Greyhound Cafe first opened in Thailand in 1997 and since then has expanded to Hong Kong. It is a casual trendy restaurant that serves a creative mix of Thai and Western foods. Their signature dishes include their fried chicken wings, complicated noodles and spicy muay Thai burger.
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
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(自費,真實食評)平時慣咗同老公去銅鑼灣食晚飯,但今日趁於這店在OpenRice book位有九折 (只限Monday to Thursday),就同老公去食。點了:牛肉牛丸湯米粉、雙式魚餅(已經介紹過)豬柳串燒糯米飯: 糯米飯煮得剛好,不會硬,很香,燒豬柳有三串,有小碗裝上醬汁,味道唔錯。鮮魷魚筒: 魷魚size不大,很新鮮,個汁調得OK。Coconut yogurt shake: 賣相好靚,味比較淡,味道都可以。埋單都係around五百,性價比不錯。
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My old dad was yelled at by the staff “你做乜野” in the middle of the restaurant while we want to move to window side of seats. Everyone were looking at how rude the staff is.. speechless, this place has the worst services. ShameOn you! Another time my old mom asked to order something from the menu, and the waiter pointed to her to check in digital menu and was rushing to leave (when he was not actually that busy)
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今日食午餐,服務員坐低後禮貌叫好多次都唔應,我坐一端,但餐具同埋所有擺設在另一邊,服務員攞菜上枱都完全冇件事,我仲要自行將桌上飲品和食物移動以便將餐具紙巾𢲡過耒,中途熱水也倒番,事後我同所謂經理反映,佢竟然說我將餐具移到枱另一邊,回答過程滿臉不屑,態度惡劣,勉強講sorry, 完全沒誠意,俾錢仲要受氣,非常差勁體驗👎
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有個唔係著制服嘅男侍應(相信係經理級),好高大,服務態度超超超超差,無心唔好做飲食行業啦好心,做衰曬香港。 食晒物味道ok , 大部分煎炸濃味嘢食,啱口味較重人士,如果有小朋友就唔係好啱食,河粉唔錯。
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