11-min walk from Exit A1, Ho Man Tin MTR Station continue reading
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Review (5)
Level2 2024-12-10
寻日晚放工同班friend行緊路,睇到沿路上都好多人等入座去食飯,經過展興見仲有卡位,就食呢間啦。🥢【滑蛋牛肉飯】/ $54牛肉都有好多件,而且餐廳仲可以加埋甜豉油調味,味道同個飯嘅真係好夾,份量亦都夠食唔會唔夠喉,牛肉同滑蛋撞埋齊味道夠鮮又唔會有蛋腥,蛋色澤金黃,口感豐富食完又唔會滯膩,值得讚賞。🥢【鼓椒排骨】/ $52豆豉形靚色黑香濃,排骨有味汁已經煲入骨肉,汁水香、鹹、鲜。多層味夾埋一齊同排骨嫩肉對衝。肉味仲帶埋蒜香椒味同洋蔥。菜汁同樣又係鹹香帶D鮮甜,撈飯真係正。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-29
喺紅磡廣場斜對面有一間茶餐廳叫做展興茶餐廳,位於庇利街,容易到達。是次進食晚市點叫了小菜蝦仁炒蛋飯,蝦仁並不是普通茶餐廳的蝦仁,而是清理了腸,讓食客食得安心。蝦仁炒蛋是一道美味的小菜,結合了鮮嫩的蝦仁和蛋的綿密口感。蝦仁經過炒熟後更加鮮甜,與蛋的香味相互融合,讓人垂涎欲滴。這道小菜色澤金黃,口感豐富,適合作為一道下飯菜或者配菜。食肆期間,見到身旁的人都會點了鐵板,或是咖喱牛腩飯,從視覺上觀看也非常吸引下次可以再試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-29
星期五晚放工同朋友食下飯,到佢屋企附近的餐廳,沿路上都多人等位,經過展興見仲有卡位,就食呢間啦。大餐牌上有唔少套餐,小菜亦好多款,由於太多得揀又肚餓,唔係好想諗就揀左快餐,碟頭飯有例湯同餐飲都係50蚊,抵啦。⭐例湯是晚例湯係紅青蘿蔔豬骨湯,熱辣辣都幾好飲。⭐涼瓜肥牛飯朋友點的涼瓜肥牛飯,涼瓜爽口無苦味,豉椒汁香口,肥牛炒得嫩滑,好食喎。⭐叉燒煎蛋飯自己點左叉燒煎蛋飯,煎蛋燶邊仲有蛋汁,正😋叉燒都有煎過,甜甜地又脆身,可惜豉油汁唔夠香口,諗住加啲辣椒油調下味,但個辣椒油完全唔辣😂⭐茶走 & 熱檸水正常嘅港式餐飲,哈哈,諗起之前有人講話新派茶餐廳唔識咩係茶走,好彩呢度係舊派無咁嘅情況啫。坐低到上菜再到食完都唔使一個鐘,好有效率😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
【九龍城區】【展興餐廳】一個人喺紅磡百無聊賴搵嘢食,碌咗去紅磡廣場嗰頭。突然見到呢間「展興餐廳」四粒大字喺我眼簾裡面出現,我當堂打咗個突,畢竟呢間嘢都係土瓜灣名物。記得以前少年時代,冇乜錢而又想鋸扒,就會走嚟呢間「吊癮」。咁我而家個位置又好似同當年嗰個位有啲距離,我估係分店啦,呢啲本區名物,都係喺返嗰區開分店好啲嘅。見到簡樸嘅格局,我估同土瓜灣嗰間應該係同一個老細掛,如果同區開一間同名嘅餐廳應該會引起一啲問題出現。入到去,就梗係搵扒鋸,叫咗個 $72 嘅「鐵板美式什扒」,乜都有得食咁好似啱我啲,佢就有豬扒、牛扒、雞翼、火腿、腸仔配個薯條咁,有得揀飯或者意粉嘅,我冇揀咁解啫。佢啲薯條係另上嘅,浸落啲汁或者唔浸都得。而啲餸方面,七十幾蚊都預咗係嗰啲嘢,唔可能要求太好,有塊薄牛扒嚼吓已經好好。而呢啲汁醬嘢食到後面都係偏鹹,已經唔係後生狂風掃落葉咁喇。餐湯我揀「中湯」就係茶記例水啦,加 $2 要埋「凍奶茶」就 $74 埋單。。。(地址:土瓜灣土瓜灣道237號益豐大廈地下B號舖)#1amfoodie #foodie #hkfoodie #thatfoodiething #hkfood #food #instafood #yummy #foodlover #delicious #foodies #tasty #globaleats #tastyfood #foodpics #followforfollowback #love #eat #1am九龍城區 #土瓜灣 #紅磡 #展興餐廳 #鐵板美式什扒 #豬扒 #牛扒 #雞翼 #火腿 #腸仔 #薯條 #中湯 #凍奶茶 #1am1054 #1ambackup continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Apparently, no one would write reviews for local cantonese cha chaan teng, why not? It is almost every Hkgers' quick lunch/ dinner fast food spot!Here I am, right across my office, I only have 30 mins lunch break today, so I popped in, paid $48 dollars for a huge plate of 'man cheung chicken' rice, it serves with enough cabbage, which is healthier than all meat and soy sauce poured over rice (what you usually get in cha chaan teng), a bowl of Chinese soup and a free hot drink ($2 extra for iced drink).  Food got on the table when it is still steaming hot, chicken meat is tender, and you don't see any unclean feather sticking out; the shallot sauce in oil tastes very fresh, you could almost taste and smell the first shallot scent right after the boiling oil being poured over it. You would see many man power workers dining over there, restaurants like this usually serve speedily and the portion is usually big!What a great choice in Hung Hom office area, highly recommended. The place is fairly clean, the staffs are friendly too, not those who shout as if they are talking to the person across the road. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)