港鐵佐敦站 D 出口, 步行約9分鐘 繼續閱讀
以韓國米酒為主題的餐廳,店主從韓國引進8款有氣米酒,味道酸甜,酒精濃度不高。食客還可以點韓式豬手、土豆煎餅、辣雞腳等菜式當下酒菜。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
*15:00-17:30 closed
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (231)
等級4 2024-03-04
1520 瀏覽
There are many authentic Korean restaurants located in TST Kimberly Road, Ssal Bori Ssal is one of them, whereas not only local, but also Korean visited.They served 3 starters for each table with unlimited refill, their kimchi were one of the best Kimchi I tried in Hong Kong, spicy and the sourness was just right.There were wide variety of Korean wine for selection, we saw some table ordered Makgeolli with traditional golden pot contained. All of these make me feel like I was being in Korea.There were many stew, good for cold weather. We had ordered the braised pork knuckle and pork belly. The knuckle absorbed all the soy sauce, the pork belly was so tender, served with fresh lettuce. Perfect match.We also ordered the fried chicken, crispy and flavorful. The meat was not dry. The last one we ordered was seafood noodles, but there was actually not much seafood. This was rather average when compared to the others two dishes. Overall a nice Korean restaurant in Hong Kong for authentic Korean dishes and wine 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-02-20
1235 瀏覽
Ssal Bori Ssal 尖沙咀金巴利道78號金輝閣地下B號舖味道評分:☄️(必食之選)>☀️>🌤>⛅️>💨落單後會先上枱3款前菜:泡菜、豆芽、魚糕✨特別想提一提,佢地的泡菜入口清甜,之後慢慢辣,後勁十足🤣☄️海鮮煎餅 $149必點推薦‼️煎餅做到外脆內軟的極致,口感好好😙想講魷魚勁大舊,已經唔可以用「粒」嚟形容,要用「條」🤣🤣☀️芝士粟米炸雞 甜辣味 $195好驚喜的位係有飯焦食😍飯焦+芝士+粟米依個組合好味😋有骨炸雞份量好多,每個雞塊都沾滿口味淡淡的甜辣醬,配搭芝士後味道會更濃郁☺️☀️蛋卷 Egg roll $133有媽媽的味道,口感順滑🤤整到好厚食落超滿足🫶🏻蛋卷表面仲有好多沙律醬同蕃茄醬,好難唔好食🤣☄️Mak So Sa $110有燒酒的氣味+米酒的味道+最後用雪碧的甜味中和翻燒酒的啃,成件事都好match,同埋易入口好多😙❤️‍🔥獨特韓國菜式幾多選擇~❤️‍🔥餐廳環境温馨地道~ 另收加一服務費~ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-02-05
1021 瀏覽
每次想食地道韓國菜都會去尖沙咀,今次黎到主打傳統韓國菜嘅Ssal Bori Ssal,有唔少韓國人食客黎happy hour🍷,佢地食炸雞🍗、熱鍋、一路飲住馬格利酒傾計,好似去左韓國咁~餐牌有多款獨特韓國菜式,仲有燉湯系列,岩晒冬天暖胃補身☺️🔸前菜坐低店員就送上3款前菜,唔算太辣,清新開胃,仲可以無限refill!💯🔸海鮮煎餅 $149煎餅好足料! 八爪魚同魷魚粒爽口彈牙,煎餅唔會太厚粉漿。食落脆脆地好香口,醬汁微辣、酸酸甜甜,加煎餅一齊食好夾。🔸花蛤大醬鍋 $103大醬湯係韓國人最愛嘅家常小菜,大醬鍋用石鍋上夠晒熱辣辣,大醬味道濃郁,調味剛好,有齊花蛤、蘿蔔、豆腐、櫛瓜等,相當足料,仲附送白飯一碗,撈飯一流!🔸炖首爾牛肉 $340一上枱已經嘩一聲,份量驚人! 牛肉醃得好入味,嫩滑味濃,鍋底加入左多種蔬菜,煮一陣再飲個湯~湯底特別鮮甜,個底仲有粉絲,索晒牛肉汁好惹味🥰🔸Ma So Sa $110用米酒、燒酒同雪碧整成,係地道嘅韓式cocktail,清甜易入口,唔會太重酒味,好岩女仔飲~原本仲以為係一杯,原來係一壺! 好抵飲✨ 繼續閱讀
