Review (8)
In foodcourts, the most commonly served foods are noodles, roast meats with rice, chinese cuisine, congee, but at this food court, there are so many stalls and varieties.This stall sells hot dogs, but one item that I really wanted to eat most was the Souffle, two big pieces of souffle that look like cakes for $12.Whilst I was there, I saw the owner prepare more.In the food cabinet there were some made earlier.When they are ordered, they are taken out of the cabinet and baked for a bit, so the souffle rises even more.For hot dogs there are about six different types of sausage:Bratwurst, Smoked Bratwurst, Spicy sausage, Jalapeno and cheese sausage, Sausage with cheddar cheese, and "Swithland" which I believe is Cervelat sausage.On the left there are so many sauces and condiments, but just the usual sauces which are:tomato sauce, french mustard, honey mustard, spicy salad sauce, thosand sland, salad cream, mayonnaise and bbq.For condiments they had:jalapenos, sweet relish, pickles, cucumber and tomato.The sauces and condiments rack was really good, it dosnt feel like you are in a food court, the racks is so big that the sauces are well spread apart it feels like you are in a US hot dog stall.Souffle:It was a nice generous portion, clean, white and fluffy, not too sweet.There was no greasy taste or oiliness to it.The cheapest and nicest souffle you can get You don't need to go to hotels or desserts houses for them.Hot dog:tasted ok and it was fun choosing what sauces to put on the sausage. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-04-05
我好少食得咁平,而且係咁耐以黎食得最飽既一次,我除咗係到叫咗個熱狗之外,我仲叫咗個飯,仲食咗少少雞扒,好痛快ar~^_^ 之前黎過一次food court,0個陣時見太多嘢食,都唔知食乜好,當時求其叫咗d ,結果俾我地發現舞茶道。之後,我睇到雜誌介紹西九龍中心d 好嘢,所以拉埋男友過黎試下。 其中一間就係去呢間食熱狗,因為我地諗住掃街,加上只有我一個人食,所以只係叫咗一個,叫墨西哥xx熱狗(我唔記得叫咩名),0個d 醬同埋料都係自己加,我0個個係男朋友幫我加既,佢幫我加青瓜同蕃茄,仲有好多醬,青瓜新鮮爽脆,蕃茄酸酸的,開胃,加埋熱狗腸少少辣,尚可。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-03-31
太太想吃小吃,看見有幾款味道就叫了。小師傅放下他遊戲機,專心地炸這幾樣東西來,我們理解這裏應該最出名是熱狗,但吃炸物的心更強。不消幾分鐘就完成了,每一樣都是新鮮炸的,熱辣辣,沒有過份炸的,炸洋葱圈的粉不算厚,炸芝士條的口感很好。總括都可以一試。最後,它的醬汁是可以自己加的,有很多味道,我試了四款,最好味是芥辣汁。之後我手多多還加了一些青瓜,哥哥仔說這些材料只供熱狗的,呀衰咗添! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-01-19
西九龍中心的美食廣場經過翻新後,乾淨企理得多,而且店子選擇亦有一定數量,所以當我要獨個兒搵食,或找些經濟實惠的地方開餐時,偶爾也會想到這個廣場。中午開會試完菜,已飽了一截,晚上就不吃太豐富,來這裡吃熱狗。沒有什麼心水,是但要了車打芝士燒烤腸熱狗餐,跟餐會有洋蔥圈,以及一杯熱飲,凍飲則要另外加錢。約五分鐘,熱狗已經準備妥當,其實就是一個包一條腸。十款醬汁及五種配料在一個架上,整齊的放好,喜歡的自已動手就可以。今次,我沒有加任何配料,即使蕃茄都無加一片,簡單的弄了點茄汁以及蜜糖芥末便是。麵包煩得香脆,最好還是有芝士鋪面;那條腸仔是脆皮的,中間釀著半溶的車打芝士,很濃郁,味道對勁,不過是有點膩;熱狗再配上合心水的醬汁,無需太過花巧,已經吃得滿意。跟餐的洋蔥圈,是脆口,但係明顯地炸得過了火,黑黑的,又太乾,不好吃。雖然只是配角,套餐價錢亦不貴,但也應該多加留意。這個洋蔥圈,不合格的。那杯餐飲的熱檸茶,是用上Lipton茶包,唯勝在檸檬夠多,並不吝惜。天時冷喝杯熱飲,總是舒服。 continue reading
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吃完了韓國食物,轉戰多之味熱狗屋一位看上很年輕的哥哥仔(可能是弟弟~哈哈)自己一人打理主要買熱狗和小吃這次order了車打芝士燒烤腸熱狗配薯條($20)然後還有一個就是蛋白梳乎里厚多~($10)這裡很好的是熱狗的配料和醬都是自己下的~店主準備了很多不同的汁如:最普通的沙津醬、蕃茄醬、芥末醬,特別一點的有蜜糖芥末醬、蛋黃醬、燒烤醬… 配菜有青瓜、蕃茄、酸黃瓜片、洋蔥……車打芝士燒烤腸真的很棒, 一切開就看到那滿滿的芝士, 吃下去皮很脆, 很香芝士味, 真想問問哥哥仔這是從那裡入貨的呢~~~~~~~~~ 而包也烘得很好, 不會焦但又外脆內軟~另外的蛋白梳乎厘厚多一定要介紹一下,所謂的蛋白梳乎厘厚多 是有一片圓形蛋糕, 然後在上面舖上梳乎厘把蛋糕切一半對折 然後再切成兩份 這樣就是蛋白梳乎厘厚多了~~~梳乎厘因為給粉仔的感覺一向都是像一陣風 吃完也不知道發生甚麼事所以沒有特別喜愛 不過一個$10的食物當你看到哥哥仔多麼玩心思去即叫即打蛋白花15分鐘來做這樣的東西 真的是叫人感動這樣的價錢 這樣的花功夫 你還求甚麼?當然這樣說不是說它不好吃 它是不錯的~~說真的粉仔跟友人看著哥哥仔不論在做熱狗還是做梳乎厘都很細心很溫柔似的他對食物很有愛~~~ 哈哈~~~所以下次有機會一定會繼續光顧他呢~~~~~~西九新food court還有很多想吃的東西未試 所以粉仔已想約友人下次聚會要繼續在這裡 continue reading
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