餐廳: 茶園



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坐落灣仔君悅酒店閣樓的茶園提供匠心獨運的自助午餐和自助晚餐,主打經典的歐陸佳餚,嚴選上乘的時令、有機食材入饌。餐廳亦供應精緻的三層架下午茶,而惠顧下午茶的賓客更可享用即點即製甜品吧和雪糕櫃。 繼續閱讀
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12:00 - 22:00
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食評 (767)
屋企人以為訂咗Grand Cafe Buffet 點知原來訂咗Tiffin lunch buffet,錯有錯着。坐上樓上景觀開陽啲,又有現場樂手伴奏,加上staff 服務周到,老人家覺得環境好pleasant。個buffet 冇拿手中菜hot dish,我又唔覺得太可惜。由於生酮飲食嘅關係,見到各款salads 同埋個厚切salmon 已經覺得包咗底。值得一讚嘅係個curry section,認真做好naan 、薄脆、印度米飯同埋其他嘅醬汁。逢親去老牌酒店buffet,我都鍾意試各種醬汁同埋配料,佢哋花心機做好每一個細節,我亦用同樣嘅力度去欣賞。值得讚嘅係個龍蝦湯,不過少吃多滋味,飲半碗以上已經好飽。由於唔想浪費食物,set lunch 那部份skip咗egg dish,只係食咗清蒸龍蝦,龍蝦鉗肉預先剝好,very thoughtful. 屋企人話個龍蝦肉有點tough,well,我有龍蝦食已經開心☺️ 最後個餐茶嗌咗凍檸茶,第一次見到有鮮檸檬跟埋lemon juice with pulp ! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-04-17
206 瀏覽
今次試Grand Hyatt 茶園既buffet,tea set食過但buffet真係第一次,以前食buffet多數去落下面間grand cafe,依家先知茶園都有做buffet 有一項頭盤可以選,非任食 當中有龍蝦,龍蝦有三種煮法: 清蒸、蒜蓉牛油同芝士焗 聽講芝士焗會好乾所以我要左蒜蓉牛油 清蒸應該係保持到最好既肉質,但係之前既buffet實在食左太多既清蒸版本,今日想食下新野 呢場賣點應該繼續係生蠔,有兩款,味道都唔錯,不過唔算大隻,同埋唔係即開果種新鮮程度 其他海鮮有蝦、蟹腳、青口之類 蟹腳係我重點,因為我唔食蠔 不過佢既蟹腳就比較麻麻,已經唔算大隻,仲要好好好好咸 作為蟹怪我真係好少食一碟就收手,但今次我真係冇再食第二碟 而且我成餐飯都係保持住好口渴既狀態  唔知係咪因為太口渴係咁飲水既關係,好快就飽左,除左龍蝦湯我都冇再二刷野食偏向西式,冇好似平時常見既燒味區、咖哩區、粉麵區、刺身區 芝士區都很不錯,款式好多,而且已經有埋蜜糖係度(小敝步,蜜糖水好好飲) 其他西式熱盤食品都唔差,但又冇邊款特別出彩,比較有記憶點: - 法國田螺好食! 幾大隻, 入味又彈牙 - 已經冇左鵝肝,得鵝肝醬,好腥- 反而佢塊包好好食! 推薦用黎點龍蝦湯 - 龍蝦湯係全場水準最高菜品之一,好香濃郁但冇負擔感,入口好順 - 薯條隔離有黑松露牛油,超級配 - 炸魚都唔錯,唔算炸得好油,魚肉好厚 - 炸軟殼蟹就唔得,勁油又少肉 - 意大利雲吞好香,個餡好食,但皮就有點乾,皮有d位好硬....好似未熟晒咁 - 獨獨有味燒肉混左係熱盤中,但質素一般,皮都仲脆但又帶點un 似係放左好耐好耐雖然冇刺身區,不過就有煙燻三文魚,厚切的,味道都很好哦 甜品區有即煮pancake同waffle蛋糕款式較少但都高質,缺點又係全部大size,我地成台人share一碟先搞得掂 不過賣相又真係靚過平時d 一 小舊 另外都仲有d小蛋糕同truffle chocolate 雪糕唔知係自家製定現成? 香橙sorbet好清甜解渴  整體環境好寧靜舒服,仲有live 樂手表演,真係差唔多彈足全程值得一讚係呢度幾乎每個,唔係個別一兩個,侍應都好好 有禮貌、貼心、主動同你有互動、真係專業得黎又有溫度,好滿意  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-04-03
476 瀏覽
Indulgence from the Sea: Oysters :     Imagine the briny taste of freshly shucked oysters, with a hint of sea salt lingering on your palate.Typically, oysters are served raw and freshly shucked, so preparation time is minimal, usually just a few minutes per serving.The journey through the gastronomic delights of /hongkong/r-tiffin-wan-chai-western-buffet-r begins with the briny allure of fresh oysters. Served on a bed of ice, each shell harbors a treasure trove of oceanic flavors, tantalizing the palate with a burst of freshness. With a squeeze of lemon and a dash of mignonette, these delicacies evoke the essence of the sea, setting a high standard . Savoring Tradition: Lobster Bisque ;The creamy richness of a lobster bisque, infused with the subtle flavors of sherry and thyme.  Making lobster bisque involves cooking and simmering lobster shells, vegetables, and other ingredients to extract flavors, which can take around 1-2 hours.Velvety smooth and infused with the essence of the ocean, every spoonful is a symphony of flavors. With hints of brandy and cream dancing on the palate, this classic soup offers a taste of indulgence that lingers long after the bowl is empty .A Culinary Masterpiece: Beef Wellington ;   Elevating the dining experience to new heights is the pièce de résistance: Beef Wellington. At /hongkong/r-tiffin-wan-chai-western-buffet-r, this timeless dish is executed with precision and flair. Tender beef, enveloped in a golden puff pastry crust, yields effortlessly to reveal a perfect medium-rare interior. Paired with a velvety red wine reduction, each bite is a symphony of textures and flavors, leaving diners in awe of culinary mastery.  