1-min walk from Exit A4, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
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Review (6)
Level4 2016-03-09
今日比預期中早很多到達灣仔。每次經過這家點心店,都擦身而過,趁今天有較多的時間,就試試它的早餐吧。這裡有數款早餐 / 下午茶選擇,包括手拉腸粉、盅頭飯、多款點心任選兩款 / 粥品及點心各一款,包熱飲一杯,不另收茶錢。亦有散點點心,但選擇比較少。我選了上湯鮮竹卷及山竹牛肉加熱咖啡,$30,合理價錢。招待的男店員 (老闆﹖)感覺不太友善,另一位女侍應感覺就好很多。等了一會,點心上桌。上湯鮮竹卷:份量看來偏小,吸收了上湯的肉饀味道尚可,但由於只有鮮肉沒有其他蔬菜的配搭,味道上欠了層次。山竹牛肉:調味偏淡,其他不過不失。雖然店內客人不多,但感覺這裡的工作效率並不算太高:等外賣的要等很久才拿到食物,自己所叫的食物上桌時間比預期中長,然後,甚至有人買了手拉腸粉,之後發覺沒有醬油,之後要穿著制服過來更換。嗯,試過就算了,雖然店家有著一哥高徒的光環,但沒有太大再來的誘因啊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Randomly came here and was greeted by a moody waitor who was not that polite.He still had an atitude problem when I left and paid because he just slammed the change on the table.Anyway, sat down and ticked the stuff I wanted and was given the bill where I noticed there was a $3 for the tea but no tea was on the table so I had to ask for it.Although I don't like their standard pu'er tea, it was nice and hot.There was a 12% discount because I went there during 2:30-6pm, so all the stuff below came to $88 but only the congee was good.The dishes came quickly.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆Lotus leaf wrapped rice in abalone sauce:The glutinous rice came first but it was rather hard and barely hot.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆Salted pork and preserved veg congee:Then came the congee which tasted the best because the preserved vegetables were tasty and the salted pork was fresh.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆Vegetarian beancurd rolls:The beancurd rolls were hard and oily and you could taste the oil was rather old.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆egg crisps:The egg crisps were not that good because the oil was old.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆Dried shrimp and spring onion rice rolls:The rice rolls were weird, tasteless and oily.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎The bill: $88Service: crapService charge: noYummy factor: Could be betterNapkins provided: noToilets: noGlass of water provided: compulsory $3 teaEnglish Menu: YesAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-09-15
今日想飲茶... 但Lunch兩個人去茶樓飲又怕冇位經過呢到 試一試 新式既點心店入去到 有張點心紙 但唔算太多選擇環境好細 入到去 吹住門口d 熱風... 叫左6樣點心鮮蝦腸粉 - 佢d蝦唔係新鮮蝦 咬落去 梅的 一d都唔滑 食得出唔同蝦餃d蝦蝦餃 - 蝦是滑 但個皮乾淨淨 而且好厚... 同茶樓差好遠燒賣 - 算係正常...冇得特別牛肉 - 好多馬蹄肉 牛肉好淋北菇蒸雞飯 - 雞好少... 而且d飯有少少好似未熟透...好硬...總括黎講 都幾失望.... 又一路食一路滴汗...下次未必再試...  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-09-11
某一日,好友《太公》發放了一張圖片,令我動了春心,暗中自語說一定要拜訪一下。嘩嘩嘩,有乜野好食會令我動春心,不是女子,不是名牌,而是普普通通,香港地大把地方有得食的廣東點心,是一間位於灣仔地鐵站附近的點心專門店,名字就是令人動春心的《 春心點心專門店》。此店,原來來頭不少,點心師父是名廚楊貫一的高徒,林永春師父,《春心》的意思,也許就是春師父用心去做的點心吧。小店新裝修,環境算是可以,打橫地坐在牆邊,有一個舒適的梳化位,早來,人不多,也是夠舒服的,若是人多了,我可以說,坐的空間實在是不大。飲茶食點心,永遠都是一盅兩件,而一盅,就是鳳爪排骨飯。這兒的鳳爪排骨飯用料十足,豉椒的味道也十足,椒香味,豉香味,混合豉油後滲入飯底,令到整個飯的內外都充滿了豉香、椒香,再者,是生米蒸飯,米飯又軟又煙韌,一流。燒賣,是有原隻鮮蝦的靚燒賣,味道就是絕等的鮮甜,因為,用上了鮮蝦,用了上等的鮮肉同肥肉,仲有令味道更顯鮮味的蝦子,是一個非常精緻的燒賣皇。再來一客炸雲吞,炸得金黃、香脆、香口,一隻大蝦做一大隻香脆炸雲吞,再淋上甜酸汁,非常惹味香口,而且在是香口香脆感覺中,吃到最內心時多出了一份蝦的鮮味,是一個中外人士,大人細路老人家都會叫歡喜的食品。這一餐,連茶錢$71,以食物質素同點心的精美程度來說,不算是太貴。這店,有楊貫一徒弟的名頭,加上有的確是好的點心小店,值得我給他一個小小的加許。值得我為了她而動春心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-05-24
見是新開點心鋪,不妨一試。一看點心紙,價錢是比同區的點心茶餐廳貴一點的,但勝在坐得也頗舒服乾淨。一個人,點了三款食物﹕薄皮蝦餃 - 皮真的幾薄,內有蝦汁,貴是貴了一點,還不錯﹗脆脆蝦腸粉 - 腸粉下包著如油炸鬼和蝦肉,口感不錯 XO醬豬腳筋 -腳筋很滑,用腐皮墊底,唯獨是XO醬味不算很濃整體而言,味道是可取的,也算是用心的點心,可是服務速度尚可改善一下,同埋比同區的點心真的貴上不少,平時去街市一帶,三籠點心只花六十元左右,今天三籠點心要$81,價錢不便宜~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)