Opening Hours
*Close on Mondays
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
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Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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八寶湯圓 芒果/蜜瓜牛奶冰 珍珠奶茶 愛玉冰 雞蛋紅豆牛奶冰
Review (28)
Level4 2012-09-23
灣仔的修頓球場附近,有一間由台灣人開的食店,這間店舖主力售賣台式甜品,但亦有一些台式小食出售。這天晚飯過後,來到這裡吃了一個紅豆牛奶冰。很簡單的材料,就是一碗刨冰,上面加上紅豆及練奶,簡簡單單的吃來十分清涼,正好適合這時候的炎熱天氣。紅豆份量足夠,煮得軟淋好吃,又不會太甜,而店內的冷氣足夠,刨冰也不會融得很快。只是若果可以加多點練奶會更好,因為吃到最後的時候不太夠練奶,變成只吃半融的冰及紅豆。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-08-30
從團購網站買下兩張$15當$30的現金卷,即半價於是這天特意到灣仔去品嘗下台灣的美食。店舖十分難找,雖在譚臣道,但卻在另一邊,我找了很久才找到由於團購卷限2:30後使用,故我3:00來,到達時只有一位客人。八寶湯圓,用上紅豆、綠豆、芋圓、粉圓、qq圓、蕃薯、花生等八種材料,湯底是彊湯,有濃烈的彊味,本來是唔錯的,可惜料太少了,基本上只是在飲湯,其實這些材料不是這麼貴吧,為何店主這麼孤寒呢?唉!我還有一張未用,不過都不敢抱太大期望了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Previously came here for dessert but now they have more options for lunch. I was surprised to find out they have another joint near Brim 28.Anyway they have extended their opening hours too.The steamed dumplings looked good so I tried that, there are three types and I chose the seafood one.The dumplings tasted really nice but they were steamed for too long because the dumpling skin broke everytime you picked it up and the fillings fell out.The filling were really nice, it had scrambled egg and prawns and the filling was filled with so much juice due to the steaming.There was a sachet of vinegar with ginger sauce for the dumplings too which made it more appetizing.The dumplings came with a can of grass jelly drink which was good because it was not the boring Lemon Teas or HK beverages.I found it too sweet but after diluting it the drink was really nice. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-07-15
朋友介紹呢間係台灣人開既正宗台灣甜品舖,出名牛奶冰、燒仙草、餃子、牛肉麵等,因我本人好鐘意食冰,所以我選擇了芒果牛奶冰,d芒果好新鮮,仲好多芒果㖭!正!夏天食左真的爽曬!老闆又好招呼!值得介推! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-07-13
六月二十八日 (星期四)記得多個月前發現譚臣道原來整條街滿是食店,彷如發現新大陸般前陣子看電視,才知道那一家近期大熱的蟹膳也是藏身於此,真是不簡單今次不是來蟹膳,而是在它隔鄰的一家台式專門店 – 冰讚其實經過數次,但每次都總是沒有開門的,是日到來終於見它開門做午市,要把握機會去試試午市時段,小店當然不止供應甜品,有不少午市套餐供應原來食家蔡瀾也曾到訪小店,並加以讚賞,參考價值有多少,見人見智有別於其他台食店,這裡主打台式餃子,蒸餃子,湯餃子,看來頗不錯,於是每個各點一客試試味道如何 小店為求保持食物新鮮熱辣,餃子也是即叫即煮,客人可能要等一會蒸餃子,最初還怕不夠飽,但原來一籠有八大隻是日有兩款蒸餃子選擇,一款是三絲,另一款是香菇不吃菇的,當然點了一籠三絲蒸餃子餃子皮煙煙韌韌的,有口感又不會過厚三絲即是蝦,蛋絲及韮王蝦雖細小,但仍算新鮮彈牙加上蛋絲以及韮王亦能提升餃子的鮮味 特大其實又說不上,只是比我們常吃的廣東雲吞大一點特大雲吞的皮薄,內裡的餡料是鮮豬肉以及香蒽吃起來雲吞飽滿,豬肉甘香,配上香蔥亦能增強味覺效果麵彈牙且份量多,唯湯底太清,即使是加上了大量蔥和海帶,也未能帶味湯底較清淡之同時但也嫌太多油了,吃來有點不健康的感覺是日套餐附上的飲品是益力多冰茶益力多味道甚濃,味道偏甜,但也頗解喝的臨走前,多口問一聲老闆娘,原來小店已經開業好一段時間以往主打甜品,現在有麵食,所以午市時段也會開放在場所見,除了餃子,還有其他台式食品如鹽酥雞等供應小店食物質素不俗,且價錢大眾化儘管附近食肆多,競爭大,但相信仍吸引到一班捧場客的 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)