5-min walk from Exit B1, HKU MTR Station
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Opening Hours
17:00 - 23:00
Tue - Sat
17:00 - 23:00
13:00 - 20:00
Public Holiday
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
有日突然想食burger🍔喺機緣巧合之間搵到呢間位於西環嘅餐廳呢間餐廳屬於西式快餐x日式居酒屋🍳佢哋嘅burger係香港數一數二好食嘅👍🏻入邊塊肉Juicy到會爆汁💦而且漢堡包仲係煎過有啲燶邊嘅加埋芝士簡直係邪惡嘅美食😋餐廳仲有好多啱送酒嘅嘢日式小食🇯🇵例如八爪魚漬,煎餃子,炸羽衣甘藍等等佢哋每個星期都會有唔同嘅小食,寫喺塊手寫餐牌上面,不過小食嘅份量就有啲細飲品方面,除咗有生啤仲有唔同嘅梳打🥤就算唔想飲酒,都有大把選擇🍺嚟過幾次見到星期六日嘅入座率都唔係咁高🙌🏻就咁Walk in都即刻有位希望呢間hidden gem都有多啲人認識啦💎
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Bookmark咗一段時間嘅餐廳,食完覺得我發現得佢太遲了。佢係no milkshake no life 嘅3號店,似cafe mix居酒屋/酒場。店舖係條平時唔會行經嘅巷仔到,入到去氣氛、裝修同環境都好有feel。打開menu睇,全部都好吸引,想叫晒黎試,可惜今次只有兩個人,叫咗兩款大人氣嘅主菜,兩款小食同埋一杯milkshake。Hot spicy chicken mac&cheeseMac&cheese個醬好rich,雞肉少少辣,夾埋食好惹味。巴城爵士炸雞太陽蛋華夫鬆餅Chicken waffles 即焗即炸,一邊配牛油一邊配太陽蛋。雞肉炸完都keep到滑,倒埋糖漿咸甜咸甜好正 。大蔥雞肉煎餅煎餅都多料,旁邊配咗白蘿蔔絲配埋一齊食,口感食落會清新啲。但覺得如果配埋醬汁一齊食會更好,依架食落有少少乾。漬物盛盒比較適合配啤酒一齊食,酒漬蕃茄較濃,而漬大根個人略嫌唔夠酸。皇者焦糖花生醬真脆煙肉超肥仔又超好飲嘅milkshake組合。普通一個茶記嘅凍飲杯,裝住濃郁順滑嘅奶昔,而且煙肉碎比例啱啱好,飲完又唔會有好濟嘅感覺。整體都覺得係一間有實力嘅餐廳,係會想再去食。而且環境都舒服,無論係2個人或者一大班人去食都幾適合。因為餐廳係少少似居酒屋形式,夜晚可能氣氛會更好。
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第一次去搵左一陣,座落起一條巷仔入面,不過舖面都算起眼,舖外會見到 d 大型廣告牌入面空間闊落,坐得都幾舒服,餐廳內部裝修可以話係貫徹左本身餐廳路線,主打美式日系復古風格,仔細睇可以發現好多細節,牆身圖案,掛畫,擺設都好有特色🧀Real Bacon Mac & Cheese $98芝味相對輕身,食落唔會好膩,煙肉香脆,鹹香味整體提色不少🍔Wagyu Cheese & Egg Burger w/ Fries + Cheesy fries $148睇相就知有幾邪惡😈,有煎蛋🍳有漢堡🐮有芝士🧀,隻太陽蛋煎得相當有水準,特登擺到好似就黎跌出黎咁,塊漢堡厚身足料一d都唔干,咬落去爆曬d肉汁出黎,宜家睇反都流曬口水我地另外加左$10 轉 cheesy fries,又係一絕,一定要試下 🥤Salty Lime Soda $52本身知道呢間主打milkshake,但係小妹有乳糖不耐受症,唯有試佢其他野。先發現呢杯有驚喜,佢起杯口位灑左粗粒海鹽,同青檸原來都幾夾,平衡左青檸本身既酸味。美中不足就係好快比我飲曬,如果佢都有無限 refill 我估會飲到4-5杯☕Hot coffee $35呢個黑啡係無限refil既,以為會係 d 平野先可以做到呢個價,但係唔是講笑,香滑醇厚唔酸,唔講咁多了,我飲左 3.5 杯
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Continuing my quest for the best burgers in town, I came to Sir Berwick, the sister shop of No Milkshake No Life. There was only one server on the day of my visit. Service was therefore slow but she tried her best to be as helpful as possible so I would cut her some slack. Ordered their signature Double Wagyu Cheese & egg Burger with Cajun fries and Salted Caramel with Roasted Almond Milkshake.The wagyu beef patty was juicy and had the right amount of firmness. However the brioche was rather thin and would do better had it been toasted on the fryer a minute longer. The moisture released from the caramelised onion also had the brioche dissolved fairly quickly. The sauce was bland and tasted monotonous. The star of the meal for me was the Cajun fries. The skinny fries were fried on point and the Cajun seasoning was peppery and addictive. Also loved the salted caramel roasted almond milkshake. The milkshake had the right amount of density and the roasted almond was incredibly aromatic. Overall a decent burger joint.
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脂肪爆燈😆📍但愈肥愈開心!本身係唔食牛嘅我,但又覺得食burger又需要配搭牛🥹呢間野好岩唔食牛嘅人士,有植物牛肉burger,見到即刻叫黎試下😆植物牛肉配上芝士太陽蛋,一啖放入口成種感覺好滿足❣️❤️🔥而植物牛肉煎到個邊脆脆地,口感再提升左,而食burger點可以少左熱辣辣薯條💕而另外炸雞窩夫都好有驚喜😍炸雞粉唔會太厚 再配搭窩夫咁食唔會太膩❤️🔥加埋杯濃厚花生醬朱古力,係卡路里爆燈嘅滿足感✨✨
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