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*Last Order: 17:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 18:00
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豆腐花 客家鹹雞 熱情果汁
Review (16)
Level3 2020-04-06
近來因為疫情關係,多了到郊外的地方。呢日就同小朋友到元朗走了一圈,先到敬輝農場嘆一下農家菜。因為這天是平日所以冇咩人,我地差不多包場。我們點了農家咸雞,整得好入味,而且肉質很嫩滑;而煙燻豬手帶着陣陣嘅煙熏味,但又唔會太咸,用來左飯真係一流!呢度出名的仲有豆腐花,不過因為食得太飽所以沒有嘗到。農場內有魚池丶烏龜,仲可以餵羊咩咩,而且仲有一大片很美的荷花池,可以等小朋友接觸一下大自然,是一個不錯的親子好去處。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-05-04
之前朋友推介呢間隱世餐廳,遠離繁囂食客通常係揸車或者係踩單車佢哋有停車位置免費停泊,可以放心用餐由於喺室外地方,四周都有樹林,建議自備蚊怕水,因為一路食飯都一路有蚊呢間餐廳冇裝修,但感覺親近大自然,坐得好舒服食物種類唔多,但係出品很好蔬菜,菇類好鮮甜,好新鮮農家咸雞好好食,夠味,夠滑,做得比出面酒樓好煙燻豬手都好好食,夠味夠香,送飯一流!呢間餐廳仲有豆腐花供應,眼見好多踩單車嘅人會特登入嚟食豆腐花,坐低傾吓計飲品方面佢哋自己整左啲夏枯草,羅漢果,洛神花茶,有益又好飲絕對值得推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-06-11
在上水跳上的士轉眼到達,一落車喜見曙光,好有仙氣喎 ﹗想去農場閒悠多時,終於有時間又有機會喇。好想食田園靚菜囉,但某某天煞的揀飲擇食,只食莖不食葉,就連西蘭花、椰菜花、通菜,都指定食莖不食葉。奈何只剩唯一的生菜無其他喇,唯有放棄。步入農場,發現內外都跟我所幻想的差很遠啊。走到飯堂士多處,有玩具、草藥、熟食、零食、等等售賣。差不多三點都還未食 lunch,好肚餓呀﹗食左先散步啦,快快醫肚最緊要。馳名農家咸雞,某某天煞的揀飲擇食,又唔食烏頭又唔食豬手,唯有叫雞啦。居然係三黃新鮮雞,超讚滿分,好野喎﹗肉嫩結實彈牙,鮮雞味濃,咸香宜人可口,不濁不過火,任何調味料都慳返。滑溜咸雞肉連雞油送飯一流,絲苗白飯濃濃大陸米味道,飯香非凡,又有點似兒時吃的麻包袋白米呢,有麻包袋氣味,非常有味夠田園。上湯蠔油炆鮮菇,完全無蠔油味亦唔見有蠔汁,非常淡喎,忘記了落嗎?清爽原味夠原始,吃得到無添加,冬菇天然,多汁滑溜爽口。一舊舊黃色配菜以為係筍,原來係雞髀菇,同樣爽爽又菇味芳香。農家老火湯,飲到最後終於估到係竹蔗茅根粟米雞腳湯,絕無味精。非常清純的老火湯,雞腳膠黏,一啜骨肉分離,還可以啦。大朗豆腐花,有凍有熱供應實屬難得。有薑汁有糖水有黃糖任加調配,凍的清甜嫩滑透心涼,滋潤養顏,食完靚晒﹗冰菠蘿,入晒雪慢慢用牙刨,降溫好幫手。趙到索索聲,酸咪咪食得過癮。兩碟餸 easy job 啦,清得一乾二淨,係時候散個步消消脂。地方不算很大,參觀完鯉魚池、淡水魚塘、農田、小動物,再次跳上的士旅程結束。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-04-08
During the long weekend, I have come to Yuen Long to visit my very old friend, and she brought me to some of the popular places in the country side. We went for a walk along the lake and stopped by for a bowl of tofu desesrt. The area was quite crowded during the holiday but luckily this restaurant was just about half filled. Tofu Desesrt ($10)You may choose hot or chilled and I went for chilled since it's getting warmer lately. Fortunately, it was very smooth without any lump nor powdery texture. The dessert bowl also has a subtle gingery taste which I believed is from the juice itself. You may also add some yellow sugar to the dessert but I just went for the plain one. It was definilte It was so nice to have a quick city escape sometimes just to change the enviornment a little bit. The lake was so beautiful with a flat surface and a lot of seasonal birds probably flying from another side of the world (maybe?) You may be lucky enough to see some big dogs everywhere in the neighbourhood. We even caught the chance to see some goats next to the tofu dessert place! I would have never imagined see goats in Hong Kong! OMG! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-01-03
新一年新氣象,同班friend一家大細一齊去郊遊,來到元朗南生圍,歎歎大自然農家菜!啱哂親子遊!內有動物羊咩咩,貓,狗,兔仔,龜同一池魚, 可以喂洋,又可以行上搖搖的板上過河,同子女都是一個好體驗!仲有自家種的蔬菜,好新鮮,大自然風味!order了好幾款的菜式,鹹雞一大隻,好入味,肉質結實,都算幾滑;九菜煎蛋,雖普通但好味,小朋友都啱食,自家菜心,爽甜,好fresh感覺!燻煙豬手,真係有煙燻香味,好有大自然風味;最正係條魚,燒烏頭,成塊皮都起埋出來,配上黃皮醬汁,好開胃,好香燒味道!好彩一早打電話order,去到坐了一會已經爆哂棚! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)