5-min walk from Exit C2, Cheung Sha Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (21)
Level3 2024-12-14
裝修簡約,有點似國內既小店。食物全是雲吞,有不同既餡料,有大雲吞也有小雲吞。可以淨雲吞,也可以跟粉麵,自由選擇。有選擇困難,選了小雲吞,四款餡料都想試,就點了雜錦小雲吞,一客20粒($43)如單一餡料就一客18粒。味道都不錯👍服務員有禮貌。留意用alipay支付會有手續費 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-05
This place is known for the wontons, but I came for their carbohydrates! Ordered the scallions oil and pork dry mixed noodles, and the mushroom pork rice. BOTH are very good. Homey; and cooked with warmth. And the flavour is just about right, not overly salty or oily. The noodles are of nice textures, with minced pork similar to the Taiwanese braised pork, a little fatty and the oil coated well on the noodles. Mushroom pork rice was a surprise as well. The dried mushroom used was fragrant and elevate the flavour of the rice- I can eat the whole box even without adding other sides. Would definitely come back to more cheap eats, also I’m keen to try out their wontons. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
見面這間街坊餛飩店的餐牌上面有一欄係「齋餛飩」,覺得蠻神奇就進去試試。圓圓的紫椰菜餛飩顏色可愛,餡料真係只有椰菜絲和一點雲耳,餛飩有點易散開,湯略油膩,不過就一餐食左好多蔬菜。餛飩在很多咖啡店那條街的路口,位置幾靚㗎。入面座位不算多,簡單裝修無花巧。亦有向街單邊座位。睇餐牌見到有一欄係齋餛飩,所以入去試下。雲耳紫椰菜齋餛飩HK$38/10隻上桌見到紫色的餛飩覺得很可愛,沒想到平價小店有此賣相。湯頭大概用某種味類湯料開出來,感覺略油膩。齋餛飩有點太容易散開,有幾隻一掂就爛左,好在啲菜無漏晒出來。齋餛飩入面是扎實的紫椰菜絲,真的只有菜啊,沒有混點素肉甚麼的,雲耳也沒太多。沒想到吃齋餛飩到頭來是吃了很多菜。甘筍玉米齋餛飩 HK$38/10隻吃一半發現中間有隻橙色的,大概是俾埋另一個口味我試下,這款入面就是滿滿甘筍絲,不喜歡吃紅蘿蔔不適宜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-06-03
中午經過,就入去醫下肚,三個人叫咗三樣野,兩碗13隻嘅大餛飩,一碗粟米,另一碗韮菜,仲有就係一個香菇飯連10隻小餛飩。每人再叫多咗三杯豆漿,好抵,$5杯,去7-11買水都唔得。先講下大餛飩,啲皮都幾滑,不過就上枱時有一兩隻穿咗,個涵跌咗出黎,味道都可以,值得一讚係粟米肉餛飩,佢啲粟米明顯唔係急凍粟米,食落係新鮮粟米嗰種有啲口感,亦唔係粒粒一樣,應該係自己從新鮮粟米拆出黎。不過料唔算多,一淡就冇晒啲涵。而小餛飩啲涵真係好細,一隻手指尾大小倒,不過皮都仲好滑,都好食嘅,但食完會有唔夠喉感覺。好彩佢套餐跟碗香菇飯,都可以頂下肚,但香菇飯其實冇乜味,飯又硬硬地,作為塞飽個肚都仲可以嘅。整體而言,不過不失,醫下肚仔冇所謂,但應該唔會好需要特登再試喇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日食咗古城餛飩嘅蔥油肉絲拌麵同小餛飩,真係覺得好有台灣既feel,仲要係好食抵食!🤤個麵條煮得啱啱好,唔會過軟又唔會太硬,夠Q夠彈牙,配上香氣四溢嘅蔥油肉絲同滑嫩嘅餛飩,啖啖都係美味!餛飩嘅餡料都好豐富,有肉有菜有香料,入口滑順,真係好食到停唔到口!另外,古城餛飩嘅湯底都好鮮甜,唔會太濃太鹹,啖啖都係鮮味十足。而且,餛飩碗仲係好大碗,份量十足,兩個人要食飽肚都唔洗擔心!總括而言,古城餛飩嘅蔥油肉絲拌麵同小餛飩真係好正啊!唔使飛去台灣都可以食到一樣嘅好味道,推介大家黎試下啦!👌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)