4-min walk from Exit C, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
位於西營盤嘅A.O.M搬新鋪後環境更加寬闊舒適,樓高兩層,設有半露天座位,感覺更chill🥰 主打創意特色料理,開業不久已獲唔少獎項,整體性價比高👍🏻❀ 炙燒吞拿魚沙律 🥗表面鋪上三大片炙燒吞拿魚,底部墊有蘋果核桃沙律✨ 入口清新爽脆,配搭鹹香嘅吞拿魚食味道更豐富☺️❀ 蒜香芝士麵包球 🧀麵包新鮮即焗熱辣辣😍 外層香脆,裡面夾住忌廉芝士醬,食落有陣陣蒜蓉香氣,濃郁惹味😋❀ 香脆手工軟心松露忌廉球 🥢炸到外酥內軟,咬開入面係滿滿嘅松露忌廉,香濃又creamy,令人食唔停口😍❀ 烤焗西班牙油封鴨腿 🍗鴨腿表面微微焦脆,肉質保持嫩滑多汁🥰 經油封過程令鴨肉風味更顯濃郁柔軟,底部嘅薯蓉口感綿滑,搭配藍莓醬增添一份酸甜味,平衡油膩感✨ ❀ 羽衣甘藍羅勒雞肉意大利寬面 🍝意粉質感帶嚼勁,裹滿羽衣甘藍羅勒醬,味道較清新☺️ 雞肉香滑juicy,份量十足❀ Gin Gin 筆管面 🍝粗管通粉以Dry Gin及蕃茄烹調,沾滿濃稠且微辣醬汁,非常入味😚 配上呈球狀嘅布拉塔芝士,帶淡淡鹹味及奶香,味道有驚喜👅❀ 果燃開心Croffles 🧇❀ 焦糖脆餅果仁牛角包窩夫 🧇甜品試咗兩款croffles🥰 口感鬆脆又重牛油香,一款係開心果醬配草莓果醬,另一款係焦糖口味,加上雲呢拿雪糕食香甜可口~
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Came here with my bestie to dine with our friend because the friend lives in Hong Kong side.The ambience of the restaurant was inviting, with soft lighting and cozy decor, however the ventilation was a bit poor.We started with the beetroot salad and some appetisers such as the cheese balls, roasted broccoli, meatballs and garlic shrimps.The bread balls were stuffed with gooey cheese, chopped garlic and heavily infused with butter, making for a delightful appetiser that’s hard to resist. However, we couldn't finish them all because they were too greasy.Other than salads, roasted broccoli was the only vegetable option. The portion was smaller than expected. The roasted broccoli florets were seasoned well but a bit oily. The most delicious stuff was the chickpeas hummus underneath the broccoli.The meatballs were soft and juicy but the flavour of the meat was totally covered by a rich tomato and cheese sauce.The shrimps were sautéed in olive oil full of garlic flavour. The dish was served with 2 pieces of crusty bread for dipping the fragrant oil.The soup of the day was cream of broccoli. It was comforting and flavourful.The dish was presented to us with a big ball of rice topped with a scoop of crab meat and a spoonful of uni. There was also assorted mushrooms surrounding the rice, adding flavour to the rice bowl. The staff then infused some hot broth into the bowl making it, a delightful and delicious dish.The green tea was soothing with a light jasmine scent.