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呢間位於尖沙咀正宗嘅韓國小店,菜式種類多元化,保留傳統韓國菜都加入最潮最興嘅菜式,正宗又帶獨特性店鋪環境好闊落,坐位以木櫈為主,兩邊有梳化位,👭🏻孖妹坐低左就全院滿坐😍今日👭🏻孖妹叫左一好多芝士系列嘅菜式,👷🏻‍♀️細孖被禁飲酒🫣,冇得試馬格利酒,每枱客人都有餐前小食,泡菜、芽菜同甜酸豆等涼菜,開下胃先幾唔錯🔸 🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🥢 芝士粟米炸雞 💰195✨以鐵板上,會有米飯墊底,加入牛油粟米,都好大份,成座山咁高🤓,雞槌、雞翼、雞胸位,各個部位都好平均,雞肉外層炸粉好薄身,肉質唔會好韌,最正係雞槌,貪佢啖啖肉😂滲上最邪惡嘅mozzarella cheese,好香夠惹味😍唯一係雞骨比較大舊,如果提供手套🧤就更好🥢芝士泡菜石頭鍋飯 💰120✨重點mozzarella cheese👍🏻石鍋整到好熱㗎,趁熱撈勻所有配料😉芝士完美拉絲,每啖都好夠餸,仲要有飯焦👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻泡菜撈得好勻,好濃郁,鹹香十足🥢海鮮薄餅 💰133✨加入各種海鮮類,蔥、魷魚等,煎至底部金黃酥脆,外邊邊位香脆,內軟嫩,另配韓醬油,增添了更多的風味又冇咁膩🥢蛋卷 💰133✨一上菜時wow左聲,好大入,蛋卷裏面加左超級超級多芝士🧀,雞多逐層慢火煎,好鬼嫩滑🤭,茄汁同芥末醬令到蛋卷更加惹味,👭🏻孖妹用左5分鐘KO哂🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹✍🏻總評:加🔟服務費:✅👭🏻推薦指數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘👭🏻回頭指數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗👭🏻環境評分:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘👭🏻服務評分:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹💰人均消費:$330 繼續閱讀
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Tsim Sha Tsui • Ssal Bori Ssal🥞Seafood Pancake $149Korean pancakes should be familiar to all of you, the seafood pancake 🫓 that I tried has crispy edges,soft and chewy filling. The addition of seafood such as cuttlefish 🦑 + shrimp🍤 and green onion/leeks made the flavour and texture more rich and varied. The homemade sauce is also very flavourful, a bit salty and slightly spicy, which makes the pancake more delicious every time you dip it in😋.🍲Seafood Tofu Soup $103Tofu is a versatile ingredient that can be enjoyed throughout the year. Besides cooking methods like deep-frying, using tofu to make soup is a wonderful way to enjoy it😊😊This Korean seafood soup is refreshing and tangy. Combining various fresh and chewy seafood🦑🦐enhances the richness of the soup. It often served with a bowl of rice🍚(less spicy).🐮Hotpot Beef Bibimbap $120The portion is suitable for sharing between 1-2 people, and it has an appealing presentation👍🏻 with vibrant colors.It contains a combination of ingredients such as beef, carrots🥕,mushrooms, spinach, bean sprouts, and an egg🍳. The beef is stir-fried to a caramelized color with a sweet and savory flavor.The stone pot is heated well, and when mixed with the Korean spicy sauce, it provides a rich and satisfying taste. Additionally, the rice at the bottom of the pot becomes crispy and adds a delightful texture to the dish.🐔Soy Garlic Baby KFC $120This was a bit disappointing😞. It seems that the portion size was small compared to the price, and the flavor of the soy sauce/garlic🧄 was not outstanding. The chicken skin lacked crispiness, and the meat inside was a bit dry🥲🥲.Cream Soda $15Grape Juice $15Both beverages are canned. No specific comments will be made regarding their flavor. 繼續閱讀
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