會詢問蜆和八爪魚飯加唔加莞茜,非常細心🩷首先上來的是餐包,麵包熱辣辣,牛油混入了香料,搽上麵包上特別好味。炸馬介休🐟 - 好熱,外脆內軟,食落有啖啖魚香,餡料非常幼滑。白酒煮蜆 - 份量都唔小,醬汁有好香白酒味,蜆肉鮮甜,冇乜沙。八爪魚飯🐙- 網上極推介!真係好好味,份量好大,濃郁嘅蕃茄醬汁加上八爪魚同意大利飯,食到唔停口,同白酒Sangria都好夾! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-12-01
988 瀏覽
🇲🇴 澳門正宗葡國菜去澳門氹仔官也街除咗好多手信賣及好多街頭小吃之外,原來都有好多間正宗葡國餐廳。今次見到呢間葡國菜餐廳,覺得個門面都幾靚,即管入去試吓。☺️ 一入到去就見到裏面有一幅好大嘅C朗拿度相片,仲即刻走咗入去合照添。由於係下午茶時間,叫咗幾樣比較出名嘅,例如葡國雞牛肉薯條蜆等等,居然意外驚喜的好食,值得推介。舖頭裝修都幾靚,打卡一流。👍🏻服務態度都認真唔錯,下次食晚飯都去試吓先😋😋😋😋 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-04-19
1566 瀏覽
黎澳門一定要食餐葡國菜啦,未食過海鮮飯,酸酸地有汁好開胃,似平時食番薯炒蛋甘開胃😂加上有幾種海鮮整出黎既汁好鮮甜😋好好食。馬介休球睇推介必點,都吾錯😌食到呢到已經飽左啦,仲叫左個雞。因為系燒雞所以需時都幾耐,等到落哂格已經食吾落要打包啦😅隻雞就一般般,燒得幾香,但都系較乾身,而且價錢略貴,性價比麻麻。3樣野食加杯酒精飲品,一千蚊埋單。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2019-12-27
1871 瀏覽
Decided on the smallest restaurant amongst 3 similarly well-reviewed Portuguese restaurants in the area and we were not disappointed. Everything we ordered turned out to be delicious:Ham croquette balls - one could actually taste the ham and not just a mouthful of mashed potato. Kale soup with chorizo - unassuming but simply yummy.Grilled sardines - came with slices of bread to soak up the oil and grilled peppers. It was so nicely done with a crispy skin and moist flesh that even the skeptic was converted.Roast pork - my favourite dish. The pork was really tender and flavourful. Unlike many places serving similar dishes, the skin was crunchy but not teeth-breaking hard. Just this dish alone was worth returning.Seafood rice - a generous pot of rice with lots of seafood embedded inside, in addition to the half lobster and mussels on top of the rice. It was a shame we were so stuffed and couldn’t finish the dish.The only let down was the desserts which were lacklustre compared with the other dishes. Also, we feel that the restaurant should offer ordinary water instead of charging for bottled water.Special mention to the waitstaff who was particularly attentive and cheerful. Her reminder that we initially over-ordered was also much appreciated. 繼續閱讀
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