2807 1386
simple decoration and warm atmosphere in the restaurant, it show tasting menu many dishes. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Pan Fried Foie Gras Sear lamb rack
Review (17)
Level1 2010-03-23
今年揀了3R為男友慶祝生日的歺廰,其實日子未到,但他今晚夜機出門工幹,所以提早慶祝。歺廰晚上專做booking,我都醒目,早幾天已訂,因為我地要早食早走,歺廰都肯就我的6点booking.無諗過lunch time 和dinner time嘅氣氛很不同,因從無多想,只知lunch 都咁好,dinner一定有水準,及professional service.晚歺是做set dinner $600 or tasting menu $800.我们点了2份tasting menu,8道菜。先送上是用白色歺巾包着黒色的墨魚汁面包,熱辣辣,外脆內軟,好好食。1,starter 是fresh figs salad,新鮮及清新.2,Hors-d'oeuvre,meaning is 少少的头盤,有panfried french foie gras,scallop, alsaka crab leg.foie gras 煎得好好。3,湯是2個小杯子上,lobster cappinno n porcini bisque.佢提議我地飲后者先。湯都好夠熱,好飲.4,baked portbela stuffed with cauliflower都唔錯.5,baked miso cod,cod魚好滑,有D魚油漏出,及有些沙律醬比你点,好好味.6,跟住來過lychee sherbet,係我試過最好食的flavour。7,main course.我揀了angus beef ,MR.男友揀了lamb rack,MR.講明了肉想要outside burn的。main dish 送上,服務員禮貌問伱要些mustard and mint jelly?点了一些,便動手了。碟是serve hot plate,very good .很專業。碟上的伴菜都很花心思,有紫心蕃薯、炒法邉荳、黃紅各一粒cherry tomato、和烤pumkin。非常colourful,擺得也很靚。兩份main course 都好好食,牛肉都好有肉味,羊都好tender,一定係quality貨。而我地叫outside burn 都做得好好。和上次一樣,吃完晒收晒枱面D嘢,也有為你掃枱,呢個service好好。8,dessert 是dessert platter,當晚是home made tiramisu,blueberry tart 仔,及apple n rose sherbet.餐茶我們都是叫coffee,因我必定,而且上次試過好,今次都再叫。很很很很滿足的一歺!!!當我地埋单,先有另一枱客來,難得好似包場咁,不過他们每晚接枱不多,有時也有做包場,早訂揾陣D。其實$800有咁多嘢食,都唔貴。食歺好D嘅西歺都要啦!最緊要佢要好味!難得feel 到係間好有heart 去做food、service的歺廳。一定会再來,及介紹比朋友知! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-03-05
做得咁辛苦對我來說是想有餐好食個墨魚味包, 食不出有墨魚味, BUT外脆內軟呢下無得頂周打蜆湯OK特別既PASTA, 同出面食既口感完全不同 STEAK好有牛味環境OK架, 睇得出佢都有心去整,我朋友說在外國呢D餐廳多的是只是HK較少, SO收費也較貴..ANYWAY, TKS我FRIEND既介紹.食LUNCH抵過食DINNER continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2010-02-22
I passed through this restaurant several times so figured that I would go for a dinner.We ordered their dinner set menu for $600 + 10% ...The appetizers appeared a lot, get three types, on the menu but once it came, only - a tiny piece of foie gras- tiniest slice of lobser- some veggies (very small portion)The soup was a carrot soup put inside a pear. It could have be an innnovative idea but the taste was too sweet for my palate, kind of like a desert soup and too early to have such a sweet taste for a meal.The main dish which I had a steak and my partner had a lamb rack were good, if just the portions were on the small side. I would have no complaint if it was for lunch but at this dinner's price, I would expect a more generous portion.The set came with a set of deserts, the ginger cream brulee was good.But at $600 set, the set did not include coffee or tea!Anyway, the taste was decent (except the soup) but I think I can similar quality of food with a more generous portion at other places, e.g. those restaurants at The Pemberton. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-08-15
23/7/09(四)第一次來吃午餐,餐廳裝潢簡約舒適,座位不密且樓底高,予人空間感。先送來的墨魚汁脆包,既有新鮮感又有驚喜,外脆內軟,非常可口。沙律不但看來精緻,亦新鮮。一份主菜是燒焗鴨胸釀法國鵝肝配意大利黑醋汁,鴨胸肉質嫩滑,值得一讚是出色的配菜,材料新鮮也很香口;另一份是扒美國安格斯牛肉配干邑燒汁,肉味濃郁,配汁更是錦上添花,令T吃得開懷。這裏位置隱蔽,但其實交通也方便,期待有更多客人認識這間有誠意的餐廳。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
去完4天星加坡, 食左好多好刺激的食物, 包括辣蟹, 炒粿條, 沙爹, 叻沙, 回來香港後的第一天, 很想食餐精緻的西餐, 所以約同朋友去3R食番個法式lunch. 1點15分去到餐廳, 剛巧還剩最後一張枱, 仲見到老闆娘Edith及Kenneth, 我們2人被帶到1張寛闊的4人枱, 心情馬上大好. 我們點了2份set lunch, linguine with mushroom ($88) 及 duck breast with goose liver ($138). 招牌的墨魚汁麵飽熱辣辣, 外脆內軟. set lunch頭盤可選tomato soup 或caesar salad, 我們2人乾脆選湯及沙律share, 首先, tomato soup賣相精緻, 中間還拌有少量麵包粒, 又濃又好味, 味道層次豐富, 有甜味, 有蕃茄原有的微酸, 再而食到濃香味, 真的很不錯. caesar salad羅馬生菜新鮮, 麵包粒鬆脆, 煙肉甘香, 白汁醒胃. 沙律份量頗多. linguine with mushroom麵條有咬口, 不會太淋, 加入香草, 橄欖油及mushroom很清新.Duck breast with goose liver 更加一絕, 賣相簡直就像藝術品一樣很討好. 不過份量略少, 相信男仕未必夠. 碟面的2塊少少的duck breast外表界上菠蘿紋, 煎後的菠蘿紋賣相很靚 , 鴨胸的底層釀了goose liver, 每食一啖鴨胸都食到goose liver的甘香濃郁, 真係好好味, 配上酸梅汁真係正到暈. 伴碟有蕃薯粒, 蕃薯也是甜甜的, 很配合酸梅汁, 伴菜還有煎到有少少濃邊的翠肉瓜及茄子, 全碟主菜賣相真的很靚, 靚到我真係有d唔捨得食, 而且味道非常之好, 比起先前的蘑菇意粉更靚更好味. 深深感受到廚師做好菜的熱誠. 這頓午餐實在吃得我跟友人太開心了, 決定encore去點甜品, 我們看中了lime sorbet ($30) 及請來老闆娘介紹其他的甜品, 她說這兒的雪糕都是gelato意大利雪糕, 其中有一款味道是gorgonzola ($30), 因為未曾試過這款雪糕味, 所以也一併點了. lime sorbet上碟時伴有2片菠蘿, lime sorbet同時有青檸及檸檬味, 好清新, 好適合這個炎熱的夏天. 而果2片菠蘿好特別, 先有菠蘿固有的甜酸味, 菠蘿表層洒了辣粉, 有微辣, 很特別, 真是大開"味"界. 食得出廚師的無限創意. gorgonzola雪糕($30) 味道像蒜香, 很濃郁, 雪糕真的滑得不得了. 非常好味. 最後配上latte, 這頓午餐雖然稍貴, 每人$160, 不過我跟友人覺得絕對值回票價, 友人對於我今次3R的介紹更讚不絕口. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)