2-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station
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Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
*Last Order Lunch: 15:15 Brunch: 15:45 Dinner: 21:30
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 23:30
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 16:30
17:30 - 23:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 16:30
17:30 - 23:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
因為睇到網上見到呢閰餐廳個窗有一些玫瑰花組成的心形玻璃窗,我覺得好靚,好似感覺係求婚嘅感覺,於是有一日我同朋友下午有時間就諗住過去食一個lunch,入到去餐廳很華麗很乾淨,很多落地玻璃,可以看到外面嘅環境,所以感覺好舒服,入到去我和兩位朋友坐了近窗口的一個位置看着外面風景吃飯,確實真的很不錯,而且上OpenRice book訂枱的話,還享有折扣優惠,我和朋友點咗牛扒,它的份量不是太大,但是我覺得味道還算不錯,但如果吃量比較大的人便會覺得不夠飽,餐包也不錯上面有芝麻而且比較鬆軟,加牛油感覺非常好吃,另外乜點了一份烤豬扒,本人覺得味道尚算一般,而且因為他沒有意粉和飯只有少量的薯蓉,所以我覺得這個餐不能夠給一些胃口比較大的人去午餐,還有一個甜品甜品,份量好少,日後我覺得如果這間餐廳傾偈或者喝兩杯紅酒的話感覺也不錯
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Sure, I'd be happy to help you write a food blog about Bellevue Bar and Grill. Here's a draft to get you started:Bellevue Bar and Grill: A Cozy Spot for Western-Style Cuisine in HK MongkokNestled in the heart of HK Mongkok, Bellevue Bar and Grill offers a warm and inviting atmosphere for diners seeking delicious western-style cuisine. The restaurant is adorned with charming LOVE signs, creating a cozy and romantic ambiance that's perfect for a date night or a casual dinner with friends.One thing that immediately caught my attention when I entered Bellevue Bar and Grill was the stunning decoration. The attention to detail is evident in every corner of the restaurant, from the beautifully arranged table settings to the elegant lighting fixtures. The overall effect is a welcoming and relaxing space that's perfect for enjoying a meal.Now let's talk about the food. On my recent visit, I tried two dishes that I highly recommend: the spaghetti with meat and mushroom and the poached salmon with seasonal vegetables.The spaghetti dish was a real standout. The pasta was perfectly cooked and the meat and mushroom sauce was rich and flavorful. Each bite was a delicious combination of savory and satisfying flavors.The poached salmon was equally impressive. The fish was cooked to perfection, with a tender and flaky texture that melted in my mouth. The seasonal vegetables added a refreshing crunch to the dish, making it the perfect balance of light and filling.Overall, I highly recommend Bellevue Bar and Grill for anyone looking for a cozy and welcoming spot to enjoy some delicious western-style cuisine. The restaurant's attention to detail in both its decor and its food is truly impressive, and I can't wait to come back and try more dishes. Whether you're in the mood for a romantic dinner or a casual meal with friends, Bellevue Bar and Grill is the perfect spot to satisfy your cravings.
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咁啱有機會嚟呢間環境、氣氛同服務都好好嘅餐廳食晏,一上到嚟,門口同入面已經見到好靚嘅牆壁餐廳嘅景觀一流,兩排大窗,一邊望海,一邊望山餐廳入面嘅佈置都好靚,中間嘅酒吧俾人一種有格調嘅感覺,而且播住優雅嘅音樂,感覺好好餐廳好乾淨,座位好好坐,亦好貼心咁提供消毒濕紙巾俾客人用,餐牌提供嘅選擇種類都好夠多安格斯牛肉漢堡配炸薯條($108) - 包烘得好脆,包面滿佈芝麻,食落更香口,安格斯牛肉本身好好味,所以個漢堡配芝士、蕃茄同生菜已經好好食;薯條亦炸得啱啱好,份量亦好足夠餐包熱辣辣,個包本身有香草,搽埋牛油,味道好豐富;食完漢堡包同薯條飲凍檸茶,格外清新加配餐湯同是日甜品($25) - 蕃茄湯好香濃,酸度啱啱好;甜品荔枝慕絲,好香滑,細細杯有齊荔枝、士多啤梨、藍莓同桑子,好好食餐廳好靚,環境好好,店員又殷勤有禮,好細心咁介紹餐牌,食物質素亦唔錯,值得推介
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今次同我嘅好閨蜜,食生日飯🎂🫧 兩個太忙搞到食生日飯都要隔成個月先食到咁耐無見我個寶貝(。・ω・。)ノ當然要book間起浪漫勁溫馨既餐廳慶祝下無意中係Open Rice比我搵到呢間位於旺角·十分有情調既空中西餐廳🍴💗入到去已經有一陣陣香味傳出嚟令我十分期待食物既味道(●´□`)♡🍽️龍蝦濃湯伴海鮮雲吞 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟一入口就知道呢碗湯啖啖精華 絕對無偷工減料 超濃既龍蝦湯 配埋海鮮雲吞 有兩層味道係口中爆出黎😍🍽️蕃茄水牛芝士沙律配煙三文魚及吞拿魚 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️蕃茄同水牛芝士係絕配 酸酸地可以令到水牛芝士無咁漏 再加上牛油果 so fresh 🥑🍽️ 炭燒美國特級安格斯肉眼扒 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️我哋叫咗三成熟 但出到黎肉眼睇應該有五成熟不過整體都幾好 重牛味咬落都好juice (❁´◡`❁)🍽️煎北海道帶子伴蒜香意粉 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️唔食辣既我都覺得呢個意粉超好食 好香蒜味 加上帶子索晒啲蒜味 十分香口🍽️朱古力心太軟伴雪糕 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟本身落order時忘記左叫人幫我係甜品上寫字 我只係係訂枱時講過同朋友慶祝生日 甜品上枱時竟然已經幫我寫咗happy birthday 好sweet既服務^・ꀾ・^╰☆☆ 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐮𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥 ☆☆╮📍旺角彌敦道558-560號譽發廣場23樓
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話說呢排好似好耐都冇食過正宗既西餐咁😂所以今次去咗旺角嘅樓上西餐廳,試試佢哋個Business Lunch Meun。間餐廳喺旺角嘅鬧市中心,加埋佢哋用咗落地玻璃,日光采光度一流!佢哋個Lunch最平$88起包埋野飲~另外on top仲可以價錢升級要前菜同埋飲wine果啲🥂今次兩款沙律都叫晒黎試!我覺得個西班牙海鮮沙律幾正😋入邊有好多粒新鮮嘅八爪魚🐙另外仲有個餐湯配埋熱辣辣嘅餐包好滿足!主菜方面叫左個野菌黑松露意大利粉配日本溫泉蛋🍳同埋炭燒美國特級安格斯熟成西冷扒(5安士)伴燒汁🥩意粉煮得煙煙韌韌啱啱好🍝朋友唔係好食黑松露但係都覺得好好食!另外個西冷扒原來係佢哋餐廳自己風乾!佢哋用咗風乾嘅技術去鎖住啲肉汁!所以我叫咗三成熟而入邊都冇血水,仲要牛味好豐富而且一切就已經切開到👍🏼另外餐廳職員俾咗黃芥末醬俾我哋,我想講個黃芥末醬超級好食!相信係餐廳自己調製,牛扒加埋佢一齊食完全係升華咗!最後仲有個心太軟同埋是日甜品(當日係羽衣甘藍芝士餅)我覺得甜味啱啱好🍮食完個甜品再加埋杯咖啡唔錯☕️.
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