2-min walk from Exit B3, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
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Review (4)
旺角太子一帶奶茶鋪我都叫試得七七八八, 好飲(非連鎖)得3間,樂茶系其中一間啦。第一飲系返屋企經過,見到新開一間,雖然睇落有d伏,但唔知點解就係想試。於是我試了一杯奶蓋毛尖,男朋友試一杯牛油果奶昔。結果竟然好驚喜!非常好飲!奶蓋都無失望!然後就變了常客。試了芒果、哈密瓜、芝士奶蓋的各種茶,全部都好味。同老闆傾過,他們是轉行來開奶茶鋪,因為自己屋企人中意整呢d野飲。最欣賞系生果系列的各種飲品,因為全部是新鮮生果做,唔會好似出面全部用水果濃縮汁整。據說他們用的糖是冰糖不是果糖,珍珠奶茶的糖也是自己熬製。真系好用心!沒有影相啦~每次買左就即刻飲~唯一唔好就系等待時間比較耐,但我覺得值得的~老闆們唔系好識宣傳,所以好少人知道呢間鋪,希望更多人可以嘗試下他們的好味道! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-05-20
在附近上課,所以每次下課都會經過這裡,突然想試試它的味道給它一次機會,最後選擇了最愛的普洱茶~芝士奶蓋普洱茶 $25這個價錢竟然是大杯,實在是非常實惠,看得見店員用心調配,誠意加分!普洱茶非常濃,入口甘香,這個芝士奶蓋做得非常好,有芝士的咸香味還能保持香滑奶味,加上很有質感,喝到一半依然還有奶蓋存在,下次經過還會再試其他茶底~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同寶寶睇完五月天去咗旺角掃街,旺角東嗰條橋一落就見到呢一間茶飲店,芝士奶蓋烏龍茶大杯裝竟然$25就得,咁抵飲所以決定買!🤑由於係夜晚嘅關係,烏龍茶咁岩冇晒,店員係即刻用新鮮嘅茶葉沖比我地(YES!係茶葉!🍃唔係茶包!)😯😯!由於係現場整嘅關係,烏龍茶茶味超級香濃,係我飲過咁多間茶飲店入面最正宗嘅(仲正過大牌子),超!正!👏🏻👏🏻芝士奶蓋有三分之一,質地屬於厚身🧀但係個茶底太出色啦,啲芝士奶蓋完全比下去,要淨係飲啲奶蓋再出到陣芝士味😂😂好飲啊😙-芝士奶蓋烏龍茶 (半糖少冰) | $25 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-12-30
Discovered this drinks joint as I was going to take the escalators to the other side of the road.Figured out it wasn't a local brand as the receipt was printed in simplified characters.Got the grapefruit tea as the menu says it is made with fresh fruit and there was a fresh fruit cabinet there which looked promising.For the sugar levels, ordered the minimum.Unfortunately, it was too sweet and there was not as much grapefruit in the drink as I hoped.A huge disappointment because it was expensive and despite ordering the  least sugar levels it was bloody sweet. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)