3-min walk from Exit C, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Agave Wanchai is a Mexican Restaurant and Bar, with a casual and friendly atmosphere. Other than serving characteristic Mexican dishes, Agave also offers a wide variety of tequilas! continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Spicy Shrimp Cheese pot with tortillas Crispy cream and cheese cake Snow rice cracker Mexican cactus salad Tortilla roll
Review (47)
Level4 2020-10-01
灣仔駱克道酒吧街大家諗到嘅可能都係熱熱鬧鬧人群聚集嘅地方,但其實中午下午時段,人流未至,倒是食野飲番杯的好地方。 座位之間嘅透明隔板係足有1.5米高,感覺安全之餘唔會太侷促。Tacos 叫左餐廳推介既Carne Asada,用肉眼、牛油果及蕃茄salsa醬既組合,taco係現做,薄薄的,牛肉亦燒得好香。唔多夠喉,之後要多一個Guacamole,就係粟米片加牛油果醬,點下點下,確係飲下酒傾下計時既上佐酒小食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-10-03
Great spot for some delicious Mexican food. Tried the chicken quesadillas, and they were good. Tortillas were soft, cheese was super melty, chicken was melt-in-your-mouth. Came with a side of guacamole that was super creamy, some ok sour cream, and the tomatoes in the salsa were diced very finely (just how I like it). Would recommend trying this dish.The beef mole poblano enchiladas. The mole poblano has a beautiful smokey flavour, and a slight kick to it, but not overly spicy. Beef was tender and went well with the sauce. Came with rice and beans on the side, but the portions were so generous that I couldn’t finish it all. Also had a frozen margarita. A refreshing accompaniment to a delicious meal continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
墨西哥菜在港可算較陌生的菜式,要找間正宗的更是難上加難,不過於灣仔駱克道的Agave 可說是城中少有忠於地道風味的墨西哥餐廳。店內面積寬敝,坐得自在舒服,酒吧格局加上鮮色的佈置甚具南美異國風情,最適合與朋友們把酒當歌。這裡的另一賣點是極其壯觀的Tequila藏量,以玻璃酒瓶拼湊成顏色豔麗的彩牆,稱得上是全港集合最多款Tequila的餐廳,用龍舌蘭葉製成的Tequilla是墨西哥的國酒,酒精含量較高,Aftertaste極強。餐牌全都是道地的墨西哥菜,就連墨西哥捲餅都可融匯多種變化,猶如墨西哥人的個性自由奔放。為慶祝9日16日墨西哥獨立日,Agave由即日起至9月30日期間推出期間限定的Fiesta Nortena Menu,主打多款牛肉菜式。Chivichangas Envueltas En Tocino $98期間限定的新菜式,即是煙肉包辣牛肉炸墨西哥卷,伴以煙乾紅椒蛋黃醬,辣度絕對不輕,貫徹墨西哥菜的辛辣風味。其實就是Burrito的油炸版本,金黃餅皮炸得像酥皮般焦脆,入口脆卜卜,卻依然保持乾爽不油膩。捲餅包得充實飽滿,內餡裹滿牛肉絲和煙肉,咬一口即將餡料全打包,香辣惹味得令人停不了口,再三回味。Ceviche de Res $138Ceviche是屬於拉丁美洲的烹調方法,依靠青檸汁的強烈酸度醃熟生肉。加入青洋葱、芫荽、辣椒與綠番茄等配料,混合青檸汁,殺菌消毒之餘,份外清新開胃。可以蘸上金黃脆香的玉米片,涼拌牛肉肉質軟嫩,吃來酸酸辣辣。Enchiladas Mole Poblano $178墨西哥捲餅花款層出不窮,這款Enchiladas 以餅皮包裹食材後,淋上墨西哥朱克力辣醬 Mole Poblano,並灑上芝士和洋蔥。濃稠的醬汁是以墨西哥辣椒、香料、洋蔥、芝士、黑朱古力等燉煮而成,微辣味道中滲進朱古力的醇苦與香甜,百味紛陳卻完全沒有違和感。餡料選了青瓜粟米等素菜餡料,味覺層次感豐富多變,平衡了墨西哥菜本身重口味的飽膩感。每份主菜也會免費附上芫荽飯和豆蓉,份量十足,足以吃到捧腹而回。豆蓉是以肉湯燉製而成,所以隱隱滲出肉香,不其然令人聯想起肉醬。雖然我本身不是芫茜控,但這碗芫荽飯的芫茜味較溫和,味道清爽,散發濃濃的異國香氣。Molcajete Pollo Y Nopal $218以加熱後的火山石缽盛滿蕃茄醬、芝士、仙人掌、芫荽和無骨雞肉,石鍋蒸氣騰騰,從頭吃到底都可保持熱燙溫度。無骨雞肉片啖啖肉,肉質細嫩不鞋口,全然吸收了醬汁的精華。還可以將附上的玉米粉皮包裹各款餡料,隨心所欲,配搭出專屬自己口味的taco。餅皮酥軟得來帶點韌勁,保留著單純的麵粉香,裡面裹滿多元化的熱辣辣餡料。Mi Amor $92 Margarita是用Tequila配製的雞尾酒,混以青檸汁和菠蘿,酒精濃度頗高。Carro Rosa $92同樣都是Special Margarita,這杯則以紅莓及青檸汁混合而成,酒香中滲出酸甜氣息。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-06-18
This is a Mexican restaurant recommended by my friend and he bring me there. As we want to have some snacks before we attend a party. //But it’s my first time to try nachos instead of the normal one that we can eat in cinemas or buy from supermarket.It’s so nice to have a nachos with friends or valentine with a good vibe👍🏻//We order a pork flavour of nachos, at first I thought it would be just normal nachos and some sauce with pork but I am wrong as when the nachos arrive, it’s really good!!!🥰They made a sun shaped declaration with the nachos also with cheese sauce and onions sour cream on top. It looks really nice and mouthwatering🤤The crispy and warm nachos with cheese and sour cream which taste flavourful! The pork is really soft and juicy, the size of the nachos is quite a lot so we can’t finished it but I feel like I ll go there often because the nachos is really good😋Finally we ask for taking out the rest of the nachos but they only use a kind of sliver paper to pack, if using a paper box ll be better🤓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-05-05
amigo ‘warm & cosy restaurant plus friendly services , here comes to the mexican night ~ live music brings on nine pm .so tonight came with ;veracruzana -fish pieces soaking in red sauce ,fajitas pork ,& side with , avocado mashed , sour creme , chopped tomatoes , herbal rice & flat bread .with leffe & coco blanco ,wow umyum continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)