Restaurant: A BOUTEA (Kam Lung Mansion)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

8-min walk from Exit A, Yuen Long MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (14)
63684534 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash OpenRice Pay
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (48)
嘩😳 入到嚟真係覺得零舍不同😌今次真係ʙᴛꜱ迷必去打卡😍呢間花斑茶社成個舖頭內都係ʙᴛꜱ,仲有應援添,嚟買肥仔水都千祈咪錯過啊😚1️⃣ 大甲芋頭鮮奶🥛對住芋頭嘅產品真係不能抗拒🤣 呢杯芋頭鮮奶嘅芋頭真係超級多,一啲都唔孤寒😚 芋泥嘅口感勁綿密,想健康啲建議可以聽店員嗌走甜,因為本身都已經好夠味了😌2️⃣ 花豹芋圓-黃金底🥣呢度所指嘅黃金底即係醇香烏龍奶茶底👈🏻 呢碗甜品真係唔話得,超級多配料😱有勁彈牙嘅黑糖珍珠、煙煙韌韌嘅手工芋圓、滑捋捋嘅燒仙草、我最中意嘅芋頭、甜蜜蜜嘅紅豆🫘…… 一個價錢就可以樣樣都食到,啱晒想食多啲款嘅人😎 所以到底係邊個話唔好喺茶飲店買甜品,實測呢個講法係花斑茶社係不適用🫢ᴘ.ꜱ. 仲有應援拎添😆✌🏻 (靜靜雞話俾大家知:右邊公文袋仔要問職員先有嫁) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
📍「花斑茶舍」-元朗今次食食食之旅黎到元朗😌夏日熱辣辣,行街行到身水身汗就見到呢間好多分店嘅手搖店,見到佢有室內等候位置咁貼心,就一於試試佢😍🍴芋治抺茶紅豆鮮奶+小芋圓💰HK$42✨推薦指數:8/10呢杯嗌咗無糖脫脂奶走冰,第一啖飲落抺茶味超重🤣攪勻咗之後味道平衡返,紅豆🫘幾甜,中和返抺茶味嘅甘,如果唔係好中意抺茶太甘嘅話建議嗌返甜度高少少😗小芋圓口感煙煙韌韌,不過無咩味,亦唔算甜,所以成杯係靠紅豆嘅甜,唔中意太甜嘅人就岩哂😊🍴青葡萄烏龍茶+寒天💰HK$33✨推薦指數:8.5/10今次嗌咗微糖走冰,飲落甜度岩岩好,青葡萄肉甜甜哋,烏龍茶味幾出但唔會太苦,同青葡萄味幾夾,成個感覺幾fresh,另外加咗寒天,份量幾多而且口感好爽口,必加🤩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
元朗必飲珍奶店|花斑茶社飲杯珍奶開心下先😚就去花斑茶社先就去花斑茶社先😙必飲🧋黑糖珍珠厚鮮奶🧋每啖都飲到幼滑鮮奶,仲有嚼感十足嘅黑糖珍珠,雖然話係黑糖,都唔會太甜😄仲見到新出左🌸春果好茶系列🌸就揀左🥤清爽青葡萄烏龍🥤香濃烏龍茶底,加上酸甜青葡萄果肉,春夏呢個時節飲,心涼又爽涼!😌另外,大甲芋泥鮮奶、花豹芋圓系列都不妨試試,味道同口感都唔錯喔!😉花斑茶社 (金龍樓) (元朗)📍元朗鳳琴街22號金龍樓地下20B號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
完熟蘋果冰茶($28) + 黑糖珍珠可可鮮奶($36) ★-:+:-:+:-:+:-:+:-:+:-:+:-:-:+:-:-★​一向都鍾意花斑茶社嘅招牌黑糖珍珠,每次買都水準穩定!通街都係手搖茶舖,但唔係間間都掂,有時飲到啲珍珠未煮熟/過熟黐埋一pat真係伏已中😔今日買咗”黑糖珍珠可可鮮奶”,漸層色好靚,黑糖珍珠有咬口,煮得熟透,夠軟Q又唔會硬飲到黑糖嘅焦香,又飲到順滑嘅可可鮮奶,成個配搭完美😁朋友飲”完熟蘋果冰茶”,茶底可以揀四季春或紅茶,底下有蘋果果粒,唔會死甜,清清爽爽夏天飲正! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日去左元朗「花斑茶社」買定手搖飲品同屋企人分享,順便一陣同小朋友溫書時可以邊教邊飲。寶藍色既門面同埋花斑做logo,真係好吸睛,係牆上面見到有新款飲品推出,二話不說就揀咗清爽青葡萄烏龍。原來茶底係來自台南的烏龍茶葉,一飲落去就飲得出清香嘅茶味同埋啜到清爽嘅葡萄果肉,真係好好飲。少冰、微糖更能飲得出茶既原味,鍾意飲茶既你絕對可以一試。黑糖珍珠岩鹽厚鮮奶,奶蓋濃郁,岩鹽帶出奶茉清香,珍珠很有嚼勁,味道調配得恰到好處,連屋企人都話好飲。店內外都設有打卡座位,仲有鐵盒裝茶包同埋台灣牛軋糖,包裝精美,可以買來送俾人。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)