6-min walk from Exit B1, Shek Kip Mei MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
06:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (72)
Level1 2024-05-19
勁香花生醬味勁濃郁,星期日早上石硤尾球場踢完波,跟住波友去附近南山村,食早餐,隔離果間最出名嘅無去到,2號餐火腿炒蛋,好滑好香無溝水,凍咖啡好香好濃,迷你菠蘿包真係好鬆化同埋香,同埋仲係熱! 38幾蚊性價比勁高💯😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-22
During our visit to Nam San Estate, we had the opportunity to stop by Nan Fung, a bustling restaurant located nearby. It proved to be a popular spot, especially during lunch hours, with a constant flow of customers. Despite the initial impression of a crowded space upon entering, we soon discovered that there were additional tables located behind a partition, allowing the restaurant to accommodate more guests.One of the standout aspects of our experience was the warm and friendly welcome we received from the staff, including what appeared to be the owner. Their hospitality helped create a welcoming atmosphere and put us at ease. It's worth noting that the restaurant's popularity might initially seem intimidating, but the staff's friendliness made us feel comfortable and well taken care of.We were pleasantly surprised by the efficiency of the service. Despite the high volume of customers, the staff worked diligently to ensure orders were taken promptly and dishes were served in a timely manner. This quick service allowed us to make the most of our limited time before beginning our volunteer work.When it came to the food, while it may not have been exceptional or outstanding, it was still enjoyable. It's possible that the restaurant's emphasis lies more in delivering a quick and convenient dining experience rather than aiming for culinary perfection.However, what truly set Nan Fung apart was the friendly service attitudes displayed by the staff. It can be a rarity to find such genuine warmth and attentiveness in many local restaurants in Hong Kong.In conclusion, our visit to Nan Fung during our elderly home visits at Nam San Estate provided a convenient and satisfying dining experience. Friendly staff attitudes made it a memorable stop on our volunteer journey. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-09
其實石硤尾個個都食品x 樓,我自己就中意食南豐餐廳多d, 首先佢杯奶茶真係好唔錯,我差唔多每日經過都會飲1杯。今日又黎食lunch, 揀左自選麵:辛辣麵+擔擔湯底+豬扒,小食就揀左芝士吞拿魚豬仔包。其實好鍾意食麵轉辛辣麵,但係佢個擔擔麵湯底實在太濃了,加埋辛辣麵嗰種辛辣口感,真係太濃稠喇!成碗麵嘅感覺就好似變咗沾麵咁,所以如果下次揀擔擔麵湯底都係要返普通米線咁就算, 或者可以試下辛辣麵配佢個酸辣湯底,應該都會幾出色。然後塊豬扒好大塊, 又好嫩滑,58蚊嘅餐真係好抵食!最值得讚就係佢個芝士吞拿魚豬仔包,外皮超脆,吞拿魚有好多,完全係可以單點嘅一份小食。另外嗌咗份午餐, 揀咗佢當日嘅快餐:章魚雞粒燴飯, 個口感好似福建炒飯大大份又濃味!佢啲午餐都唔錯,真心值得推薦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-01-19
預先資料搜集中,發現此屋邨中小店有不少正評,有機會在石硤尾朝早醫肚,便一試。早餐餐單選項:腐竹雞肉米線 + 煙肉 + 炒蛋 + 菠蘿油 + 凍奶茶。首先送到係凍奶茶。喺冇指定奶與茶比例情況下,呢杯奶茶茶味偏重。指明要少甜少冰,餐廳做到。轉個頭其他食物都送到。全餐份量真係唔少,好豐富。炒蛋正常質素。煙肉如煎至脆口會更佳。等食物上菜時,聽到餐廳職員講外賣落單電話時有特意說明「有菠蘿包供應」,相信菠蘿包係小店嘅熱門產品。作為牛油狂熱喜好者,我有向餐廳要求菠蘿包「多油」,相信廚師係有特意滿足要求。但咬落,個菠蘿包非開口處係唔夠牛油去滿足我。味道與質素方面,菠蘿包符合性價比,溫度則微暖。不多茶餐廳 serve 腐竹雞肉米線配搭,個人十分欣賞此配搭。南豐餐廳此米線多料,令人滿足。清清哋魚湯暖胃,食落感覺幸福。滿意的去找數。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-11-26
今日行咗去南山邨食午餐,你係間餐廳裝修一般但係好多街坊幫襯,我估係因為呢度嘅侍應熱情、價錢合理我嗌咗一個常餐,但佢係非一般嘅常餐,因為佢係魚湯雞肉皮蛋米線;皮蛋有大半隻,好有誠意;湯底嘅魚湯有少少甜,好清甜;上面仲有好多雞肉,呢個價錢真係算唔錯;米線分量足夠,但可以硬啲另外呢個餐仲可以配唔同嘅嘢食,我叫咗火腿蛋加多士,都整得幾香口,多士都幾脆佢仲有好多唔同嘅嘢食例如每日都唔同嘅午餐,唔怪之得咁多人嚟食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)