All Branches (2)
It is a steam hot pot restaurant in Yuen Long, offering Cantonese cuisine and seafood. Diners can choose seafood by themselves that they can use a tool to catch seafood from the water tank. continue reading
Opening Hours
17:30 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
17:30 - 00:00
Public Holiday
17:30 - 23:30
Public Holiday Eve
17:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Live Music
Outdoor Seating
Exclusive Online Booking
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (217)
Level1 2025-02-23
We ordered a lobster meal. The staff first prepared the udon steamed chicken for us, demonstrating how we steam the machine, then, we do our own steaming of all kinds of fresh ingredients, including lobster, scallops, shrimp and shellfish, in addition, vegetables in unlimited additions 🤣.The steam cooking method perfectly preserves the fresh and fresh taste of the seafood, and every bite is filled with the freshness of the ocean. The lobster meat is tender, the scallops are fresh and juicy, the shrimp meat is bouncy and crispy, and the shellfish is fresh and delicious. The vegetables are crisp and refreshing after steam cooking, retaining their original nutritional value. Finally, there is a congee base with all the freshness, plus iced longan meat + peach jelly sweet soup😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-20
好耐冇寫食評.因為都冇咩特別好食!今次再寫因為值得再去既一間餐廳.工作人員有禮有問必應.反應快.海鮮新鮮.自己撈即撈即幫你處理.飲品大杯抵飲.泊車唔洗錢.環境座位舒服.香港都少見🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-01
超級滿足既蒸肉蟹放題老闆娘好好人 過咗截單時間都會主動問需唔需要加海鮮重點係海鮮同蟹由得你哋自己夾夠新鮮啲蟹識得走佬仲會好細心俾張牌你 提醒咩海鮮蒸既時嘅幾耐未停過手 個個朋友都食到肚脹脹重點推介肉蟹之外 係佢哋唔係任叫既蟲草蒸雞我哋叫多左份食 最尾所有既精華係個粥底係食唔曬要打包 聞到好香既蟹味勁瘋狂既一次開頭又有靚湯 最後又有靚糖水逢星期五六日現場仲會有歌聽 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
第一次來這間餐廳,餐廳外邊有停車位,還有很多海鮮,可以自己挑選,儼如一個細小嘅海洋館!我們選擇了每位$328套餐,包含了老火湯、龍蝦半隻、日本元貝、肉蟹、鮑魚、生蠔、紅棗杞子蟲草花蒸雞、海中蝦、沙八、蜆、海皇粥底、還有任食時蔬及甜品。超級豐富,食材新鮮。除了食物出色,服務也一絕,今時今日香港咁嘅服務,實在難得👍👍 服務員面帶笑容,還幫客人蒸海鮮,殷勤地介紹每份海鮮應該蒸幾多分鐘才好味😋 真心覺得這里的服務態度真係冇得頂!而且還有live band,氣氛好。星期五晚,越夜越多人,生意不錯。總括來說,日後必會再來! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
基本海鮮餐 $298(經openrice訂)(walk in $328)食物一樣。.海鮮好新鮮,蔬菜,蒜蓉粉絲任加任食。 鮑魚,龍蝦,生蠔,蟹,水箱自己揀,就算冇得揀的生蠔,扇貝,蝦,樣樣都好新鮮,份量好足。😋👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻同自己辛辛苦苦去街市買。拎餐死,洗餐死,差唔多價錢。.星期五,六,日,有live Band,都幾好聽。幾百蚊有嘢食,有嘢飲,有歌聽,坐得舒服,服務又好,真心好地方👍🏻😘。.樓面服務超級好,細心幫我地整理,又提我地蒸海鮮時間,無得頂。(服務好呢樣真係,係香港久違咗好耐。) .最後埋單:(人均消費) $298+凍檸茶$38+ 加一 (用原價$438加一) 。 .(我地要求 波士頓龍蝦 轉澳龍 再加$40/人) = $480左右/ 人 (醬料,蔬菜,聽歌,泊車,不另收費)👍🏻好均真,物有所值。❤️❤️❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)