3-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station
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香港超級餐廳 is a local Hong Kong tea restaurant that is known for serving noodles and congee. A few of their classic dishes include stir-fried beef with noodles and barbecue pork with egg and rice.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
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My friend said that we can meet every Sunday Then I have find the sustenance every Sunday Although I waited for him for a while But it’s nice to hang out nearby And therefore found Too many restaurants in Hong Kong side are closed on Sundays It's not easy to find a restaurant After walking 281 kilometers, We finally found the 茶餐廳 And the restaurant name is quite imposing🙃 My friend suggested to order cheaper It seems that I am usually very bold(?) So I started at the afternoon tea set "Mini" Baked Pork Chop Rice $43 Will it be very mini? After ordering the meal, my friends started to worry that I would not have enough to eat But when the meal arrived, I found that there was actually not too thin Pork chop is a bit fat Probably all pigs are fat...? Not a lot of sauce It doesn’t feel like the baked pork chop rice I imagined And I also found that ``Cafe De Cxxxx'' baked pork chop rice turned out to be really excellent 🙃 And the outstanding place of the 茶餐廳 Of course it’s coffee and tea Go with a cup of coffee It has a strong coffee scent It seems that I haven't enjoyed this taste for a long time All in all but without losing This is the 茶餐廳 The point is to meet friends, not food After it stabilizes in the future, when we can control the time of appearance Have to start looking for suitable jobs Then I will resumed the days when I didn’t have much chance to see friends
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今日又同個6ou朋友去覓食,不過由於天氣實在太熱,我地去到金鍾灣仔一帶搵野食。去到灣仔一帶,抬頭見到呢間野個名:香港超級餐廳。個名都勁到嚇親人,我地都冇得揀,唯有去會一會。一入到去,發覺樓底超高,可以起兩層咁濟。入面好暗,好似停電咁。排位都鬆動,不過我地原先坐個位冷氣機滴水,正因咁高樓底,一滴果種爆發力令人忍受不住,之後伙記都好好咁安排我地坐另一枱。我點左個黑椒牛柳飯,熱檸水。熱檸水夠熱,夠檸檬。黑椒牛柳飯夠汁送飯,黑椒汁正常,唔會太過辣又唔會淡而無味。飯量可以,食得夠飽。埋單都係$30有多,係灣仔區真係抵到爛。誠意推介!不過6ou 朋友lunch 之後買杯咖啡都$30...真係6ou..
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呢日夜晚同朋友喺金鐘整完啲嘢都成9點半🕥,好多餐廳都已經關門或last order咗。行行下去到譚臣道發現仲有餐廳開喎,即刻入去坐低,食完先發現原來呢條街勁多嘢食,呢間係第一間見到所以入咗去哈哈。夜媽媽竟然好好胃口想食肉,叫咗久違嘅鐵板雜扒餐🥩($53),要咗燒汁,渣渣聲真係好正🤩。雖然啲肉就唔係咩嘢靚肉,肉味唔濃郁,但個量真係超多,豬🐖牛🐂雞🐓煙肉🥓腸仔樣樣都有,配埋薯條🍟真係勁飽勁滿足。鐵板除咗舊式扒房外,都唔係好多餐廳有,咁嘅價錢抵食啦仲包嘢飲👍🏻。我朋友就要咗黑椒牛柳絲炒烏冬($50),份量正常,幾夠鑊氣👍🏻,有用唔少牛肉同紅綠椒炒。仲估唔到佢個黑椒味都幾勁下,要飲凍飲解辣🥵。總括嚟講,佢係一間普通嘅茶餐廳😂,有好典型好一般嘅環境,不過食物質素都幾好嘅,份量亦正常。定價喺灣仔商業區嚟講真係唔算貴,性價比唔錯,有機會再經過要醫肚餓都可以入嚟食下。
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