9-min walk from Exit K, Central MTR Station
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With its floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the picturesque St John’s Cathedral, and more than a hint of sophisticated glamour, the elegant Garden Lounge serves signature afternoon teas alongside a refreshing all-day menu featuring some familiar signatures.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
We went for the 3-course menu at $548 + 10% per person and chose one course at the antipasti bar, a main course chosen from 5 options plus a dessert. Coffee/tea is included. It’s a nice and generous selection of the antipasti buffet. The staff had courteously asked if he should present us with our mains when we had our 2nd round of the antipasti buffet.The main courses were nice and also with sizable portion. I was expecting something smaller. The black truffle and prawn maccheroncini had used sustainable ingredients and I loved the flavour brought about by the wild mushroom ragout mixed with black truffle. The grilled smoked eel kabayaki also had great flavours. Both desserts were nice while I preferred the refreshing taste of the passion fruit cheesecake and same-flavoured sorbet. The Earl Grey chocolate cream was in the shape of a little pillow, just like an air pod case, which had mandarin jelly inside and also sorbet on the side. It’s a delightful experience looking at green partitions outside the floor to ceiling windows. It really gave you the feeling of lunching in a garden (an air-con’d one).
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新年期間我和父母有幸在 Garden Lounge 享用了一頓三人自助晚餐。這家餐廳坐落於城市的心臟地帶,環境優雅,燈光柔和,讓人感到舒適宜人。半自助餐的選擇尚算豐富,涵蓋了多種美食:海鮮區(生蠔、青口、小龍蝦、長腳蟹、蜆),值得一提的是,生蠔的新鮮度理想,搭配檸檬汁和醬料,口感鮮美。魚生區(八爪魚、蝦、赤背、鮑魚),鮑魚肥美。冷盤區(鰻魚片、鴨胸、數款餐前開胃小食),個人認為一般。熱食區(牛扒、豉油雞、糯米雞),由於已經有自選主食,所以選擇不多,味道一般。甜品區(雪糕、蛋糕、水果、甜點),個人認為黑森林最好食。飲品(只提供橙汁)晚餐六時半開始,首先每位先上一碗燉湯全晚最精彩烏雞燉湯。清甜可口。四小碟上之前便盡量享用半自助美食。然後上四小碟,有泰式生菜包、麵豉茄子、鹹蛋黃大蝦、茄汁帶子小雲吞。味道一般。然後上主菜,主菜有四款可供選擇。有焗龍蝦、酸菜石斑、意粉、牛扒(要另加$100)。我們三人選擇了龍蝦和酸菜石斑。龍蝦還算可以不過偏小。最令我失望的是酸菜石斑,石斑魚煮過頭而偏硬,加上酸菜魚其實不太可能净食,結果我只吃了兩三塊便只可放棄。下次在西餐廳還是選西式菜式好了。最後小小的評語,到甜品時間才知道茶和咖啡是欠奉的。這可算是有點美中不足,不過服務人員知道我們的需求也送上一杯滿足了我老爹的願望,這點頗為窩心。難得新年期間全晚也只得五張枱,場面有點冷清。不過冷清有冷清的好,起碼我可以安安靜靜地吃晚餐,也可以慢慢享用食物,不需要排隊,也不需要怕食物供應不足。#### 服務質素服務人員熱情友好,隨時關心我們的需求。他們對菜單的介紹也非常詳細,讓我們能更好地選擇心儀的美食。桌上保持著良好的清潔,整體服務質素令人滿意。
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呢間餐廳真係服務一流,首先講下個環境,好舒適又唔會太嘈,啱晒同朋友一齊黎聚舊。服務方面,員工好有禮貌又細心至於食物方面,真係算得上高於自己期望。佢哋係半自助形式,即係有一個主菜,然後再加buffet枱嘢食, 嘢食數量方面唔夠full buffet多,但係食品質量非常好甜品方面,選擇出奇地多,雪糕方面除咗一般口味之外仲有雪葩,而且其他甜品都十分好食總括而言,呢間餐廳真係無得頂,無論係環境、服務定係食物質素,都係一流,值得一再光顧!
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我在Garden Lounge的用餐體驗無疑是最近最讓我滿意的一次。首先,這裡的服務真是無可挑剔,從我踏進門口的那一刻起,服務員Eric便以友善的態度迎接我。無論是take order時的耐心解說,還是用餐過程中的細心關照,都讓人感到無比舒適。此外,餐廳的環境也非常宜人。寬敞的座位空間和優雅的裝潢,使人一進來便感到放鬆。而tea set每道item更是色香味俱全。Garden Lounge無疑是我會一再光顧的餐廳。更有讓人賓至如歸的服務。
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I have booking on garden lounge today for semi buffet at7:50 pm but I was early the staff very nicely greet me and asked me to seat first .The service of the staff was professional and very helpful.The seafood was delicious especially oyster are fresh and the environment was very good to celebrate my friend Austin’s promotion dinner night .I will strongly recommend to my friends to visit this restaurant
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