4-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Cambo Tea restaurant is a Hong Kong-style tea restaurant that specializes in serving noodles. Some of their signature dishes include egg noodles, pork cutlet rice and stir-fried beef noodles. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
下午茶飽餐 回鍋肉雞蛋公仔麵 京都豬扒飯 海南雞飯套餐 鴛鴦炒飯 薄荷賓治
Review (21)
I ordered the 雙拼燒味飯 $52 but changed to 湯米線 with 白切雞 and 燒鴨. I could choose between a beverage or their soup as a side, I chose the soup. The soup is very sweet and hot with rich pork bone flavors, there was also some vegetables in their that absorbed all the flavors and is soft and tender when eaten. The wait for the main was very long for a 茶餐廳 so I was a bit disappointed (around 15 minutes), and we rushed the staff telling them we are in a rush but they just dismissed it. The restaurant at that time was also very vacant and not busy so the wait was very questionable. The 白切雞燒鴨米線 was incredible. Definitely worth the long wait. The 白切雞 was tender and there was a lot of meat with succulent chicken skin too, some bigger pieces were a bit dry and tough but coating it with the 薑蓉 saves it. The 燒鴨 was also very tender and the meat was much softer and easier to bite than the chicken but it lacked seasoning and could have had more of the natural duck flavor, nonetheless, there were many pieces of duck with 3 big pieces of duck skin that was tender and filled with fat 😋. The 米線 itself was very springy and firm but not too hard to bite through. The soup was drowning in chicken flavor which was delicious and you could tell it was boiled with chicken bones and fat for a long time as there was chicken oil on top, I almost finished drinking the whole bowl of soup 😅😝. Definitely recommend this for a lunch set as it could match to any 燒味 store in Hong Kong. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-02-12
一個人在公司, 叫了1份午餐, 好難得12點幾嘅黃金時間都肯送.叫咗C餐葡國雞飯跟中式蓮藕湯.一打開飯盒覺得好開心. 因為好少葡國雞飯有咁多雞, 多數都係薯仔同洋蔥佔大多數. 中湯味道唔錯, 唔覺得有咩味精. 打電話落單, 唔使20分鐘, 已經送到嚟收費40元正, 喺宜家物價高漲嘅時間同灣仔區昂貴租金下, 超值P. S. 回應早前有其他食客寫關於佢嘅早餐凍冰冰。 我在灣仔區返工,週不時都到佢這間及另外一間分店吃早餐。全部情形都是食物太熱吃不到, 從來都未試過冷冰冰。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-01-19
食晏時間為咗就近, 揀咗附近嘅金堡茶餐廳 食個lunch 餐廳嘅客人都唔少, 由於餐廳座位同環境都唔係好好, 其實我哋對呢間茶餐廳嘅expectation唔係好高大食妹嗌咗一個<常餐>: 主食方面揀咗最基本嘅沙嗲牛肉公仔麵, 沙爹牛肉嘅份量都幾多, 公仔麵未至於Q彈, 但都唔會太淋 湯底方面有少少鹹鹹地, 味道中規中矩跟餐仲配咗火腿奄列同埋牛油麵包火腿奄列雞蛋有啲過老, 火腿分量可以接受; 至於麵包就係凍嘅, 冇烘過, 中間搽左少少嘅牛油, 有啲hea但勝在野飲方面選擇都幾多, 可以配返個凍利賓納 雖然野食未至於好食, 但都係可醫肚嘅-個選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-10-09
今日灣仔返工,食埋個早餐先返去,去咗謝斐道嘅金堡茶餐廳,坐低後叫咗個雞扒、雙蛋、多士跟埋茄汁豆,再叫多杯凍奶茶,雞扒煎得香,煎蛋有水準,多士香脆,配埋杯凍奶茶,整體來講,水準唔錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-03-03
灣仔雖然有好多野食🍴,但可以送外賣到會展嘅餐廳真係唔多,每次做展我都會叫海南雞飯🐔🍚,貪海南雞飯凍咗都唔難食,算係穩陣嘅菜式,金堡嘅海南雞飯🐔🍚食過好多次,每次送到會展都係微溫,但啲雞🐔都好多,而且唔係得啲骨,最愛佢會有脾🍗可以食,真係啖啖都係肉🥩,而飯亦都有加咗雞油,就算凍咗食都好香,最愛配埋啲酸蘿蔔🥕嚟食,除咗海南雞外,仲會有4-5條菜心,個飯算豐富,最次食完都可以頂到兩餐,係會展咁嚟搵食嘅地方不失為一個好選擇👍🏻! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)