8-min walk from Exit B, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
This fast food restaurant is near Causeway Bay and the transportation is convenient. It serves Nepali, Indian and Southeast Asia cuisines. You will find traditional dishes such as momo, which is suitable for those who love Southeast Asia flavor. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level1 2024-04-13
Lunch得返半個鐘趕住食,難得附近搵到呢間小店,唔洗排隊,雖然店面唔大,都算坐得舒服除左南亞裔人會幫襯,都有唔少本地人,店員都識講中文,menu中英對照最重要係野食好快就到,3-4個字就食完個蒸餃都幾好食可能我唔識欣賞個Masala Tea,都係港式奶茶適合我多啲整體唔錯,會再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-02-19
忽然又想食印度野😋灣仔銅鑼灣區唔多呢種菜式,不過OpenRice一search就搵到呢間位置偏僻啲,舖頭比較細,平日唔係路過都應該唔知佢嘅存在🙁Menu選擇超級多😍有白飯set /手抓飯set /烤麥餅set,每個都有唔同肉類揀,雞牛豬羊都有另外仲有多款不同製作方法嘅尼泊爾餃子Momo🥟當然仲有啲散叫嘅烤肉,又係選擇困難症發作嘅時候▶️ 豆湯Daal soup先來個黃色嘅湯💛,唔好俾佢個顏色嚇親,係天然嘅顏色,來自香料飲落味道偏清同水,唔似一般西餐creamy湯係啲豆同薯仔搞溶整出嚟嘅,有薯仔沙沙地嘅口感,加豆嘅味道,變相營造到佢好似杰身咁🥔個人覺得幾特別,一路食濃味嘅咖喱,間中飲番啖湯,咁就可以「調整」返自己嘅味覺▶️ 雞肉烤麥餅套餐Chicken roti set ($70)成個set好靚仔,鐵盤分為四格最大格放咗三大片接起左嘅印度烤餅🫓另外三格就分別放上紫洋蔥同醃咗辣醬嘅蘿蔔同青豆🧅咖喱雞肉🐔紅腰豆瑪沙拉🫘印度烤餅非常簿身,但搣起上嚟分成兩層,味道上似潮州薄餅,只係多咗好多小麥粉(唔知點解同之前起正宗印度餐廳食嘅味道唔同😅)不過我覺得呢個都好食,起碼薄餅夠軟身,捲住啲咖喱雞同紅腰豆食,絕配👍🏻咖喱雞個咖喱醬偏辣🥵勝在唔太油雞肉肉質滑嫩,因為用上帶骨嘅雞腿肉而非雞柳雞胸自己冇乜加紫洋蔥同醃蘿蔔,因為呢啲實在太濃味🙈紫洋蔥味道苦又攻鼻,醃蘿蔔仲辣過咖喱,同埋偏鹹個人最鍾意係紅腰豆瑪沙拉(Rajma)❤️超多原粒嘅紅腰豆,非常有質感一開始以為個底醬係咖喱,點知原來係用真蕃茄整嘅醬,原理似英式焗豆 (baked beans),不過好食好多倍😆味道一啲都唔鹹酸,反而帶啲香料味🌱味道天然,成碟食晒▶️ 羊肉烤麥餅套餐Lamb roti set ($75)同上面嗰個套餐差唔多,純粹係咖喱雞變咗咖喱羊肉羊嘅份量比雞肉多,肉質幾淋,重羊味但唔騷🐐有趣地伴菜都唔同,今次唔係紅腰豆瑪莎拉,而係薯仔椰菜花 (Aloo gobi),亦係相當健康嘅菜式-又一間好食嘅印度菜🤤印度菜開始榮升做我鍾意嘅菜式之一,發現佢哋好多菜式變化,香料調味好講究內在環境細少少,不過唔會話坐得太迫服務幾好,姐姐唔係香港人但識講少少廣東話,特登攞張凳俾我哋擺袋上菜神速快,落完order轉個頭就嚟😂性價比幾高,冇加一,平均$70一個人,食完好滿足又好飽🤰🏻(每一次食印度菜都好豐富haha)嚟灣仔銅鑼灣區嘅朋友不妨試試呢間,必定有意想不到嘅驚喜✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
成日以為銅鑼灣嚟嚟去去都係得個貴同包裝,再唔係喺街市啲平民飯兩餸飯,因為住喺附近已經唔知食咩好嘅時候。今日忽發奇想網上搜尋發現一間尼泊爾餐廳喺附近,由鵝頸街市行三分鐘左右,望咗餐牌好耐終於買咗佢個Pani Puri 同Roti chicken set 😍😍😍😍返到屋企全部試曬第一啖覺得好正,立即分享。呢間餐廳個感覺好平民好正宗,希望銅鑼灣灣仔有多啲平民又特色又好食嘅餐廳仔啦。 之前喺佐敦jungle食過類似Pani puri嘅餸回味無窮,今次再食呢間都好正。💛💛💛 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
