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Review (9)
準備出發嘅旅程中, 突然落起了傍陀大雨? 遊走於西貢嘅巷弄,中無意中發覺有間咖啡店18 grams cafe,走進去坐低, 看見餐牌上有不同嘅食物選擇,例如全日早餐、沙律,以及一些飲品。 姐姐點了一杯 hazelnut榛子咖啡,漂亮拉花, 於咖啡嘅頂部停留了稍長嘅時間, 就算飲到咖啡底,依然略略看見拉花嘅足跡, 咖啡嘅香味十分濃郁,又帶點榛子嘅果香 ,沒有太甜,姐姐就是喜歡這一種醇香的咖啡味道,品嘗過這般咖啡後,雨停了,就繼續出發往西貢的水庫東壩了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-06-21
有人話,要知道一間咖啡店的實力應從其特調咖啡(將不同種咖啡豆混在一起, 不是單品咖啡)入手,但我卻認為應從其是日咖啡入手。週末閒逛西貢剛巧遇著驟雨,於是於店內暫避一會順道喝一杯咖啡。是日精選為肯亞的AA咖啡,產地於肯亞山附近區域,帶有黑莓口感的微酸味,喝下閉上眼睛仿如將正在啃著大樹樹葉的長頸鹿映入眼簾。當然,味道偏淡而且較薄,但作為偷得浮生半日閒亦都不失為一個好配搭。慢慢細嘗的同時亦勾起記憶,肯亞是人類文明的發源地。最近的研究發現約在四百萬年前於該地域有猿人棲息活動的證據,還有在約二百多萬年前出土的人類頭蓋骨化石。不知道猿人當時有否將咖啡豆烤焦呢? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-08-30
I found this cafe accidentally due to the rain, the design looks nice so just stay for a cup of coffee, ordered cappuccino also my companies ordered latte and long black. All of us said it was tasty, really hard to find a nice coffee in Hong Kong. Although that day was rainning we still enjoying the time with nice coffee.PS: If setting nearby by the WC where is quite stinking. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-06-20
Popped in for a light snack, coffee pick-me-up and air con after an afternoon spent meandering around the Hebe Haven peninsula and slowly walking my way to Sai Kung. At 4pm on a public holiday weekend it was strangely quiet. I ordered a latte and a croissant. Before my order arrived the guy who was waiting on me brought me a glass of water, (which he attentively filled again when I drank it all). The coffee arrived in a glass rather than a cup and before I touched the glass I was worried that they had made me an iced latte, but it was a good temperature. The croissant had also been heated and I enjoyed smelling the buttery aroma before I ate it. Both tasted good, the coffee had that 18 grams taste, I'm not sure how to describe it, a little bitter and dark tasting but also there's a hint of berries like blueberry in the initial sip. The only thing which was somewhat unpleasant about the experience was that the other staff (who clearly had little to do given how quiet the place was), spent a good deal of time staring at me and on at least one occasion a female waiter talked to a male waiter about me and they both stared. I guess I was a change from staring at empty tables. However the waiter who served me did a very good job despite his colleagues letting him down. (The service would have scored a five for being faultless had they not made me feel uncomfortable.)Try it out if your in the area and want a coffee with a slightly more nuanced taste than Starbucks. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-25
高流灣趴趴走,由家門出發,獨個兒先到西貢碼頭附近搵食。天公不作美,下起毛毛雨,撐起雨傘,沿著碼頭往福民路直走,只見中式食肆處處,蠻失望的。差不多至福民路盡處,見西式café 18Grams Alley剛開門營業,就走了進去,嘆一個人的悠閒早餐。這間18 Grams Alley的店子呈長方形的,裝潢簡潔具個性。一邊乃用餐區,另一邊是開放式廚房,近門口處放有收銀機和放有三文治和蛋糕的冷凍櫃,以及咖啡豆、各款的咖啡機和餐具,井然有序。不知其與其他旺區的18 Grams 是否屬於同一個集團呢?小妹要了一份牛油炒蘑菇牛油果醬配水煮蛋多士$98,再配一杯Cappuccino $42。也許時間尚早吧﹗落單女侍應目無表情的,欠缺了一份的熱誠和親切。Cappuccino 的拉花極美,層次極為分明,教人賞心悅目,小妹忍不住狂拍照以作留念。奈何,中看不中飲﹗咖啡味淡薄且毫不香濃,稱不上一杯合格的咖啡也。牛油炒蘑菇牛油果醬配水煮蛋多士最好吃的,是香濃味鮮的牛油炒蘑菇,口感嚼勁均甚佳也。牛油果醬也甘潤味美,車厘茄鮮甜多汁,沾上黑醋的沙律菜則酸甜醒胃,兩片多士既乾又韌,極不可取也﹗接近一百大元,連一片的煙肉火腿或腸仔也沒有。雖說組合較為輕盈健康,但有點貴囉﹗兩隻水煮蛋,輕輕一切,淡黃流心蛋黃一瀉而出,極為澎湃。可惜,蛋味頗為薄弱,欠缺稠密粘口之至高境界。及後,友人C到來會合,要了輕食炒蛋多士,好像也索價五十多元。炒蛋算夠香滑,多士入口則乾且韌,取價明顯過高了﹗ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)