3-min walk from Exit A2, Cheung Sha Wan MTR Station
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
I don't know how long this gem has been here but longer than I have because the first picture/review on openrice dates back to 2008 so it could be longer.The amazing thing is that it has stayed in the same spot but the rolls probably cost slightly cheaper back then.Shanghai sticky rice rolls are basically rolls made of sticky rice filled with Chinese cruellers, pickles and meat floss.There was a similar thing called QQRICE years ago which sadly packed up.I really recommend this place because they use different rices whereas other Shanghai joints in Hong Kong use plain glutinous rice.They do vegetarian rice rolls an d snacks.Tried the vegetarian one and the purple rice (not vegetarian).Both were impressive because they were crammed with lots of filling and it wasn't too salty.The meat floss they used was good because it wasn't too sweet.If only I had discovered this earlier.
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話說約左朋友係附近食飯, 係等緊過馬路其間見到呢間買粢飯豆槳既小店比佢吸引左, 而且見到都有好多人幫襯, 就索性睇下有咩好食買既野唔算好特別, 係一般小食店都會有既魚旦燒賣腸仔, 撈面, 蒸既點心, 係早餐經常會食到既野, 而且價錢一D都唔貴今時今日呢D價錢真係好難搵到唯一比較特別既係佢有4款唔同種類既粢飯, 1) 普通粢飯2) 雙色粢飯3) 紅米粢飯4) 紫米粢飯我真係第一次見到有咁多種唔同類型既粢飯, 除左粢飯之外, 呢度竟然有賣埋鵪鶉蛋呢樣真係好少見呀但由於鵪鶉蛋太高膽固醇啦, 我都係食返茶葉蛋茶葉蛋唔算煮得太入味, 但係都食到淡淡既茶葉蛋香另外要讚下既就係粢飯, 油炸鬼同炸菜由頭食到落底都有, 唔會好似出面既粢飯咁頭尾勁多都係飯, 餡料好多, 炸菜唔係太咸, 味道不錯但唯一美中不足既係裡面既肉鬆好少, 如果多D肉鬆就好D啦伯伯仲好健談咁同我傾下計, 佩服佢年紀都有返咁上下仲有心有力地維持呢間小店大家如果去開都幫襯下伯伯
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好少係香港見到紅米粢飯,今日見到當然買嚟試下有幾種粢飯分別紅米,紫米同白米,當然還有拼色,岩曬我呢種選擇困難症的人今次買左紅白雙拼,未咬已見榨菜係外面,感覺入面應該好足料果然整個粢飯有200分足料!不過 不過 不過。。肉鬆呢??居然無肉鬆??食曬整份都無肉鬆!但勝在口感不會太乾,而且每一啖都會有油炸鬼同榨菜在口中,唔會好似其他粢飯店過多的飯。如果可以加返肉鬆就完美了
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