1-min walk from Exit D2, Wong Tai Sin MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
The bill be rounded to the nearest dollar
Opening Hours
*Last Order: 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (20)
Today was a challenging day. After completing all tasks, good foods are of high demand for self-encouragement. Just walked pass this tradition japanese noodle shop, I suddenly discovered that I haven't visit this shop for a long time. It was time for afternoon tea time, they had tea sets. I ordered this noodle set as normal, coz all things I wanted were included: egg, porks, vegetables, noodles and drinks.The soup was full of scent of fresh porks. The half-egg was my favorite. The whole noodle was just normal. The highlight of the meal was that one of the waitresses here was really friendly. She praised on my outfit and said I was attractive!!🤣🤣 Really surprise to hear such comments in a restaurant😂😂 No need to verify whether it was true or not, but it was so encouraging, especially on such a challenging day!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-07-19
已經好多年冇食個味千拉麵,今日見到無人排隊就再試吓啦。經典菜式味千拉麵估唔到又好食返,做得返以前個味道,個濃郁嘅湯底,係比較油膩。叉燒做得好好半肥瘦而且皮已燒脆,都幾有驚喜。豚肉拉麵湯底冇味千拉麵咁濃,咁油。豚肉非常之薄,食落口唔會好鞋。兩碗面$130,如果比起出面其他拉麵專門店真係平好多。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-04-02
今日朋友話俾我知,食味千拉麵有學生證有七折,覺得都幾抵食.於是就去位於黃大仙中心「味千拉麵」試試,打開餐牌,看到碗全盛拉麵都好吸引,於是叫了一碗來吃,配料分別有炸蝦🍤、蟹柳、獅子狗卷及兩大塊臀肉,麵質爽滑,湯底有好香嘅蒜香味,不過略嫌過多油。而另一碗是蕃茄肥牛湯麵,肥牛份量都好多👍抵食💰👏👏👏 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-03-02
9點幾10點係黃大仙食飯嘅選擇唔係太多,唔知點解今日好想去食拉麵,所以就選擇左一間細細個好鍾意食嘅味千拉麵當我嘅晚餐。發現除左拉麵以外仲有炒飯食,不過最後當然係點返我想食嘅拉麵啦。印象中menu選擇唔算好多,但拉麵已經揀返唔係我以前食開果啲,最後揀左一個叫全盛拉麵嘅,有芝士竹輪,叉燒同炸蝦。味道普普通通,唔知係咪太耐冇食,覺得啲湯有啲油。見到佢每逢22號去食就會有22蚊coupon送,下午茶亦都會有7折。但講真應該唔會再食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-02-18
已很久沒有吃過味千拉麵,今次途經黃大仙中心的店子是我們第一次光顧的。此店頗為光猛,人客不多,好容易便找到座位。打開餐牌便發覺和我以前吃的有所不同了。原來味千拉麵已有五十年歴史,確實算歷史悠久,而能在港屹立不倒這麼多年,必有其獨特之處。本想吃一碗餐牌中特別推薦的全盛拉麵,可惜已售罄,只好等他日才試吧!我們最後還是叫了豬軟骨拉麵和味千拉麵。豬軟骨拉麵 ($65)豬軟骨既淋滑又好味,拉麵彈牙,加埋爽脆的木耳和椰菜,入味溏心蛋,全浸在濃郁的湯底內,賣相和味道都吸引。味千拉麵 ($52)健康的日本义燒,入味溏心蛋和爽脆木耳同樣是浸在濃郁的豬骨湯底,亦是美味。今晚吃的拉麵味道確實不錯,可惜分量不多,價錢亦頗貴。怪不得附近的食店都見人龍,唯獨此店食客不多。我們結帳後,還覺得未吃飽,所以便打算繼續去找其他店子吃甜品。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)