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Review (12)
Level3 2019-06-19
食物 : 乳豬拼盤,海參湯,xo炒帶子賣相 : 8.5/10 ,雖然係侍應分好食物先上,但係個賣相都相當之唔錯味道 : 7.5/10環境: 8/10,整個環境佈置得唔錯,而且服務都相當之好價錢 : hkd 500/1人性價比 :7.5/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-12-10
好朋友出嫁,當然要去捧場一下啦。 出席飲宴,更令人開心的就是一大班好友都有份出席啦。是日的飲宴,設宴於尖沙咀的《朗廷酒店》。這只是一篇很簡單的食評,所以祝賀的說話不再多說了。直接評味道啦。由於是酒店,我們亦是最後最後的三圍,三圍都是自己人,又近門口不必顧別人,玩得份外的盡興。儀式完畢後,食物食快就來了,金陵乳豬全體永遠是中式婚宴的開場白。正因為是酒店,唔會全隻上,是分好每人一份上的。而我的碟上有四件,每件都皮香脆,肉嫩滑。唔錯。格蘭焗響螺,原隻連殼的,螺肉亦切碎了。醬汁很 creamy 的,當然也很香口,吃入口,當然是可口啦。彩虹花姿帶子,很清淡健康的菜式,帶子有味,豆亦夠甜夠爽,我對這一碟清新菜式感到滿意。金瑤扒時蔬,瑤柱汁非常之濃香,配上清甜的菜苗,增強了不少味道,但入到口腔,以然能品味到菜苗的甜美味道。海皇燕窩羹,有魚肉,有蟹肉,燕窩又保持到爽爽的口感,感覺有水準。蠔皇花菇原隻湯鮑,一隻味道濃,入口煙韌的鮑魚仔,一隻厚身,味道同樣是濃郁的冬菇,十分之好食。清蒸大海斑,魚肉爽,豉油甜,無得彈。最後的一道熱點,就是當紅炸子雞。雞件夠香,皮脆肉滑已經是合乎大家的要求。食物真不錯,服務也夠好。《朗廷酒店》的餐飲服務,我可以俾高分。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-20
Attend my ex boss' daughter's wedding dinner gala at 朗廷酒店宴會廳, which I previously been to once a long time ago. Years back as I remember the food quality was quite good. Therefore, when I got the invitation that I had a chance to revisit, I am really looking forward to.The tasting menu consists of very typical Chinese wedding dinner type of food (You can check the photo menu). Overall, I am very impressed about the food quality as I can say all of them are very nice. I would like to highlight a few dishes below.Baked stuffed sea whelk (格蘭焗響螺): very tasty with strong flavour. The food is piping hot, and I wish I could have another serving.Sauteed fresh prawns with garden greens (碧綠鲜蝦球): seasonal beam with absolute gorgous prawns! Very chewy and fresh with just right amount of saltines. Sometimes it will come with shrimp paste as dipping, but for this one, you really dont need it at all.Braised bird's nest with fish maw and assorted seafood soup (海味花膠燕窩羮). In some other wedding dinner, they may serve shark fin soup but nevertheless it is quite nice and loaded with ingredient (I am quite impressed about the amount of ingredient within my bowl). The soup dish is the one most people will judge in any wedding dinner, and this one is quite good.The roasted Lung Kong chicken is also very chrispy. The fish is steamed in right timing without getting too tough. Noodles and rice are all nicely prepared with good flavour but not too oily.As I said earlier, the food quality is really good considering this is a dinner