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呢d天氣最岩就係坐係outdoor chill下,搬左新鋪既「A.O.M」就係食正呢條水,同舊鋪既分別係整返個outdoor位,有得打下卡之餘又唔會熱到媽媽聲咁難聽,今晚就岩岩好,爽!👇🏻📌A.O.M Special - ▪ Appetizer - ▫「南瓜甘荀濃湯」入口綿密,香濃甘荀加埋南瓜,夠哂開胃。▫「現烤蒜香芝士麵包球」每次黎都係必叫,用香草蒜蓉牛油加上Cream Cheese sauce,麵包又新鮮焗,難怪食落口感特別鬆軟又惹味。▫「高湯海蜆」沙白比足你,絕對唔姑寒,用鰹魚湯做底,再以洋蔥加埋紫蘇調味,鮮味十足。▫「意式焗肉丸」用上日式雞肉肉丸,特別彈牙,加上馬蘇里拉芝士、車打芝士,雙重芝味,層次更豐富。▫「一定要食粗薯條」終於知點解一定要食,事關即叫即炸,脆口到不得了,完全唔乾身,用印第安香料加上自家製醬汁調味,唔會太鹹岩岩好。▪ Main - ▫「澳洲穀飼肉眼牛扒」用上M2澳洲肉眼牛扒,脂肪就咁睇分佈得夠均匀,肉質煙韌有咬口,夠Juicy完全唔鞋口,配上焗新薯、法邊豆、gravy,再配杯紅酒,一啖肉一杯酒,爽!▫「火炙帶子墨魚汁意大利飯」以日本刺身級帶子做主角,帶子鮮甜爽彈,配搭魷魚鬚、芝士,加埋墨魚汁脆片,濃香惹味,好食。▫「濃厚蝦醬意大利粉」用鳳尾蝦配上櫻花蝦、蝦膏,蝦鮮味十足,意粉口感彈牙,再吸收哂cream sauce,口感滑溜,值得一試! ▪ Dessert - ▫「焦糖脆餅果仁牛角包窩夫」大大舊雲呢拿雪糕係面頭,croffle鬆化到不得了,果然係即整,配搭焦糖脆餅、杏仁片,以焦糖漿Dressing,真係停唔到口!▪ Drinks -▫「Yuzu-Man」用柚子、芒果汁、綠茶、蜜糖調製,甜不而膩,岩哂解膩。
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一個月黑風高嘅晚上,大佬約我去西環感受一下 Aura of Mystery ,吸收萬聖節既靈氣。大佬一黎放杯血紅 Virgin Strawberry Mojito,話要我飲左去。我睇住紅色既碎肉隨住fizzy bubbles緩緩升上,諗起大白鯊咬人後既血海,大佬仲係度大讚 “有feel 有feel “。 好在入口酸甜,好refreshing。松葉蟹肉蟹膏木魚湯泡飯大佬仲未玩夠,話要幫我斟茶,嚇到小妹我。大佬用鐵茶壺倒出木魚湯,充滿儀式感 (?!)。大佬笑住話食飯,我就食飯。蟹肉蟹膏新鮮,木魚湯清甜不膩,舒解到我心情。現烤蒜香芝士麵包球 - 皇牌必點!大佬話Homemade既梗係由dough做起,熱辣辣出爐既麵包球裡面有半溶流心既芝士,即點現烤蒜香濃濃,聞到就已經流哂口水,記得要趁熱食。AO.M 焗慢煮雞柳墨西哥玉米片色彩好有halloween feel,佢啲nachos比出面好食,sauce都想講大佬極速地清左咁大碟nachos,就知有幾好味。油封蒜頭欖油蝦Tapas中既經典,做得好,有蝦味,旁邊麵包咪睇小。香煎荷蘭三層肉 - 大推!今次再食發現簡直係大躍進!!三層肉煎得金黃,一咬多汁,酥香油脂四溢,完全唔會油膩/肥膩。切薄後一塊塊咁食唔停口!原條蒲燒日本魷魚勝在肉質柔得黎不失彈牙,食下一圈又一圈。意式焗肉丸肉丸芝士拉絲,喜歡邪惡野食既朋友可點~希臘紅菜頭沙律沙律菜新鮮,配搭健康,最重要份量夠大可share。脆糖香草吉士牛角包窩夫配有雪糕、和風抹茶牛角包窩夫比較合我口味,脆脆既croffle,值得我留肚。
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西營盤小眾西餐cocktail 🍝🍹.ᐟ.ᐟ🎀^=•.•=^ 口水妹推介:1️⃣濃厚蝦醬意大利粉 $148重點係十分有蝦嘅鮮味,蝦膏融入晒意粉度🥹食落口好Creamy,又有啲蔬菜甜椒解漏!蝦吾算大隻但都夠彈牙2️⃣火炙帶子墨魚汁意大利飯 $168一上菜估吾到賣相甘靚🤍墨魚脆脆好特別,食落口感就無甘單一🙂↕️墨魚係有炸過好脆口!不過刺身級帶子略嫌吾夠鮮甜~3️⃣脆糖吉士牛角包窩夫 $78冰火兩重天🥰牛角包窩夫,厚身得來又夠脆💖雪糕都係大大份!食到最尾都有雪糕剩~可惜吉士上面嘅脆糖吾夠多,就無食到脆口感覺了🥹📍A.O.M 西營盤高街88號地舖#西營盤 #西餐 #酒吧 #西環 #上環 #中環
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