Exit E, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
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Cash Octopus
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10% Service Charge
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Review (4)
Level4 2015-11-02
I love Appolo's frozen yoghurt because it is the mother of all froyos in Hong Kong before the Froyo trend and it tastes natrual.Went here because I was having dinner nearby and discovered that they had this uji matcha froyo which sounds good as you don't often find any froyo that is matcha flavoured.As well as uji matcha, they also had this new Hokkaido vanilla flavour but you can't try them.I was told that it was froyo mixed with uji matcha powder.Anyway, the woman there was a bit grumpy so it was hard asking her about the different flavours.There was some free strawberry yoghurt at the bottom from the last order.As for the uji matcha, it was quite nice but a bit too sweet which overpowered the yoghurt flavour and the uji matcha flavour was quite strong with hard starchy bits of red beans in it.◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎The bill: $38Service: grumpy womanService charge: noYummy factor: okNapkins provided: no◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-08-04
平日到超市的雪糕櫃一定會見過阿波羅這老牌子的雪糕,夏日炎炎,偶爾我也會買一杯消消暑,然而,我卻未曾在專門店買過一杯。那天星期六,我剛好在銅鑼灣逛街,逛到平日不多逛的金百利廣場,居然讓我有重大發現呢!原來,阿波羅的分店就在廣場的一樓,而且,門面很新很整潔,與印象中較舊式的設計完全不同。那邊口味並不多,只有大路的曲奇,朱古力等,較特別的已經是北海道牛奶跟榴槤。由於我很喜歡榴槤的關係,便要了一球,但又貪心,所以再要了一球牛奶味。一球其實頗大球的,所以一般胃較小的女生,建議要一球便可或跟友人分享,而我當然是相反。榴槤味道濃郁得很,彷彿就是一球真正的榴槤蓉,相當不俗;北海道牛奶則較遜色,牛奶味道不突出,變得跟一般雲呢拿雪糕沒兩樣,而且,放得太久了,口感不夠細滑,又帶有些微沉澱物,扣分!個人認為還是超市的阿波羅較好:) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-02-23
11月26日, 食完餐勁野個口又痕痕地…喺雪糕與yogurt之間選擇咗後者, 而又喺新興froyo店與土炮阿波羅之間再選擇咗土炮!::: 蜜瓜鮮果甜乳酪 ::: $20次次食阿波羅都係揀食蜜瓜味~ 店員先喺冰櫃夾d冰鮮晒嘅蜜瓜粒, 再連同一杯已經預備好嘅乳酪雪糕一齊倒入機中~ 好快就已經將兩樣野搞埋一齊變成我嘅蜜瓜甜乳酪! 仲可以揀要waffle cone! 當然以此價錢亦唔會expect個yogurt d奶味酸味會點出類拔萃, 整體味道雖然略淡, 但微甜嘅蜜瓜加埋冰凍嘅yogurt嘅化學作用亦相當良好~ 加埋個夠脆嘅cone絕對能夠止咗呀菲個甜品癮!其實部乳酪機仲殘留咗少少上手嘅藍莓乳酪… 店員小姐都有幫我洗一洗部機先再整比我, 不過都係洗唔淨… 唔緊要啦其實藍莓係貴d添架! 雖然大熱froyo店開到成行成市, 但我地以平靚正主打嘅土炮代表阿波羅都唔輸蝕~ 你見佢經歷過咁多年咁多個甜品潮流都仲屹立不倒就知啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-03-09
5點半, 茶餐用完, 回去 Sogo 邊逛邊等, 她的電話來了, 便即時衝回 Sogo 正門, 等待她從地鐵站鑽出來. 人到了, 她直指金伯利, 這些女仔商場, 若不是為了買禮物同陪女仔行街, 一個人都甚少去逛這個. 上次入這個商場, 該是選她的生日禮物那天.上到一樓, Window Shopping 了幾間手袋店, 她看見雪糕店, 便嚷著要雪糕, 說從小就喜歡阿波羅的. 而且主動說呢杯雪糕佢請,....... (有下聯的, 但費事講). 既然她嚷著要請, 當然欣然接受啦. 雪櫃裡一盤盤的冰硬水果, 選兩款, 再加一杯像蓮花杯咁大既雪糕, 一起混逵那雪糕機內. 不一會, 一杯有 Frozen 水果既軟雪糕出現. 我選了 Blueberry 加 Strawberry, 她 要了 Strawberry 加 Mango. 藍莓加士多啤莉, 因為兩種味道相符, 合起來不會過份的對搶, 雖然, 明顯地藍莓味道較重, 雲呢拿的甜加少少藍莓的酸, 好比那些水果味雪糕. 她的芒果加士多啤莉, 她說好似酸了少少, 士多啤莉味唔夠. 是否因為士多啤莉是完全 Frozen 關係, 定係佢地啲士多啤莉根本冇味. "早知叫佢落多啲芒果啦....." ...."落多啲芒果咪仲酸"......"哈! 又係喎".....又正式入鋪了, 快快趣吞左杯雪糕, 她比我早食哂, 而我則要大淡舌埋最後一口, 嘩, 太冰凍了, 整個口僵了一會......"叫左你唔駛急架啦...."....我吞下, 沒事....繼續行街. 由金百利行到 Time Square, 由 Citysuper 行到 Broadway..... 7.45分了, 要去灣仔了, 二人在鵝頸橋底, 等著電車的來臨. 下一站......天下太平. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)