1-min walk from Exit A2, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (21)
隨便入咗間米線舖頭,見佢highlight咗三款米線,既然第一次嚟到就試咗佢嘅招牌嘢!招牌金川湯米線(少辣少米): 見到佢啲餸好豐富!最鍾意就係佢嘅魚肚🐟好滑身同有口感,坊間好少米線舖會有魚肚食!見佢餐牌寫住係貴妃雞,食落都真係皮滑肉嫩😋另一個驚喜又得意嘅位係❕❕佢有大魚蛋,成件事即刻好香港!而湯底唔會太酸太重口味個種,酸、辣、鹹都啱啱好,每一啖飲入口好舒服,所以…碗湯差啲飲晒。藥膳貴妃雞米線(少米): 個湯底都真係要讚,佢好重藥膳味,唔會帶苦澀。 雞都有好多!!餐牌寫住有1/4隻,真係有咁多,好足料! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-31
Think most of us went because of the video on social media. Same here, but we nearly decided not to try because of the review in open rice stating that staff was rude. I am so glad that we were not deterred by the reviews and gave it a go. The lady was actually quite pleasant and took her time to explain the menu and made suggestions to popular dishes that we should try. We've ordered the signature and the medicinal soup base. The signature was great, very different to all big sour noodle chains, and definitely less salty and tasted great. All the ingredients were nice and well cooked, especially the chicken, but the big fish ball was a letdown as it tasted off. the medicinal soup was good too, but nothing too outstanding. we've also tried the recommended chicken wings. It is ok, standard, I would say. Overall, we think it is quite good, something different and better than the big names. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
此店為我遇過最劣等服務質素嘅餐館, 實在係黑名單首位。我去買外賣, 收錢時我發覺樓面職員(只得一位嬸嬸)好似收少咗我錢, 我好心提佢再check清楚張單, 結果發覺佢睇漏咗一項菜式, 跟住佢勁晦氣講話”頭先收錢時你又唔早啲講?” 原本諗住可能佢心情唔好, 忍一時就算, 點知佢又唔識新帳目應該找返我幾多錢(註:樓面入單全人手, 飛紙仔冇System), 咁我就用手機幫佢計數,叫佢跟住照找. 事情擾攘咗10分鐘, 我見佢個小店大把人等佢落單, 咁我就話你可唔可以盡快處理後入返張單去廚房. 跟住佢就超晦氣講”我都未搞掂張單, 你叫我點入呀?”🤬就算嘢食再好,服務態度都令你食到一肚氣!作為鄰舍, 本想支持本土良心小店,亦明白小店經營艱難, 想盡量節省開支便聘請親朋戚友(相信樓面位嬸嬸係店主(大廚)既屋企人) 打工做樓面, 但係小店咁嘅服務態度真係令人可恥! 明白大家工作有壓力,但係顧客嚟買嘢食,唔係嚟受氣。奉勸店主如果想生意做得長久,請立刻更換樓面職員, 以免繼續趕客! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-18
入座之後第一個感覺係覺得店鋪侷促,同埋氣氛有啲壓迫感。等咗大概半個鐘有米線食,嚟到先發現原來叫嘅2個餸都冇,但係事前唔會同你講。考慮咗一陣諗緊補唔補餸(心諗係咪又要等多半個鐘),最後都有叫,好彩等咗5分鐘就有新餸。金川酸辣湯底唔錯,但係湯唔熱(已經等咁耐以為應該起碼熱),叫嘅咖哩魚蛋有雪藏+酸味,其他餸普普通通(叫咗貴妃雞,墨魚春捲)。overall 覺得米線嚟講個話等得有啲耐,唔值得,服務態度同埋氣氛都可以改善。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-16
以前食過一次,係俾佢養生呢個字吸引,諗住一試無妨,個陣經常行過都唔見有人食,食一次已知龍與鳳,經驗食湯麵最重要係湯一定一定要夠熱,一飲佢個湯暖既,🙄唔熱即刻扣晒分,去過一次真係唔想再俾錢經歷,唔明點解而家咁多人排隊,真心一百個問號 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)