All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash
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Review (8)
Level4 2024-06-02
#阿夫利it located at hysan place. 3 store are blended into one. so i dont know which resto im writing to, but afuri is the most eyes catching brand from japan. so i write here for all the food comment.1) afuri ramen. soso quality. portion is quite big. compared to japan. price are also doubled here in hk. so its acceptable. but still expensive. 118+1.2) the steak hamburger..... so old. so shoes. i cant even bite it half. the beef is toooo dry and lean. need a knife to eat with. next time better order tradition minced beef burger..... beef is tasteless as well. low quality beef.....168+1 crazy.3) softly pancake. it is not density. very soft and full of air. technically i cant feel what i am eating but cre only. girl live this but i dont.overall 50/100. probably wont come back.bye🫡wont back bye🤝#food #hkfood #hongkongfood #台灣美食 #日本グルメ #ukfood #澳洲美食 #馬保國 #香港美食 #深圳美食 #hkfoodpoet #閃電五連鞭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-10-17
我们是到店自取招牌柚子烧肉拉面,出餐很慢,等了蛮久。拿到后面条很硬且打结在一起,汤很油(上面浮了整整一层),柚子的味道又不是很和谐,烧肉味道还可以但是很多肥肉。整体食物非常一般,甚至可以说难吃,价格又很贵(108元一碗面、一块肉、很少的笋,加蔬菜要18元,以为是一整份菜结果打开盒子看到只额外加了两根菜…)。服务员对自家菜单上的产品也不熟悉,问了几样东西都说不太清楚用的什么肉。而且招牌的蒸饺子又卖光了。总之完全不推荐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-10-02
以前食過好多次尖沙咀分店,食物質素好,招牌柚子拉麵湯頭清新有香味,餃子好味,又有訂位平台訂位優惠,所以耐唔耐就會幫襯!見銅鑼灣呢間新開,諗住試吓,點知中伏!首先出菜好慢,又唔係好多客,第一碟嚟$56一碟嘅羽根豚肉餃子,6隻,夠膽死煎到兩隻燶咗!四隻白色好似未煎完咁!賣相又差!咁都拎得出嚟俾個客!簡直垃圾😡拉麵叉燒肥到得一半可以食得!仲要加晒價!簡直不知所謂!做壞自己招牌!以後唔會再幫襯😡😡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
本身想去尖沙咀嗰間分店,但真係就唔到時間。星期二晚放工時份同事話想去銅鑼灣,仲問我食咩好,即刻提議。銅鑼灣店喺希慎廣場6樓,餐廳都開揚,有吧枱亦有圓枱。我去到嗰陣冇人等位,餐廳都未滿座,可能因為新開啦。阿夫利同另一間西餐share個舖位,起初張枱上面只係有西餐餐牌,我哋要問先攞到拉麵餐牌。我見同場都有人同枱又叫西餐又叫拉麵。都好嘅各有喜好嘛。同事叫咗柚子拉麵,我就食豚骨拉麵,加咗一個魷魚小食。同事嘅柚子拉麵湯清仲有柚子香。我嘅豚骨拉麵,都ok嘅,冇咩特別,我下次都會食返柚子。至於小食,魷魚太油⋯唔會再叫。唔使等位令人好開心,同埋間店都大,坐得幾開心。阿夫利我喺日本食過⋯咁梗係日本好食啲啦❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-04
職員溫柔有禮,但加埋一要130蚊一個拉麵,其實真係唔expect過質素咁麻麻哋。是日lunch過尼食左個豚骨拉麵,本來見到袖子鹽味都有啲想試,始終夏日好似清爽啲,不過又好驚中伏,所以都係試咗個最經典嘅味道。麵底過冧,冇味,湯底好厚身,但唔係感覺香濃而係漿口,似打左少少獻咁。同埋個湯底食落係有少少澀味 ,可能來自燶咗嘅蒜味(我麵係估),不過呢個味道各花入各眼,有d人覺得係有層次。叉燒唔錯,入口即溶。蛋冇蛋味。始終食拉麵係最想食個麵,今日呢個lunch真係有點失望。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)