5-min walk from Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 16:00
17:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 16:00
17:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 16:00
17:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 16:00
17:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (97)
The Korean spicy mixed noodles here should definitely be featured in the Culinary Class Wars, I’m not joking. This huge scrumptious bowl of beautiful knife-cut noodles are freshly handmade in house every day. The noodles are super chewy and springy, each strand is perfectly covered in a slightly sweet, vinegary, spicy red sauce, with obvious flavour of sesame oil, as well as some cucumbers, bean sprouts and salad lettuces.There are also a mountain of toppings: crispy Korean seaweed, egg floss, sesame seeds, and slices of beef shanks. Give it a good mix, and then you simply can’t stop slurping until you finish the entire yummy bowl of bibimmyeon. Pork belly pancakes are crunchy and satiating, the cooked batter inside is soft and fluffy, served extremely hot and fresh out of the fry pan. Most importantly, these pancakes are SPICY, just the way I like it! I think they added kimchi juice and pieces of kimchi to flavour the pancake batter, making it more addicting. Free kimchi, water and Korean seasonings available on table side. I had a can of iced lemon tea to cool down from the spicy noodles and pancakes. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前一路都好想試吓呢間韓國刀削麵,今日趁天氣有少少轉涼,啱晒食碗熱辣辣嘅湯麵啦,餐廳主打唔同嘅韓國刀削麵有湯同埋撈等等,而且枱面上面亦都有唔同嘅調味料,包括佢哋嘅招牌辣醬同埋胡椒粉等等,今日就叫咗朋友同我一齊試✌🏻✌🏻韓國海鮮湯刀削麵使用海鮮高湯作為基底,感受到海鮮嘅鮮甜。自家製嘅刀削麵嘅口感果然非常之彈牙,同海鮮湯底嘅精華好夾,湯裏面嘅材料都非常豐富,其中包括,唔同嘅貝殼類、青口、原隻蝦、原隻大魷魚,蟹等等。食極都仲有,正啊!韓國海鮮辣刀削麵湯材料上面大致上同頭先嗰碗一模一樣,但係呢一個係一個辣嘅版本,但係唔知係咪遷就返香港人嘅口味,所以不太辣,好彩隔離有佢哋自家製嘅辣醬,如果唔夠辣嘅話可以加辣,掂!泡菜蒸餃子以韓國泡菜為餡,風味獨特。餃子皮薄而有彈性,包裹著豐富嘅餡料,一咬就滲透出滿滿嘅泡菜酸辣同香氣。用蒸製方式處理後嘅餃子仲可以保持住多汁,食落口感滑嫩,搭配醬油醋,進一步提升咗韓式傳統風味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-02-20
印象中記得李家係好初期黎香港的韓國餐廳,以前D oppa餐廳無咁花巧,而李家令我最不能忘記的一定係炸雞,果陣真係會因為韓戲煲上腦,走黎炸雞配啤酒架!李家集團旗下餐廳「自家製韓國刀削麵」近年開左,又比大家多個choice! 一直都想黎試,今日終於sell到朋友陪我黎!呢個月都仲天寒地凍,食返個熱湯暖下胃好似仲有feel!先黎辣海鮮湯麵 ($128) ,價錢就真係唔平,勝在料都算多,都叫無咁唔順氣,味道就辣辣地,預期中一樣無乜太大驚喜;餐廳供應的刀削麵都係自家製,好多人推薦的花蛤刀削麵($78),呢個我覺得反而有特式好多,花蛤好多,個湯又清甜,價錢都算合理,而係呢度最有feel一定係比你從個玻璃窗到望到oppa廚整野比你食,哈哈。講完好處就要講下壞處,呢到D店員就真係無乜禮貌,好似好催住你食同走咁,而且座位唔好坐,打橫一排過,同隔離唔識D食客好似圖書館一樣坐,只能快食快走,所以光顧一次試過就已足夠。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
#自家制韓國刀削面 😋😋😋this place is branch brand from lee ka chicken.the place full of people as many ig kol advertising a lot. so i decide to give it a try.1. clams noodle.the soups broth is super sweet full of clam taste. but the clam is already cooked for too long. they extracted the freshness into soup but the clam is chewy and tasteless. just like the 湯渣。 the clam shells are moslty broken. many shell and sand at the bottom of the bowl. so annoying.noodle is chewy, soup is good. but topping is bad.2. stir kr meat sauce noodle.the noodle of this is not the same. too soft and not chewy. just like the instant noodle. i dont know why they not use the soup one. the taste is fair. not salty and sweet. quite a normal dish.over all fair.probably will be back continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-23
Waiters here try to rip away your dishes under your mouth while you are still eating. Very impolite, very bad service attitude.Food and ambient is okay, but you can get only unhealthy, sweetish soft drinks -- not even Korean green tea.Not again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)