Opening Hours
08:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
08:30 - 21:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Agnes B向來以高質素優雅見稱,今日我想重點你做乜嘢呀介紹佢哋幾款甜品。首先係士多啤梨撻。見到Agnes B好不吝嗇地放上幾塊鮮甜的士多啤梨,而且有吉士內涵,果肉鮮甜,有精美金箔,朱古力香氣曲奇外殼令人著迷。然後係芒果慕絲,上面嘅朱古力小熊非常可愛,喺Anges b的icon。喺圖片中見到上面有厚厚一層芒果醬,下面係布甸質地嘅芒果慕士,挺拔且嫩滑。玫瑰咖啡同熱朱古力味道香濃,四十幾元,咖啡店素質,不錯的!
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Agnes b嘅蛋糕價錢都係中位價始終包含埋名牌子嘅出品所以價錢上都唔算平而蛋糕嘅款式唔算多而且個外貌上唔會係好七彩顏色都係大路嘅款式,例如朱古力、栗子、白朱古力味道上就偏甜特別係栗子蛋糕上亦唔算好鬆軟整體蛋糕來講不過不失但依個價錢可以有其他更好嘅選擇
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今天時間有點趕,所以午餐也急急決定。經過 Agnes b,又好像有一段時間沒有吃,就買它吧!非常滿意買完後等候食物的時間很短!👍🏻👍🏻因為時間有限,所以選擇了外賣!今次選擇了黑松露意粉 及 熱朱古力黑松露醬汁味道濃郁,質感剛好,意份份量也適中,不會吃不完,而吃完又十分飽🤣熱牛古力飲品一向都是我最愛,有很多品牌我喜歡,而 Agnes B 朱古力飲品的甜味及奶味也是其中一個最喜歡的品牌外賣盒是環保♻️紙盒👍🏻 這是加分的!外賣紙袋堅固也可重用,good!
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呢度啲飲品幾特別,除咗咖啡之外,仲有好多同水果有關嘅frizzy drinks. So far 都未點見到外面啲手搖飲品店有賣。我今次係飲西瓜味嘅iced frizzy drink. 我望住個barrister mix杯嘢。佢係真係用新鮮西瓜汁,而唔係好似其他飲品店咁用啲chemical去夾硬整啲味。好飲嘅,清清甜甜咁,好入口,都唔會好似Starbucks咁甜到糖尿。但係佢一杯嘢都幾貴,普通一個iced drink要42蚊,間唔中飲下都ok.
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We spent a weekend afternoon chilling out at the café, we ordered a mango and chocolate cake which were surprisingly tasty, as we always tried to avoid pastries that are too sweet. It was good for having a cup of their regular blended coffee in the afternoon with less caffeine level so you can refresh yourselves while it will not affect your sleeping conditions at night! The cafe situated in the middle of the mall as an open area, which is very easy to access! 😎
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