
Above & Beyond
Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station/ Exit D1, Hung Hom MTR Station continue reading
設於酒店頂層的中菜廳,餐廳環境設計有如私人會所,放置不少書籍、工藝品及中式藝術品擺設,落地玻璃設計可飽覽維港景觀,設三間私人包廂。 continue reading
Good For
Business Dining
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
*Last order: 30 mins before closing
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Hotel ICON Cantonese Restaurant - Above & Beyond
With stunning views of the Hong Kong skyline, Above & Beyond offers some of the city’s most lauded Cantonese cuisine.

Amongst many awards, Above & Beyond has gained three “fork-and-spoons” in the Michelin Guide to Hong Kong Macau and has made the South China Morning Post’s list of ‘100 top tables’ for six years running. The wine room and dedicated sommelier have also been recognised with the prestigious ‘Top 10 Wine Pairing Restaurant Award in Asian cuisine’ from Wine Spectator in their 2018 Restaurant Wine List Awards and 'Top 10 Wine Pairing Chinese Restaurant in Hong Kong' for the third consecutive year since 2018 by Wine Luxe Magazine.

Valet parking is available at the hotel for HK$70 per hour. During lunch hours, 2 hours complimentary parking is offered with spending over HK$600. During dinner hours, 3 hours complimentary parking is offered with spending over HK$1,000.
About Reward Scheme
Review (361)
Level1 2024-11-14
同朋友慶祝生日所以提早訂檯話想要window seat打黎confirm時再講多次要window seat佢地話儘量安排去到先知無window seat 問佢地點解無 佢地話按訂位次序安排檯(唔知係咪 佢咁講 我咁聽)唔知點解早左訂檯都係無 可能因爲唔係vip有就有 無就無 一早講清楚 食到一肚氣食物其實ok … 叫左個片皮鴨餐每道菜都OK又唔係貴。但整體真係感覺好差,應該唔會再去食飯。咁既服務質素真係唔怪得知個個都返哂大陸。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-03
Visited for yum cha. Waited for 30min before food arrived, first dish was braised abalone chicken feet had a strong frozen smell, the rest of dishes was very average with very little seasoning or can taste any of the ingredients used. Not what you would expect at a hotel yum cha, other hotels along same stretch have a certain quality, this left much to be desired. Not sure how it is Michelin recommended restaurant apart from the view continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-01
今日黎左天外天餐廳食片皮鴨套餐,食景又食野,正先俾大家睇睇剛入去坐底既時候既景色,超靚😍主角片皮鴨出場!個皮超好食!好脆,同埋皮同肉中間既肥膏佢飛走左,所以一啲都唔會膩👍同埋佢一份係淨皮,一份係連埋肉,可以有兩個口感跟住上菜喺翡翠芙蓉蟹肉羹,比我想像中清新,唔會話好杰撻撻。再來就係無花果山藥炒蝦球,呢個都好食,個蝦好脆👍呢個係涼拌川味青瓜帶子,原隻鮑魚雞粒撻,冰燒三層肉,一碟上哂,三樣嘢都各有特色,全部都好食最後甜品係萬壽果紅棗燉雪燕配美點薈萃,個燉雪耳好清甜,食完成餐晚飯之後有個清清地嘅甜品做總結。最後我哋走嘅時候嘅景色: continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-30
非常差的體驗!之前參考過食評,有質素,有靚景,舒適,好想來體驗一下。今日襯同阿媽慶祝生日,一於來捧場吓。嘩,慘慘慘,服務非常一般,一系非常趕急地一同上兩道菜,一系等等等等等,等都吾知幾時先有菜上,忍不住要求上菜先有動靜😩😩服務生吾識主動做嘢,食完菜吉碟擺滿枱都冇人理,等下一道菜上才急急收碟!食物好一般,片皮鴨吾好食,咁嘅價錢吾值,炸子雞冇味,肉質尚好,其他菜式一般,炒飯都冇乜驚喜,一般茶餐廳都好過佢,蟹蓋尚可以接受,較為理想系在其酒店訂嘅蛋糕,好味😋造型靚總的一句,絕冇下次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-10
屋企人今日生日,本身之前都睇過呢一間餐廳上網嘅片,見到佢嘅景觀真係好靚,而且真係非常適合慶祝生日,今晚媽咪就想試佢嘅套餐,我就帶咗佢去試吓,因為係佢嘅生日,我哋仲叫咗wine pairing! 整體侍應都非常專業,一開始為我哋介紹每一道菜,而且亦都非常貼心,幫我哋安排好準備晒所有嘢,呢個位非常值得加分!佢嘅叉燒非常出色,而且入口絕對唔會成口油,佢係熱熱地嘅感覺,所以成個口感做得非常好,而且餐廳應該採用高級嘅豬肉,所以叉燒非常鬆化,極都燒得好香!加埋紅酒嘅配搭,簡直係一流!而且餐廳個景真係冇得輸,成晚我哋都係咁打卡。非常靚。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)