1-min walk from Exit B2, Tsuen Wan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (6)
This takeaway chain specializes in Taiwanese rice rolls. The artisan rice roll is made to order. It offers many flavours and several sauces for you to select. Besides, some drinks with Taiwanese flavour and healthy themes are also provided, which is a good fast food and teatime choice. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (136)
Level4 2024-05-09
3-5-2024(Fri)老公放工後去團契,我自己一人食飯,唔想煮喇,諗吓食咩啦,咁啱要諗呢個月同女友人WK食晚飯,佢就揀日本菜,於是我就主力喺OR搵日本菜,順便seach埋我自己食乜,最後我都係決定食阿杏飯團。嚟到我慢慢睇menu,要$41.00嘅海草八爪魚飯糰,但見到有同價嘅網紅蟹肉飯糰,好似比較吸引,就要呢個啦。等咗3分鐘左右就有,拎上手係熱嘅,返到屋企都即刻打開嚟食,佢嘅size大約有12X6厘米。食落,蟹肉就固然有,而其他配料有鹹蛋黃, 沙律醬,脆脆同肉鬆等。紅米夠濕潤,脆脆好正,成個味道唔太鹹但口感好豐富,好好味。服務:好有禮貌,不過冇提到有其它醬揀。抵食係2.8分上次食評係2024年1月6日刊登嘅呢篇:https://www.openrice.com/zh/hongkong/review/%E4%BE%9D%E7%84%B6%E5%A4%A7%E4%BB%B6-e5223651 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-05
Ah Xing Fruit Tea & Rice Roll offers a convenient and satisfying dining option. This restaurant is sure to leave you craving for more. Eel with Cheese Rice Roll:The Eel with Cheese Rice Roll is an absolute delight for eel lovers. The combination of tender eel, creamy cheese, savory ham, and flavorful pork floss creates a symphony of flavors that tantalize the taste buds.Teriyaki sauces Steak Rice Roll:This rice roll has slices of steak, which were perfectly cooked. The tender meat practically melts in your mouth, releasing a burst of flavor with every bite.In addition the ingredients are very rich, Including meat floss, pickled mustard, lettuce, etc. I like the crispy fried dough sticks in the toppings. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-04
阿杏飯團嘅飯團好足料好大個,一餐食一個真係好夠飽,而且仲可以優惠價加配特色飲品,性價比相當高🥳🥳🥰🥰😋鹹蛋雞扒飯團 🍙$46鹹蛋蛋黃沙軟,鹹香綿密同香脆雞排互相輝映,層次好豐富,另外有其他配料如生菜,肉鬆,脆脆,榨菜,沙律醬等等,每一啖都係滿滿嘅配料,絕對唔會覺得單調,好有滿足感😛😛😙😋😋新宿燒汁牛扒飯團 🍙$40燒汁甜口惹味,係日式口味嘅燒牛扒,同煙韌嘅紫米飯團好夾,配料同鹹蛋雞扒飯團差唔多, 主要係肉料同醬汁有唔同🤩😄😋😋橙意滿滿🧋 飯團加配價 $20主要係橙同檸檬嘅特飲,酸酸甜甜好滋味😙😋😋😄紫薯玫瑰露🍹 飯團加配價 $17呢個係熱飲嚟嘅,飲到啖啖嘅玫瑰味,成杯係紫色嘅,幾靚幾特別😛😛😙😙😋阿杏飯團地址:新界荃灣青山公路荃灣段210號, 富華中心商場, L1 一樓, 1A-B舖#tusenwansnack#tsuenwantakeaway#荃灣外賣#荃灣小食#阿杏飯團#富華中心#荃灣站#荃灣站食#外賣飯團#台式飯團#台式飲品#大飯團#鹹蛋雞扒飯團#鹹蛋飯團#雞扒飯團#牛扒飯團#燒汁牛扒#橙意滿滿#加配價#紫薯玫瑰#玫瑰露#紫薯飲品#外賣店#下午餐#份量足#足料飯團#足料飯團 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-19
一出荃灣地鐵站,就會見到一系列小食店!個日有嘢做,想快快食個lunch,又想食得健康d!阿杏飯糰就係我心水啦!🌟新宿燒汁牛扒飯糰($40)所有飯糰都係用泰國紅米,飯糰入面除左有牛扒(一d都唔「鞋」),仲有肉鬆、油炸鬼口感豐富!!燒汁聽落好似好油,但事實唔係!好味又飽肚!🌟名古屋鰻魚飯糰($50)鰻魚滿滿,每一口都食到!雖然價錢好似有d貴,但鰻魚份量就好似平時叫鰻魚飯咁!🌟椰果四季春($25)就係清清的茶配椰果完全冇罪惡感又解渴!🌟橙意滿滿($36)並唔係一般橙汁,佢有濃厚橙香味!外帶個環保袋仲非常少女呢~阿杏飯團 (富華中心商場) (荃灣)荃灣青山公路 - 荃灣段210號富華中心商場1樓1A-1B號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-16
📍阿杏飯團主打台式飯團同手搖,個位置都幾方便,荃灣地鐵站一出就係。新宿燒汁牛扒飯團🥩🍙 $40切開入面竟然係紫米飯,朋友食第一啖已經哇咗出聲😍牛扒好香燒汁味,又軟又嫩,超有飽足感!鹹蛋鴨胸飯團🦆🍙 $43最多人叫嘅系列之一,睇相就知啲鹹蛋黃有幾澎湃,啲餡仲多過飯咁滯,咬到底都仲食到鴨胸😋檸檬養樂多🍋 $20係一個冇死嘅組合,由細到大都好鍾意飲益力多,呢個仲多咗啲檸檬嘅清香添🤩黑糖珍珠奶茶🧋 $17珍珠有咬口,奶茶唔會死甜,呢個價錢嚟講算幾抵飲👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)