The Perfect Finale: Cappuccino  ;   Experience the warm embrace of a beautifully made cappuccino as the meal comes to an end. This traditional Italian coffee at /hongkong/r-tiffin-wan-chai-western-buffet-r is a masterpiece, with smooth froth on top of a strong espresso foundation. When savored carefully, it provides a brief period of relaxation, enabling the senses to relish the residual recollections of a remarkable dining encounter as the flavors remain.A Taste of France: French Baked Escargot  :   Venture into the realm of French cuisine with the decadent delight of French baked escargot. At /hongkong/r-tiffin-wan-chai-western-buffet-r, these tender morsels are bathed in a garlic herb butter, creating a symphony of flavors that transport diners to the streets of Paris. Served piping hot, each bite is an exploration of texture and taste, leaving a lasting impression of French culinary finesse.Spread atop crispy toasted brioche, the velvety smoothness of the foie gras melts on the tongue, leaving a lingering sweetness that is both decadent and divine. It’s a culinary experience that epitomizes the opulence of fine dining., where each dish is a masterpiece crafted with passion and precision. From the depths of the sea to the heights of gastronomic delight, every bite is an adventure for the senses, promising an unforgettable dining experience    The duration of food preparationpersonal experiences or interactions, so I can't provide a firsthand account of the staff's service quality. However, in a high-end establishment like /hongkong/r-tiffin-wan-chai-western-buffet-r, one would expect attentive and professional service from the staff. This might include prompt seating, courteous interaction, knowledgeable guidance on the menu, and timely delivery of food and beverages. can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the dish, the skill of the chefs, and the kitchen setup.   This includes cleanliness in the dining area, kitchen, restrooms, and any other public spaces. Restaurants often adhere to strict sanitation protocols to ensure the health and safety of their customers. If you're concerned about the cleanliness of a particular restaurant, you may want to consult online reviews or visit the establishment in person to assess the cleanliness standards firsthand. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
啱啱嗰星期長老生日🎂諗住帶佢食餐好😆搵搵吓發現 @grandhyatthongkong 有個flash sale😍自助餐低至買一送一🤩可惜當刻已經太遲😂買一送一已經賣哂,只係得返8折優惠😆 (星期五至日 原價$1909/2位—> $1562.4/2位)其實咖啡廳同茶園都有自助餐優惠😛最後揀咗茶園,因為之前試過幾次下午茶都覺得唔錯😋再加上茶園正舉辦「蠔門蟹宴」主題自助晚餐🦪當晚嘅生蠔有自法國西岸知名養殖家族 David Herve嘅Fine De Claire同La Boudeuse🦪全部都係新鮮即開,大家排隊密密拎,廚師就密密開😂清咗一輪好快就refill返,所以唔怕食唔到😙生蠔都幾飽滿,食落鮮甜👍🏻除了即開生蠔外更有幾款不同口味的焗蠔,愛食蠔嘅啱哂😆😆熟食方面,茶園行西式路線,只提供歐陸美食,所以平時常見嘅中菜呢度就唔會見到☺️ 試咗佢哋主打威靈頓牛柳,味道中規中矩,未到好驚艷😆反而旁邊嘅羊架更吸引,肉質嫩滑,羊騷味濃🤤每位都會有一隻即煮波士頓龍蝦🦞煮法有3種:凍食、芝士同牛油🧈如果胃口許可😆我一定最推介芝士🧀真係好香🤤另外要讚佢嘅細心🥰原隻龍蝦鉗已經拆好放埋一齊焗,輕鬆簡單又乾淨就可以食晒成隻龍蝦😋😋👍🏻甜品絕對係茶園一大賣點😍精緻嘅蛋糕櫃同自家製雪糕真係叫人花多眼亂🤩蛋糕一件件放喺玻璃櫃入面,就好似cafe咁🥰試咗幾款都好高質😋最正就係法式千層酥,皮酥脆cream又滑🤤 另外仲有即製嘅橙酒crepe🍊就算嗰肚就快撐爆都想試吓😝好濃酒香🥂皮好夠煙靭,值得一試😉 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-03-22
977 瀏覽
位於君悅酒店內面 離會展港鐵站好近 第一次黎呢個閣樓位 環境一流🥰樓底極高 好開揚空間感好夠 每一張枱之間都隔得比較開可以好放鬆咁傾計同食野 舒服✌🏻今次係Farewell 同事既一餐 同事本身幾中意食自助餐亦都黎過茶園食過佢覺得好高質所以揀左帶埋我地再黎一次 🙂平時比較少食自助餐 但特別中意食甜品🧁茶園既甜品都幾出名 食過之後 算係合乎期望 不錯食物選擇算幾多元化 冷盤比較多 特別係蔬菜類都唔少 相當新鮮🥬海鮮類選擇比較少 有啲可惜 😭同埋量都少 好快比人攞得七七八八特別一提 面包非常好食 雖然應該無咩人去食自助餐會幾個面包🤣🤣熟食就相對一般 烤肉類比較出色 熟度剛好🥩甜品方面 雪糕同蛋糕都幾多款式🍰🍦雪糕幾多特別味而且都幾滑蛋糕都出色 唔會太甜太膩 多多都食得落 正😊Overall 都合乎預期 唔錯的☺️方便指數: 4.5/5環境指數: 4/5回頭指數: 3.5/5地址: 灣仔港灣道1號君悅酒店閣樓 繼續閱讀
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