set menu for 20 tables. One impressed me the most is each dish is served pipping hot (pre arranged portion for each guest), and not a single dish is badly prepared or served. I heard each table (12 people per table) cost around HKD 15000, and that is what you paid for the quality. Just a remind, Chef 鄺偉強, who is the chief executive chef for 朗庭酒店中餐 is the head chef for Michelin 3 stars restaurant Tang Court. Therefore, it is for certain quality dishes can be expected.I would highly recommend for any new wedded couple looking for place to host wedding dinner to take consideration of 朗廷酒店宴會廳 if you have the budget. The hall is also spacious and perfect place to host for 20 tables dinner wedding gala. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
是晚參加好友的婚宴,地點在朗廷酒店宴會廳。對上一次造訪已是多年前的事,感覺上宴會廳及前廳的裝潢大體上無大變遷,依舊以典雅的歐陸式設計為主,感覺豪華舒適。 入席前侍應生會主動招呼提供飲品,入席後亦會主動添飲換碟。唯一要留意的地方是在宴席間的末段,雖然同枱好友大都已離去,但筆者在吃生果的同時未有預期侍應會在執拾枱面。至於各款佳餚,普遍交得出水準:金陵乳豬全體:出品微暖,皮脆肉香不過肥。格蘭焗響螺:熱辣香口賣相佳,葡汁螺肉味道不俗。翡翠鮮蝦球:蝦球口感爽彈。雙子扒時燒:雙子(帶子及蟹籽)主體不突出。海皇燕窩羹:蟹肉雙子量多,燕窩份量普通,湯頭稀稠恰宜。蠔皇花菇原隻湯鮑:花菇湯鮑食味合預期,未有特別驚喜。清蒸大星斑:魚肉味道十分鮮嫩,讚!當紅炸子雞:皮脆肉嫩。上湯鮮水餃:餡料爽口。飄香荷葉飯:荷香淡淡,飯粒色水味道勻稱。蓮子百合紅棗茶:滋補甜潤。精美生果盤:四色選擇多樣化,生果普遍清甜。鴛鴦美點:沒有至愛的中式脆餅有點可惜,哈哈!最後祝願一對新人百年好合,永結同心! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-10-31
我甚少會為婚宴的食物寫食評,主要是因為婚宴一圍十二人,每次上菜時都要拍照會阻礙他人用膳。成了魚素食者近一個多月,盡可能我都會選擇吃全素,第一次參加婚宴,現在都流行素食,所以斗膽問一問主人家酒店可否安排素菜,果然是有,於是特意請主人家為我安排素菜。婚宴當天我大概六時多到達,場地的佈置簡約而高貴,枱布是高貴的令身粉紫色,中間有一盤用清水浸著假玫瑰花瓣作裝飾。在簽字儀式後至正式入席之間,有Cocktail的安排,有迷利漢堡包、迷利龍蝦漢堡包,青瓜甘筍西芹條、蛋糕西餅等,總之不用怕因為遲開席而餓親,不過因為多是有肉而且我不愛甜點,所以就沒有嚐到。當天與朋友們佔一圍半枱,因某些理由,我私下的轉了另一圍枱,本來也有點擔心酒店不知道我轉了枱而未能安排我的素食,但反正我不是嚴謹的全素者,所以即使未能安排,其實我都可以在正常的餐單下選擇吃一點蔬菜和魚。開席時第一道當然是上乳豬,酒店的做法都是把餸菜分好小碟後奉上,來到我的時候,我跟侍應說明我其實是素食者,酒店侍應似乎亳不知情,但仍說會盡量替我安排。之後正式菜單第二道是沙律海鮮卷,換來是另一位侍應上菜,她再次想放下來時我再一次說明自己是素食者。過了不久,最初的男侍應端上一道酥炸金菇菜,然後說可以幫我安排素食,我頓然感到高興。酥炸金菇是一條一條的大金菇菜沾上粉漿炸成,然後灑上椒鹽。炸到脆卜卜的,有點像薯條,連坐在我隔壁的朋友也忍不住偷了來吃。接著上來的是粟米羹,固然比起傳統宴席的魚翅或燕窩羮算是比較下欄,而味道亦是一般,有點偏鹹,但考慮到臨時要為我準備的一個湯羮,我覺得可以接受。第三道是雙菇冬筍雪耳菜心,雙菇包括冬菇和蘑菇,略嫌炆得不夠入味,雪耳亦煮得不夠稔身,整體只算不過不失。之後奉上的是珍珠菇豆腐,其實味道與上一道菜都是差不多,普普通通,始終酒店中菜部都不是專門做素菜的,能在短時間有如此安排已算是非常貼心。扒素鮑甫,吃到一半才想起要拍照,本身還有菜心的,味道亦是跟前兩道菜差不多,冬菇炆得不夠入味,素鮑甫有點嚼頭,與真鮑魚真的有點相似啊!最後奉上的是一道炒飯,雖然樣子普通,但頗令我驚喜。材料主要是芥蘭片,炒飯用上是類似豉油或蠔油的醬汁,略帶甜味,飯炒得乾身,我幾乎想問侍應會否可以再來一碗呢!本人第一次吃婚宴的素宴,感覺蠻驚喜。尤其是酒店方面沒有預先預備,當得知我是茹素,他們沒有覺得麻煩,還樂意盡力滿足我特別的要求,令我感到很體貼和窩心。食物方面,以不是專門做素食和突如其來的情況下,我個人感到非常滿意,份量和美味都恰到好處,當然如有更多變化會更讓人驚喜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)