Restaurant: | A Nice Gift (Olympian City 2) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
食左碗米線勁口渴😱見到依度有間飲品店, 要即時買杯野飲解下渴😄唔想飲奶類飲品敢膩敢滞😆叫左杯茉莉綠茶微糖正常冰, 等左一陣拿得, 21元一杯原來都幾大杯👍😜敢真係好抵😛😋, 飲左一啖, 好有茉莉花的香味😀, 飲落唔會好假的味道😋😛, 再飲落又飲到d綠茶🍵味, 真係飲落幾解渴幾舒服🥰👍, 下次試下其他😚😚
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平時通常嗌珍珠奶茶今日忽然心情靚,想試吓其他嘢飲嗌咗粉果桂花檸檬,果然冇失望粉果十分之煙韌 又易入口用紙飲筒都飲唔到,唔會話卡住有濃濃嘅桂花香味係第二間試唔到嘅味道唔會話太甜 雖然淨係嗌咗少甜就算怕肥都可以成日飲嗌咗粉果桂花檸檬,果然冇失望預設嘅size都夠大杯幾抵佢包裝都幾文青,十分之養眼喺IKEA隔離位置都10分方便就腳有得用OpenRice外賣自取嗌定先下次介紹朋友試吓呢一間真心同其他嗰啲有分別
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星期一絕對需要一杯廢水來踢走Monday blue 😵 午飯後約1:45pm買,輪候時間大約10分鐘。🥤蜂蜜307茶王之前喺天仁茗茶order 常溫 ,杯嘢係凍嘅,十分失望。今次就試吓喺賞茶叫常溫,溫度啱啱好,易入口,抵讚👍🏻少糖嘅甜度剛好,飲到茶嘅苦澀味,又飲到一絲絲嘅蜂蜜甜味。🥤白桃烏龍雖然叫咗半糖,但係都甜得滯,不過感覺清新。另外,見到好多人評價店員服務態度差,幸好今次幫襯未有任何不愉快經驗,服務態度還好。
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經過發現呢間分店有炸物賣,套餐$49有杯波霸珍珠奶茶+鹽酥雞配地瓜條,呢個組合超吸引,所以買黎試下炸物質素有驚喜,即叫即炸大約等10分鐘。地瓜條外脆內軟,味道香甜。鹽酥雞炸到皮脆但肉仲係好Juicy!整體完全唔油膩,令人忍唔住一啖接一啖但波霸珍珠奶茶味道一般,冇茶香又唔夠奶香 勝在珍珠夠煙韌有咬口挽回分數,但飲品調配需要進步… 值得一提係碗同杯既插圖都好靚總結:炸物值得多次回購 如果個套餐可以自由選擇配咩飲品就好啦!
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最愛的珍珠奶茶店 品質保證🧋每次經過奧海城都要買😛✨.推薦極品波霸賞奶茶 值得一試!珍珠入味又咬口奶茶有茶味唔會太甜❤️.見好多人話服務唔掂 我幫襯過咁多次都唔覺有咩問題🤣
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