嘉華茶餐廳提供港式、潮式、越式及泰式的菜式給食客選擇。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
炸蝦餅金邊粉 香酥煎蠔餅 貢丸湯河粉 越式春卷 蜆蚧鯪魚球 豬軟骨撈檬粉
Review (12)
I am not fond of food from Chinese cafes but there were two choices that caught my eye today.The stir-fried noodles in soy sauce with fatty beef and the instant noodles in cheese sauce with pork neck meat and burger patty.This restaurant looked really old and grubby.They also had lights on during broad daylight.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★stir-fried noodles in soy sauce with fatty beef:Although I do not like beef, the noodles itself were satisfying without the beef and there were slivers of onion and some sauce from the beef that was on the noodles, so the noodles tasted really nice.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★instant noodles in cheese sauce with pork neck meat and burger patty:This was really fattening because it had cheese, pork neck meat and the burger patty was made with lots of fat too.Again I did not eat the pork neck meat and burger patty, so just the noodles in cheese sauce was good enough because it was delicious.It tastes even better than the starchy cheese sauce at Sun Kee’s and cheaper too!The cheese sauce here was not milky.There were dried herbs in the sauce so you could obviously tell it was made from some pasta sauce mixture or some western sachet soup.The cheese sauce had chicken soup powder taste too.Although it looked heavy, the taste was not that cheesy or sickly.I believe the sauce is made from 80% soup/pasta sauce powder and 20% cheese.The noodles also had pieces of mushrooms in it.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Soup:Not fond of chinese soups but there was no CFC taste in the soup which was good.If I knew the soup costs extra I would not have ordered the soup.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-16
今日出去灣仔,咁就去睇下有冇食,見到這間茶餐廳有位,仲有越式野食,就入去試試。我見到餐牌有越式撈檬,我向侍應指住香茅豬扒配米粉,凍啡,佢比左香茅豬扒湯米=.=,仲比左凍0茶,我叫佢換番凍啡,湯米算喇照食!豬扒好鬆,不過冇香茅味,米粉質地好,湯係濃味,我落左辣椒醋,辣椒醋的辣椒好辣,正,不過醋味不夠。凍啡,一般茶記那種。午市時間,$30,算不錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-05-09
上班日, 係中環, 上環, 灣仔辦好事, 下午要回公司嘛. 既然在灣仔, 當然不先過海才搭車. 去灣仔碼頭坐大巴. 但時間已經是11點, 好尷尬, 先食飯又未餓, 不食飯, 上到去又會餓. 點算呢....結果就是, 找家茶餐廳, 快快趣趣塞飽自己先再上路. 身處地鐵站, 那就找間就腳的, 然而這當眼在大街的小小茶餐廳, 就被我選中了.仲有半小時才到正式的(early round)食飯時間, 搭正11點來. 店子只有兩三個人. 我要趕路, 就乾脆的看看有什麼快餐好食. 想食點肉, 又想淡淡地口. 快餐上的梅菜井蒸肉餅是最好不過. 豬肉呢一家野有一個好處, 就是唔怕太熟, 亦可以說是煮得越熟越好. 為何要特別提起呢一點, 因為我叫的蒸肉餅, 是快餐, 而且基本上是快到可以說即叫即有, 所以我覺得, 佢地一定是把一定數量的肉餅長期蒸著, 有人要就拿一碟..咁樣才能夠Speed up個服務. 亦因為咁, 碟肉餅好多倒汗水.味道上, 是不錯的味精味道. 肉汁香, 不過帶有少許而不重的味精, 可以說有好有不好. 但, 若是家庭式的做法, 應有一個非常香的梅菜味, 但梅菜, 係呢一塊肉餅上, 可以說是大海撈針. 食唔到有幾多梅菜, 但食到有好多肥肉. 成碟野, 豬肥肉居多, 所以又滑又腍.算是可以的一個early lunch. 我也快快的吃完. 快快的行去灣仔碼頭....搭車... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-08-12
是日同老公食早餐分別叫咗火腿通+煎蛋+腸仔+油多+凍檸水走甜我就叫咗雞蛋芝士三文治烘底+熱檸水一嚟阿姐放低兩杯凍檸水我同佢講要熱個喎佢即刻黑起塊面話 "你明明係叫凍檸水"咁我都黑番塊面答 "我叫熱嘅, 我從來唔飲凍檸水"跟住佢繼續講 "你根本就係叫凍嘅"我都廢事理佢, 最後佢見我唔接, 唯有死死地氣改番張單拎杯嘢走由於佢事前無講邊杯走甜最後老公就要硬飲果杯甜到爆嘅凍檸水 食到中途, 我個位樓上果部冷氣機竟然滴水仲要滴正我份三文治果一刻真係好慶, 但見食剩少少, 算數, 唔同佢計總結今朝咁差勁嘅經驗決定唔會再有下次!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-12-06
4-12-2009「下場」如常喺灣仔, 繼續喺灣仔開餐, 無乜心水又幾趕時間的情況下, 入了呢間茶記食典型「茶記嘢」.叫了唔知「常餐」定「特餐」B ($30), 有香茅雞翼丁麵, 司華力腸配多士及炸薯條, 跟一杯熱奶茶:-「香茅雞翼」其實係普通茶記 style 炸雞翼, 醃得夠帶少少甜味, 炸得脆, 不過都幾乾, 食得幾吃力; 丁麵煮得腍了 d, 不過好香麻油味, MSG 粉唔會落得太多, 食落唔會太鹹, 還 ok 啦."Sides" 亦 ok -- 半條司華力腸略煎過, 食落脆皮又帶點甜; 多士烘得幾燶, 好香鹹牛油味, 正 波浪薯條炸得熱辣辣, 食落就無味道, 不過自行落茄汁食, 都幾好食吖 熱奶茶就唔係好掂, 賣相好多奶, 飲落就超級勁爆多奶, 但又有點澀澀哋, 唔喜歡.朋友叫了豬頸肉 + 鮑片丁麵, 跟凍檸蜜 (好似 $28)... 每樣試了少少, 豬頸肉幾香口, 幾爽口又有點肉汁;「鮑片」係現成 (罐頭?) 貨色, 味道不錯, 不過有點硬; 檸蜜就好甜...每人放低約 $30 匆匆忙忙趕下場, 又食到好飽, 無得試鹹西多了, 有緣再見吧. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)