24-35 Fusion Fast Food is a place I pass by regularly but not really sure if  I should go in or not. It serves Nepalese food. Something I've not had a lot of experience with but I do love their momos. So, one afternoon, I told boyfriend about this place and we went to give it a try. And I'm glad we did. The minute we entered, the staff was so friendly. Eager to tell us what was what. Patient with our many questions. Menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge and you pay on your way out.  They have a variety of items that include snacks, momos and rice dishes.We just wanted some snacks so we chose three. Or more like boyfriend said he was only going to get one but then came back with three. The circle is a Sel Roti ($10) and was a nice sweet pastry. A bit like a Chinese donut. The one of the left is a potato croquette ($7) and on the bottom is a potato sandwich ($15). These two were very spicy so only boyfriend ate them. But even he said it was the type of spicy that stays there and doesn't really go away.The sandwich was the literally two slices of bread stuffed with a spicy potato mash and then deep fried. They gave us a sweet sauce to drizzle over it so it becamse spicy an sweet.I love momos and they had several to choose from. I chose the steamed chicken momo ($45). It came with a very spicy dipping sauce. I've had momos at other places but this place gave me the largest portion size of them all! But what as even better, the skin was so thin and smooth. The meat was juicy and full of little spices. This was one of the best momos I've ever had.The place was not only friendly but the food was good at a very inexpensive price. Will definitely be back and perhaps try their rice dishes. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-09-19
一直以嚟都好鍾意印度菜,但除咗kebab同Naan都冇咩試過其他嘢,呢間餐廳叫Fusion Fast Food,但其實一啲都唔fast🤣有唔少印度人坐喺入面食飯吹水,睇嚟都幾正宗、有好多捧場客😎Pani puri ($40) 應該係好多香港人認識嘅印度小食,但聽講啲薄荷水好難飲,所以成日都唔敢試,今次就決定搏一鋪😂第一啖唔加汁就咁食係非常好味,個波波好似粟米脆餅,入邊就有薯仔沙律,成件事好清新好開胃😋然後我哋試下加枱上面嘅綠色汁,唔….都係就咁食比較好😌第二樣就係我最期待嘅Momo ($45),睇落同普通餃子冇咩分別,但感覺上層皮更薄更軟熟🤩的確一咬就斷,唔知呢個係傳統定點,啲餡比較少、唔夠飽滿,皮入面包咗好多空氣😗不過內餡嘅味道好正,雞肉肉質唔乾、仲有啲似豬肉帶少少肥嘅質感,加埋中間嘅辣醬就更惹味,二啖一隻好快就食曬😆最後就係”印度兩餸飯”,主要係揀中間嘅肉類,側邊兩款係送嘅小菜,我哋叫咗比較特別嘅水牛肉乾配手抓飯($70),隔離綠色嘅係香料雜草🤓食落同平時嘅牛肉乾真係冇分別😂不過會易咬啲同埋重肉味啲,可惜雜菜用嘅某種香料我麻麻地,因為有啲似芫茜💩白飯嘅香料味都同平時咖喱嗰啲唔同,單食會比較濃、加埋水牛肉乾就啱啱好而且好夾😝每份碟頭飯仲會有餐湯,清清地、又飲到蔬菜嘅甜,食食下飯覺得太濃味用嚟做間場都唔錯👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)